Author Topic: Word Archon  (Read 2004 times)

Offline FeralVentas

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Word Archon
« on: April 25, 2020, 02:39:32 AM »
"Before you hovers a faintly glowing, bronze-skinned woman, hels aloft by a cloud of parchment papers that spread behind her like wings.  Each piece of paper has a different rune on it."
   "The mission of a Word Archon is to protect such noble concepts as "Virtue," "Goodness," and "Charity."  Using the power of Truenames, they travel far from Celestia to make sure such words inspire the good-hearted everywhere; and that evildoers that face the wrath of a Word Archon's voice raised against them. 
   Word Archons believe that Truename Magic is the most pure and perfect form of expression.  They treat it as something sacred and holy.  They view those who pervert it, such as Logokron Devils and Garblers, as hideous abominations and will attack them on sight. 
   A Word Archon is about 7 feet tall and weighs from 150 to 200 pounds."

Archon Body, Defiance of Anathema, Utterances, Utterance of the Evolving Mind, Parchment Mastery
Unimpeachable Self, Parchment Mastery (Wing Attacks, Weapon Form)
Tongues, Aura of Menace
Utterance of the Evolving Mind, Parchment Mastery (Flight 20)
Utterance of the Crafted Tool
Parchment Mastery (Flight 40, Exotic Weapon Form)
Utterance of the Evolving Mind
Parchment Mastery (Flight 60, Perfect Maneuverability), Utterance of the Perfected Map
Utterance of the Crafted Tool
Parchment Mastery (Flight 80, Focused Resolve), Spell Resistance, Utterance of the Evolving Mind

4 Skill points + Intelligence Modifier per level (4x at first level)
Class Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Knowledge(Arcana), Knowledge(Geography), Knowledge(Local), Knowledge(Nature), Knowledge(The Planes), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Truespeaking

Proficiency: A Word Archon is proficient with All Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Light Armor, Medium Armor and Shields 


Archon Body (Ex): A Word Archon loses all other racial features and gains the following; Outsider Traits, with the Lawful and Good Subtypes, A base movement speed of 30, a +2 Racial Bonus to Constitution, and a Racial Bonus to Truespeaking skill checks equal to 1/2 its Hit Dice as the language of True Speech is an inherent part of a Word Archon's nature.  As a Word Archon learns and grows, their sense of self further fortifies their mind and body, granting +1 Strength at each Odd-numbered level, and +1 Intelligence at each Even-numbered level (Totaling +5 to each score respectively by tenth level).

Defiance of Anathema (SLA/Su):  A Word Archon's being is defined in no small part by the forces against which they conflict.  Starting at first level, a Word Archon may use Protection From Evil (as the spell of the same name) once per day as a spell-like ability with a Caster Level equal to its HD.  At Third level, they may use this ability three times per day.  At fifth, their inherent defiance of evil crystallizes, granting them Protection From Evil as a permanent Supernatural Ability, and allowing them instead to use Magic Circle Against Evil (as the spell of the same name) once per day as a spell-like ability with a Caster Level equal to its HD.  At seventh level, they may use this ability three times per day, and at ninth level this second aspect likewise solidifies into a Permanent Supernatural Ability active at all times. 

Utterances: (SLA):  As True Speech is an inherent part of a Word Archon's existence, they naturally learn True Names of things as they grow, travel, and improve their skills.  This grants them access to the three Lexicons of Truenaming; The Lexicon of the Evolving Mind, The Lexicon of the Crafted Tool, and the Lexicon of the Perfected Map.

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Parchment Mastery (Su): A Word Archon is invariably followed, or at least, in proximity, to the many symbols and words that make up their being.  This takes the shape of numerous pieces of paper or parchment which float about them usually, though a Word Archon attempting to avoid notice may as a standard action make a Concentration Check opposed to an active observer's spot check to collect the pages into a stack to carry in hand or place into a folder, container, and so forth.  The pages are never far from their person however, and will invariably rush back to the Word Archon's proximity if they might otherwise be moved more than 5ft away.  If secured in a fashion that would make it physically difficult for the pages to return to their floating positions, any object that Might impede their path must make a Fortitude Save DC 10+(The Archon's HD+ the archon's Strength Modifier) or else fail to do so, potentially to the object's destruction or detriment as the DM sees fit.  They may never be targeted separately from the Word Archon in the same fashion that many creatures' elongated appendages may not be targeted separate from the creature.

When a Word Archon first starts on their path (level one), these pages provide a measure of protective cover, either by being visual obstacles or remarkably sturdy interposing defenses, granting the Word Archon a Shield Bonus to AC equal to their Intelligence Modifier. 

At Second Level, the Word Archon has cultivated enough control over their papers to manipulate them more deliberately, allowing them to form them into either a Simple Melee or Martial Melee weapon of their choosing, or into a pair of wing-shaped formations behind their back which grant them two Wing Natural Attacks.  They may form their parchment pages into any combination of the two (A pair of daggers, or one wing with one sword in hand, or both wings) though a 2hand weapon form takes up both "attack option" slots.  Changing the formation of the pages is a Swift Action that may be performed once per turn.  The Word Archon making use of this ability is still able to use the pages to ward off attacks with them, and therefore maintains the shield bonus to AC regardless of the form of their pages at any given moment.  A Word Archon is Always Considered to be proficient with weapons formed from their pages using this ability.  If disarmed of their Parchment while using it as a Weapon, the pages fall away then reform into the state in which they had been at the start of the Word Archon's next turn if the Word Archon can hold them, or else return to their floating position if that is not possible.

At Fourth level, the Wings aspect of the Archon's pages take on a much more literal fashion as the True Word of Flight becomes available to them, granting a 20ft flight speed to the Word Archon at Average Maneuverability.  As with the Shield Bonus, this is available regardless of what the Archon has formed the pages into, but defaults to the Wing Shape when not otherwise applied, and may Not be stowed or concealed while in flight. 

At Sixth level, this flight speed increases to 40ft, and the Word Archon may shape their pages into Exotic Melee weapons. 

At Eighth level, the flight speed increases to 60ft with Good maneuverability, and Parchment Mastery Weapons are treated as Good Aligned for the purposes of aligning weapons and bypassing damage reduction.

At 10th level, the flight speed increases to 80ft with Perfect Maneuverability.  A Word Archon may forego Two of the following three (Flight, Shield Bonus, or Weapon Form) in order to augment the remaining feature, either improving the Flight Speed to 160ft, Changing the Shield Bonus to an Untyped Bonus and Adding their Strength Modifier to its value, or gaining an Enhancement to their Parchment Wing or Weapon Attacks equal to 1/4th of their Hit Dice to attack rolls and damage rolls (or 1/3rd their Hit Dice if using this ability to form a 2hand weapon).

Unimpeachable Self (Ex): A Word Archon's Resilience increases with their experience as they learn more names, words, and truths, in a gradual ascension toward the incarnation of their True Name.  Starting at second level, a Word Archon gains Damage Reduction (Bypassed by Magic), Electricity Resistance, and a Racial Bonus on Saves verses Poison and Petrification, all equal in value to their Class Level.   

At Eighth level, they reach a preliminary apotheosis, with their Electrical, Poison, and Petrification Resistance becoming Immunity to those effects.  They have completed their initial development of self at tenth level, with their DR10/Magic becoming DR10/(Magic & Evil), and gaining Spell Resistance equal to 11+ their Hit Dice.

At 10th level They gain a bonus on saving throws against all Power Word, Symbol, and Sigil Spells (Such as Power Word: Kill, Symbol of Death, Sepia Snake Sigil, or Explosive Runes), equal to their Intelligence Modifier, and may make a Will Save (DC 10+Spell level+Caster's Primary Spellcasting Ability Modifier) against all such spells that would not normally offer a saving throw. 

Aura of Menace (Su): A staple feature of divine agents is the fearsome mien they bare and turn toward their foes.  All hostile creatures within a 20ft radius of the Word Archon must make a Will Save (DC 10+1/2 HD +Strength Mod) or else take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and armor class until they successfully strike the Archon or until 24 hours has passed since being afflicted.  A creature that resists by making its save or otherwise breaks the effect cannot be affected by it for another 24 hours. 

Tongues (Ex): While True Speech is a Word Archon's inherent nature, all language stems from it, and that extended linguistic family makes for familiarity at their mother-tongue's extended family.  At Third Level, a Word Archon is constantly treated as if affected by an Extraordinary Tongues Spell.

(Thank you Doxkid for the formatting help on the level chart.)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2024, 11:33:57 PM by FeralVentas »

Offline Doxkid

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Re: Word Archon
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2020, 01:24:43 PM »
I'll pop in to review this later, but until then take this table

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« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 09:30:06 AM by Doxkid »

Offline Doxkid

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Re: Word Archon
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2020, 05:28:39 PM »
*Utterances: (SLA)-
If you are directly using the original Truenamer's Truespeech mechanics there is no need to reiterate how it works; if anything, doing so creates the opportunity for niche oddities in how this version works that would not occur otherwise.

~blah~blah~ A Word Archon's use of these Utterances is identical to that of a Truenamer and can be used to qualify for feats and prestige classes.. Levels in any class with the Truespeak Class skill stack with levels in Word Archon when determining the Caster Level of Utterances; the Utterances gained by Word Archon count as bonus Known Utterances ~ blah ~ blah ~ blah ~
At First level Word Archons gain access to a 1st Level utterance of the Evolving Mind. At fourth level, and every three levels thereafter, the Word Archon gains access to the next higher level of Utterances from this Lexicon and learns one Utterance of that level.
At Fifth level Word Archons gain access to a 1st Level Utterance of the Crafted Tool. They gain access to 2nd level utterance of the Crafted Tool at Ninth level.
At Eighth Level Word Archons gain access to a 1st level Utterance of the Perfected Map.

*I recommend spacing the alternative rules out in the same way (and also putting them in a Spoiler, so the main class info is not cluttered).

*If those alternative rules are meant to be used instead of the overly complicated and problematic rules of Truespeech...why is the same DC system from Truespeech ported over to the SLA? I recommend just making them quick, dirty SLA.

*One single note with “DCs are Intelligence based. Caster level = Word Archon level” would suffice for the class as a whole since Truespeech also uses Int based Dcs for the Utterances with saving throws.

Parchment Mastery (SU)-
*What type of action is that Concentration check? Is it a Swift Action like the later part of the ability? If it's a nonaction can they try over and over until they succeed? There is no immediate consequence like there would be for failing a Concentration check to maintain a spell, so there isn't much stopping them from trying 500 times in a single round until they succeed.

*Why is the DC so janky? Without an Int Mod or Con mod or any other bonuses or considerations, a level 10 Word archon that maxed out concentration would be facing a DC of 15 and rolling with 13 skill ranks to try to pass that check; at level 1 in the same situation it'd be a DC of 24, while rolling with 4 skill ranks. You can probably just leave it as a flat DC 25 or 20 or 15 and avoid the Truenamer-style DC changing stuff.

*What about ammunition if they form a Longbow, which is a normal and common martial weapon? Crossbows? Can the weapons be sundered? Can the weapon be given away? Stolen?

*It'd be good to reformat the 10th level to be more reader friendly

Unimpeachable Self (EX)-
*Same deal as the others. Break it apart into smaller paragraphs.

*When does the bonus vs Power Word style spells start?

Tongues (EX)-
*I don't think this actually needs the Caster Level mention, and if it did it would be easier to just include it under the blanket CL rule suggested earlier.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2020, 05:31:54 PM by Doxkid »