Srsly, how can you say "Iaijutsu Foctotum" without Iaijutsu Master?
...Ooh, I see what you did there.
Have you tried Factotum 8 / Iaijutsu Master 5 / Master of Masks 1 / Chameleon 6?
You still get extra Standard Actions, the Gladiator Mask, dozens of skill points and total versatility. Using Domain & Runestaffs you can expend your Divine/Arcane spell slots for Devil's Ego & Righteous Aura. With a base score or 10, +6 item, and Horseshoes of Flame you'll have 30 Charisma, or an extra +90 damage with each Iaijutsu Strike and of course the +10 to initiative. And you can still buy Sneak Attack (in fact you have it though chameleon, so pick up Craven for +20 more dmg).