Author Topic: Hivemind [Race]  (Read 927 times)

Offline Stratovarius

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Hivemind [Race]
« on: April 05, 2021, 07:36:58 AM »
Hivemind Racial Traits
Land speed 30 feet.
Monstrous Humanoid: Hivemind are not subject to spells or effects that affect only humanoids, such as charm person or dominate person.
Slight Build: The physical stature of Hiveminds lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category smaller. Whenever a Hivemind is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as Hide), the Hivemind is treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous to the character. A Hivemind is also considered to be one size smaller when "squeezing" through a restrictive space. A Hivemind can use weapons designed for a creature one size smaller without penalty. However, the space and reach of a Hivemind remain those of a creature of their actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of runes, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category.
Hivemind: Hiveminds are a unique species, totally tied to one another by both birth and a strange, unerring connection that only grows stronger when in the presence of others of their species. This manifests itself in a number of ways:
- Hiveminds may communicate with others of their race within 10 ft per character level
- Whenever hiveminds flank an opponent, they gain a bonus on all attack rolls equal to the number of other hiveminds flanking that enemy, up to a maximum of their character level
- Hiveminds gain the benefit of the swarmfighting feat, but may only use it with other hiveminds
- Hiveminds gain a bonus on all saving throws equal to the number of other hiveminds within 10 ft per character level, up to a maximum of their character level. If it is more than five, they gain evasion. More than ten, improved evasion.
Automatic Languages: TBD. Bonus Languages: By region.
Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclassed Hivemind’s fighter class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty.