I mistakenly substituted Hawk for Feather in my initial post, I meant [Feather] and would select a Roc to start but Mechanically speaking, Gryphons are better stat wise so I did not even mention the Roc which would soon be replaced by a Gryphon.
I am playing an Aasimar
Stats are set to: 17,16,15,14,13,12 before racial adjustments.
As to what is allowed:
Per DM, only Pathfinder 1E, no D&D 3.5, no Pathfinder 3rd party without express permission.
As for what I want to do with my character:
I plan on making him a military leader, going for leadership at lvl 7. (think the Templars)
Combat wise, I plan to go back and forth between spells and melee.
I wanted to have an animal companion and a cohort to be able to have my own personal little army when I roll into battle so I can back up my party in whatever way they need.
It has been suggested to me that I should go Evangelist as a prestige as there really is no reason not to considering the boost in skills and progression of cleric class features, the problem is finding the right deity which offers the most bang for the buck.
Right now I'm heavily leaning towards Sarenrae just due to the plethora of content designed towards her and the power of Way of the Merciful:
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/divine-fighting-technique-combat/ (being able to smack people to heal is amazing!)
I would ideally like to be able to shoot lightning (my preferred elemental flavor) and have an animal companion along with a weapon that doesn't suck, hence my love of Horus. Alas, Bird Daddy does not have any deific obedience.
I am firm about staying Cleric as the base class but want animal companion(s).
The Feather Subdomain would be what I would take if I have he Animal Domain and would be selecting a Roc as an animal companion.
I find the idea of using the Animal Domain and Chivalry Inquisition to have 2 mounts utterly hilarious, though that would take away any and all blasting capability with domain spells so I would probably want to avoid that.
The plan currently is:
Cleric (Divine Paragon) (Choose Sentinel or Exalted boons)
Choose 1 actual domain, choose 1 sacrificial domain with good spells.
Prestige into Evangelist (double the boons, double the fun!)
An idea I had using the feedback here:
Cleric of Sarenrae (Divine Paragon)
Domains: Fire, Healing Domain (Sacrifice features of one of these for Exhalted/Sentinal Boons)
Feats: Nature Soul, Animal Ally (Wolf), Boon Companion, Way of the Merciful.
Prestige into Evangelist
Cleric of Sarenrae (Divine Paragon)
Domains: Fire, Chivalry Inquisition (Sacrifice features of Fire Domain for Exalted or Sentinel Boons)
Feats: Way of the Merciful, Monstrous Mount. Monstrous Mount Mastery.
Prestige into Evangelist
I am completely open to any way to make this build better or completely changing it so long as I can melee, spell cast, and have an flying animal companion.