Author Topic: [3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)  (Read 2391 times)

Offline Jatmaj

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[3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)
« on: June 14, 2022, 04:26:47 PM »
Elil, Watcher of Stars
Jovai, the Traveller Returning
Nuedha, the Great Tree

Elil, Watcher of Stars

Vestige Level: 5
Binding DC: 25


An astronomer and arcanist, Elil studied the mysteries of creation and the paths of the stars. His observations of the skies led him to infer certain secrets of how they were made - truths that the gods who placed the stars in the sky did not wish known. Some binders claim he was the first Ur-Priest, learning how to channel divine power without faith; others say that his secret was something else entirely and is now lost to history.

In either case, Elil’s dedication to his work was such that he did not relent, when clerics said that he offended the gods, nor when celestials commanded him to cease his studies and share nothing of what he learned. Nor  did he relent, when the inquisitors came.

And after he died, he stood before the gods - or a particular sun god whom he once followed, according to some versions of the tale - and defied them still. Thus he was cast out of the afterlife for fear of what truths he might teach the dead, and became a vestige.


Elil appears as an elderly human with stars shining in his eyes. When banished from the afterlife, Elil was also cursed never to speak, so that he could not share what he had discovered. Thus, he does not bargain; he only waits for the binder to say their piece, and if he is satisfied, replies with the one sentence still permitted to him, his last words to the gods who condemned him:
“And yet it is true.”


Your voice becomes quiet and difficult to hear clearly, as if heard from a distance.


In life, Elil sought truth at all costs. As a vestige, he demands that his binder is truthful when it comes to scholarly matters. He does not object to lying about one’s own actions or experiences, but when it comes to knowledge about the world at large, the binder must tell the truth, and may not prevent others from doing so.

Granted Abilities:

Night Vision:

You can see clearly regardless of lighting conditions. This functions similarly to darkvision, but does not have a limited range, and can see through even magical darkness.


You gain a +4 insight bonus to Spot, Search, Sense Motive, and Knowledge checks.

Elil’s Resolve:

You can reroll a failed Will save or Concentration check. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

Elil’s Observations:

When you bind Elil, pick a Constellation. You gain the benefits of it as if you were an Astronomer of a level equal to your effective binder level.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2022, 04:12:53 PM by Jatmaj »

Offline Jatmaj

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Re: [3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2022, 04:26:54 PM »
Jovai, the Traveller Returning

Vestige Level: 1
Binding DC: 15


Those who travel to the furthest reaches of the Frostfell, or other distant places, might, in preparing for such a journey, find a map - perhaps a copy of a copy of an older map yet - that shows lands far past where most would dare to venture. And on occasion, such a map might be signed with the name of the explorer Jovai. Her name is seldom known except among explorers and cartographers, but even less known is the story of her last voyage, to “the edge of the world” (though scholars disagree on what that phrase means, or whether it means anything at all). Before setting out, she promised to return, and though none now know what fate she met on her journey, she surely died, and, unable to return alive, kept her promise by becoming a vestige who would, one day, be summoned and bound in the land she once called home.

Special Requirement:

The first time you bind Jovai, you must do so in a temperate, inhabited area of the Material Plane. Once you have made a pact with her once, however, she will answer your call in the future regardless of location.


Jovai appears as a humanoid, clothed in heavy furs and burdened with heavy packs, so thickly clad that her species can scarcely be discerned. She carries a lit lantern in her left hand, and her manifestation is preceded by its dim light shed over her seal, and a cold wind.


Faint lines appear on your skin. Although each individually could be mistaken for a near-faded scar or a trick of the light, collectively they outline a map of the area in which you made your pact. This map is, however, sufficiently lacking in detail that it will not usually be of use in navigation.


Under Jovai’s influence, you are filled with wanderlust, reluctant to remain too long in one place, and plagued by a sense that there’s something important to be found just over the horizon.

Granted Abilities:

Setting Out:

Your carrying capacity is doubled, and you gain a +4 competence bonus to Survival and Profession: Sailor checks.

Moving On:

Your speed is increased by 10 feet. (This applies to all movement modes you have.)

Coming Home:

You can find any building or settlement you’ve previously been in. This tells you the distance and direction of the location you name, and otherwise functions similarly to the Locate City spell, with a caster level equal to your effective binder level.

Cold Endurance:

You gain the benefit of the Cold Endurance feat.

Offline Stratovarius

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Re: [3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2022, 05:33:09 AM »
Elil seems overlevelled for the benefits that it grants. I would be expecting it to be a third or fourth level vestige, not where it is now.

Offline Draco Dei

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Re: [3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2022, 07:03:38 PM »
Elil seems overlevelled for the benefits that it grants. I would be expecting it to be a third or fourth level vestige, not where it is now.
Darkvision with unlimited range seems... nothing to sneeze at. Not sure how powerful the Constellation thing is, since that is a non-trivial amount of reading to do, but it could be pretty good?
Still, you could EASILY be correct. Just trying to inspire more detailed analysis.
P.E.A.C.H. = Please Examine And Critique Honestly

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: [3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2022, 10:11:29 AM »
My son and I came up with a few homebrew vestiges, and merged some of the others. Maybe I should post them on here... I love the flavor of these two. :)
I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.

Offline Stratovarius

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Re: [3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2022, 10:25:34 AM »
Post them

Offline Jatmaj

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Re: [3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2022, 07:10:17 PM »
Elil seems overlevelled for the benefits that it grants. I would be expecting it to be a third or fourth level vestige, not where it is now.
Darkvision with unlimited range seems... nothing to sneeze at. Not sure how powerful the Constellation thing is, since that is a non-trivial amount of reading to do, but it could be pretty good?
Still, you could EASILY be correct. Just trying to inspire more detailed analysis.

If nothing else, the fact that Constellations are a whole subsytem means he has a lot of versatility. That said, I tend to think Stratovarius is right on this one. Leaning towards making him Level 5 and increasing the bonus from Insight

Offline Jatmaj

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Re: [3.5] Miscellaneous Vestiges (P.E.A.C.H)
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2022, 04:12:28 PM »
Nuedha, the Great Tree

Vestige Level: 7
Binding DC: 30


The great tree Nuedha, grown from a seed of the World Ash of Elysium, once stood proud in the center of a great elven city. When the Fury of the Eye came, a horde with Gruumsh’s blessing upon them, the city was sacked, and the tree put to the torch. The flames lasted all day and all night, but on the next morning one of the survivors, a great wizard (who binders tell was in fact an anima mage) returned to the ruins, and amid the ashes, found the sigil of a vestige.


First, ash and fire appear upon the seal, but moving in reverse - smoke flowing downwards into flame, and flame unkindling to reveal the unburnt wood of a smooth-barked ash tree, branches bare as if in winter, despite the actual season.


Your skin gains the texture of bark, and leaves sprout in your hair.


Nuedha requires that you remain in sunlight whenever possible.

Granted Abilities:

Patience: You gain a +4 sacred bonus to Wisdom and a +2 sacred bonus to Constitution.

Barkskin: Your skin is toughened, granting a +5 enhancement bonus to natural armor, as if you were under the effects of a Barkskin spell.

Arboreal Soul: Your creature type changes to Plant. You gain the following traits of a plant creature:
   •   Low-light vision.
   •   Immunity to all mind-affecting effects.
   •   Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
   •   Not subject to critical hits.
   •   Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.