Author Topic: [3.5] [Base Class] [Mythos] Philothusia/Phileotheysia Fantastic Mythoi  (Read 295 times)

Offline Draco Dei

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I am uploading these because my hard-drive may or MAY NOT be crashing. They are more up-to-date than what is on GitP, but are unfinished, and may contain outright errors, especially in terms of omissions in the "Sequel(s)" portions. Balance may also be ill-considered due to lack of rereading.  (Also, for some reason, the spoiler was messing this post up, but NOT when previewed...)

Fantastic Mythoi "A Body Slightly More In Keeping With The Size Of My Heart" to "Dimensional Defense"
A Body Slightly More In Keeping With The Size Of My Heart [Sacrifice]
Any 2 of the following:
  • Aggressor-Removing Momentum (Exceptional Mythos)
  • Carry the Burden (Exceptional Mythos)
  • Defensive Strike (Exceptional Mythos)
  • The Sun Shall Not Burn Thee, Nor the North Wind Freeze Thee, Nor the Flood Drown Thee (Exceptional Mythos) able to grant breath (as of this writing, you automatically have this sub-ability by the time you get access to Fantastic Mythos if you have this mythos).
  • Let's Get You Out of Here! (Excellency)

As a free action you may take a point of burn* to your choice of constitution or charisma to increase your size by one step. This affects all your equipment as well. It does not stack with itself**, but can stack with other effects, even ones that do not normally stack with other effects such as Enlarge Person. This does not allow such effects to stack with each-other if they would not otherwise, only with the effects of this mythos.
*Yes, this is a pre-existing thing. It is ability damage that nothing but natural healing with the passage of time can cure.
**But see the Almost As Large As My Heart advanced manifestation of this mythos, which provides an exception to this, and Kaiju Protecting Capability mythos which builds on that.
The increase from this mythos effects does not affect your natural armor or constitution, but DOES affect your strength and dexterity as outlined in the monster manual, in addition to your space, reach, carrying capacity multiplier, AC/Attack modifier, etc. A table (combined from at least TWO tables in the SRD) is provided below summarizing most of these effects...

-------------------------------------------------New ReachNew ReachNew CarryingCapacity Multiplier
Old Size1New SizeStrDexAC/AttackNew SpaceTallLongBipedQuadruped
1 ft.
0 ft.
0 ft.
2½ ft.
0 ft.
0 ft.
5 ft.
5 ft.
5 ft.
5 ft.
5 ft.
5 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
15 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
15 ft.
30 ft.
30 ft.
20 ft.

1Repeat the adjustment if you move up more than one size. Remember, the new carrying capacity modifier replaces the old, rather than being cumulative with it.
For convenience, the carrying capacity table is reproduced with slight formatting edits in the spoiler below.
Strength ScoreLight LoadMedium LoadHeavy Load
1<= 3 lb.4-6 lb.7-10 lb.
2<= 6 lb.7-13 lb.14-20 lb.
3<= 10 lb11-20 lb.21-30 lb.
4<= 13 lb.14-26 lb.27-40 lb.
5<= 16 lb.17-33 lb.34-50 lb.
6<= 20 lb.21-40 lb.41-60 lb.
7<= 23 lb.24-46 lb.47-70 lb.
8<= 26 lb.27-53 lb.54-80 lb.
9<= 30 lb.31-60 lb.61-90 lb.
10<= 33 lb.34-66 lb.67-100 lb.
11<= 38 lb.39-76 lb.77-115 lb.
12<= 43 lb.44-86 lb.87-130 lb.
13<= 50 lb.51-100 lb.101-150 lb.
14<= 58 lb.59-116 lb.117-175 lb.
15<= 66 lb.67-133 lb.134-200 lb.
16<= 76 lb.77-153 lb.154-230 lb.
17<= 86 lb.87-173 lb.174-260 lb.
18<= 100 lb.101-200 lb.201-300 lb.
19<= 116 lb.117-233 lb.234-350 lb.
20<= 133 lb.134-266 lb.267-400 lb.
21<= 153 lb.154-306 lb.307-460 lb.
22<= 173 lb.174-346 lb.347-520 lb.
23<= 200 lb.201-400 lb.401-600 lb.
24<= 233 lb.234-466 lb.467-700 lb.
25<= 266 lb.267-533 lb.534-800 lb.
26<= 306 lb.307-613 lb.14-920 lb.
27<= 346 lb.347-693 lb.694-1,040 lb.
28<= 400 lb. 401-800 lb.801-1,200 lb
29<= 466 lb.467-933 lb.934-1,400 lb.
For Strength scores not shown explicitly on this table, find the Strength score between 20 and 29 that has the same number in the "ones" digit as your Strength score does and multiply the numbers in that for by 4 for every ten points your strength is above the score for that row.

Each time the burn is paid this one instance of this effect becomes available for a number of MINUTES equal to 3 plus either your Constitution Modifier or Charisma Modifier, whichever is higher. If this gives zero or less then it is 4 ROUNDS instead. During this/these period(s) any instance of this effect that was not paid for within the last round may be negated or resumed once per round as a free action. (In other words you can shrink back down for bit if it suits your purposes, without needing to take more burn when you grow again although the timers are still running on all instances).
An Injury Deeper, But More Responsive To Treatment
When you activeate this ability you may replace any of the individual points of Burn with an equal number of points of Drain to the same ability score. This can be a different amount for each score if you "paying" from more than one score. You may use your Hands of the Healer on this drain, but the DC of the heal check is increased by +5.

Almost As Large As My Heart
If you know at least one Legendary Mythos then this size increase may stack with itself for up to two size categories. This is in addition to any other size-altering effects it might stack with.
If you know at least one Exalted Mythos and one Legendary Mythos then this is instead three size categories.
Holding the Narrow Bridge Against the Horde
This technique was what Horatio used at Urbs.
The duration of each instance of this mythos is increased to twice your charisma or constitution SCORE (whichever is higher) in MINUTES, and is extended beyond that as long as you do not move more than 10’ from where you were at the moment that duration ended. Being moved by an enemy does not count against this, nor does moving back towards or into the original area after being so moved. This can either be by the most direct route, or by a route you propose and the GM approves as being an expedient one from the perspective of your character to return to that location (for example you might be allowed to detour around giant pits and such, or take a winding game-trail through a briar patch).

?Fantastic? Mythos
Archmage-Bottlenecking Defense
Prerequisites: Dimensional Defense (Fantastic Mythos), Defensive Strike with the Ghost-Denying Stroke Advanced Manifestation, (Note that this advanced manifestation has its own prerequisite)
Teleportation that starts and ends at points that each meet one or more of the following three conditions is now considered movement along a straight line from its point of origin to its point of arrival for purposes of your ability to make Defensive Strikes.
  • Share a plane with you currently, at least part of the time (so when Blinking you qualify as being on the Ethereal Plane plus one other.)
  • Due to Co-Existent Planar Interception are on planes that are included in your threatened area. Note that you do not need to threaten the point of arrival or departure, merely the same plane as whichever one is being considered.
  • Any location that you specifically threaten. Explanation: Making an AoO through a Gate or across the boundary where two coterminous planes intersect is something that might come up on rare occasions. In cases where this is the only reason the point lies within your threatened area use the location of the dimensional interface when determining the geometry, otherwise use the rules of whatever geometry allows you to threaten that point.

At the end of each provocation the provoker may choose to end their teleportation at the spot you made the Defensive Strike at. If you occupy either the source or the destination plane they appear on your plane. Failing that they appear on the same plane as their choice of ally whom they were moving towards via the teleportation.
If you also have the Stand Still feat (perhaps from Threat-Halting Strike), then you can elect before rolling a given defensive strike that a hit will not deal damage, but will instead ends their teleportation effect depositing them on the plane you occupy at the equivalent point to where the Defensive Strike occurred if the reflex save is failed. Note that this does NOT restrict the actions they may take after that, unlike the normal use of Stand Still.


Dimensional Defense
Prerequisite: Defensive Strike with the Ghost-Denying Stroke Advanced Manifestation, (Note that this advanced manifestation has its own prerequisite)
You can seriously impede even the most elusive of foes. In fact, even teleportation can not protect aggressors.
When you hit an incorporeal creature with a defensive strike, it must make a will save or lose the incorporeal quality for 1d3 rounds. Spell resistance also applies against this effect. If it is currently at least partially within a solid object it is shunted out to the nearest open space that can fully contain it, taking 1d6 damage per 5 feet so traveled.
An opponent who uses a [teleportation] spell or effect to arrive within your threatened area provokes an attack of opportunity from you if this brings them closer to at least one of your allies OR puts an ally within their reach plus 5’. This attack of opportunity gains all the benefits of Defensive Strike and mythos that have it as a pre-requisite (and their manifestations) EXCEPT to-hit and damage bonuses(But see Advanced Manifestations). If they are arriving within {their own reach plus 5'} of an ally this attack of opportunity gains even the to-hit and damage bonuses.
Demon and Devil Destruction
Prerequisite: Phileotheysia level 9
The to-hit and damage bonuses apply to all AoOs granted by this Mythos, rather than being dependant on the target's proximity to an ally.

Conjurer-Countering Cut
Creatures appearing via a [Summoning] or [Calling] effect qualify as if they were using a [Teleportation] effect.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 12:31:33 PM by Draco Dei »
P.E.A.C.H. = Please Examine And Critique Honestly

Offline Draco Dei

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I am uploading these because my hard-drive may or MAY NOT be crashing. They are more up-to-date than what is on GitP, but are unfinished, and may contain outright errors, especially in terms of omissions in the "Sequel(s)" portions. Balance may also be ill-considered due to lack of rereading.

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« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 12:40:01 AM by Draco Dei »
P.E.A.C.H. = Please Examine And Critique Honestly

Offline Draco Dei

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P.E.A.C.H. = Please Examine And Critique Honestly