Evernight (by Sneaky_Sable)
Every Dome has their own laws, and their own code. It can be said, then, that Evernight has only one law: There are no laws. A seedy, dark, and dangerous dome, Evernight is home to hedonists, sadists, drug lords, black markets, casinos, pleasure dens, and carnage. If you believe the tourism reports, dreams and desires are bought and sold on the streets, and due to most everything that happens in Evernight being illegal anywhere else, word on the street is what happens in Evernight usually stays in Evernight. If you're looking for sandy beaches and sunny skies, get back on the hopper to Luna and tell them you're an idiot and misspelled Sylvatium. Evernight didn't win the name in a contest, ass! It's always dark. No moon, no stars. Just whatever light you find, whatever light you bring, and the hope that you don't piss yourself in the dark.
In dark alleys, Medics without morals push exotic drugs using Lifetorn as their pushers, while performing illicit and dangerous medical practices for those who have the pay. If you survive, you know who to come back to for more and more procedures. If you die, well then it sucks to be you. You're likely to be hollowed out for the organ trade, and your empty body will be sent off to become the next Lifetorn sanitation worker. Recognize the face of a long lost friend shambling about? Get used to it, you learn things you never wanted to learn here in Evernight.
Evernight is home to an amazing series of drug rings, prostitution rings, gambling rings... more rings then a jeweler's shop, most of the time. Evernight is also the only place on the face that can secure you a hit of Void. What's Void? Void's *the* drug of choice. Comes in a vial good for one hit, and to prime it, you just expose it to light. Stuff goes inert in a few seconds, and after that, it's dead and harmless. Unless you blow it in the face of the authorities. Then they'll accidentally beat your skull in for being a wiseass.
Oh, and that's the other part of Evernight. No standard authorities. No cops. NONE! Though, what you do get are the PCS's. Private Contracted Security. Essentially private security details hired by businesses, districts, and what not. Keep the peace, as far as the parent company sees it, and protects investments. Everyone that contracts out a PCS has their own legal code, so in essence, Right and Wrong change from block to block, so either you learn the ropes fast, or learn to enjoy the taste of your own teeth. Each business worth being in business either employs one, or is one. Folks take care of their own down here, and if you mess with the wrong business, well, the Sanitation department is always hiring. Stay close to the big businesses, major population areas, and under the bright lights of the Strip and you'll be relatively safe. Walk away from those palces and you're on your own; No one is coming to help you.
One of the prime attractions here in Evernight is the Bowl. It's a massive Colosseum, where jacked out mechanosynths, biosynths, morphlings, and anything else fight it out. There's a training consortium out in Jarrash, turns wimps and pussies into righteous badasses, and that whole dome is a sandy death trap. Rumor has it that actually MAKING it to the training center is half of the admission, but who knows. Sometimes, they bring out these weird things that were tracked down from outside the Dome by 'Skippers, and while the fights aren't always to the death, they're *always* for the fans. Best part, since the Colosseum is one of the biggest draws, it has a practical army keeping the peace, as it were. Not to mention all the Gladiators enjoy getting paid, and will tear any would-be thief in half and feed them their own asshole if they tried anything stupid.
So now that you have all that money, what to do? Well, short of hire a PCS to keep your ass intact, why not head down to one of the most prominent casinos in Evernight? King's Ransom, a massive casino with a Gygaxian medieval theme to it. There's knights, maidens, dragons, and wizards galore. Games of chance, games of skill, food and drink, entertainment, and secure lodging for those overnight binges. No one's ever seen the face of the owner of the King's Ransom, since they're always in costume, but everyone knows who they are. King's Ransom is owned and operated by the Black Knight, a tall figure of shiny black plate mail with a pair of ominous glowing red dots where their eyes should be. Folks on a winning streak, or who have almost nothing to lose, run the chance of being approached by the Black Knight and issued the "Black Knight's Challenge": Double or nothing, on one roll of the dice. Nine times out of ten, no one beats the Black Knight.
Want to get that heart pumping again (Sorry all you Lifetorn out there, but your exempt)? Head to Decibel. Loudest club in Evernight. Holostrobes, bass golems, tweeter swarms, Powerbard Jockies who know their shit, dancers straight from Carousel, and the booze isn't watered down. It's the hottest point in the grid, averages about a fight an hour, and as long as no one spills the tender's drink, then no one stops nothing. Watch out for the bouncers, though. They're all sorts of fuck you. Holomancers provide the lighting, while Powerbards provide the deafness. If you want to croon, maybe score some free booze or some free skin, Decibel takes all comers, except on Mondays. Mondays are reserved for the Battle of the Bards, where competing Powerbard bands try to see who sucks the least. Talent gets rewarded with drinks and time at Carousel. Actual talent gets noted by corporate sleezeballs, who then either produce a Faustian contract for the band, or ooze back to Hell where they came from. Sorry, not a big fan of suits.
Need to unwind after a binge of drinking and dancing? Head to Carousel. Best whor... brothel in Evernight. Run by the ever elegant Madam Midnight Rose, who according to Evernight lore is never the same race two days in a row. She maintains a well respected and exotic establishment, promising nights to remember and cherish for the right price. Now it's also well known that Madam Rose is very well connected with a local Biosynth / Morphling gang known as Boutique, run by the enigmatic and ostentatious "Wizard D. Roth", who provides both employees and security for Carousel. Madam Rose caters to the unusual and the exotic, and promises that given half an hour, she can provide a client with anything they desire. Man, woman, Morphling, Warforged, Angel, Demon... Carousel caters to the unusual.
Now, you're a softie from out of Dome, and you've managed to hurt yourself. You know what? Tough shit. Life goes on, just not for everyone. The Medicarium went bankrupt years ago, and now a whole swarm of squatters and semi-homeless live there, getting wasted off whatever they can find that wasn't stolen. Find an alley with a broken Medic, hand over some creds, and bite down on the complimentary stick he gives you cause anesthetic costs extra... and stop being a wimp about it. Pain is just weakness leaving the body, and if you have that much to cry about, then there's a whole lot of weak in you. Better hop back to Luna and ask for a one way trip back home... cause you won't make it here.
Police Presence - 0 (Non-existent) - Evernight has no standing police force. Instead, businesses and corporations within Evernight employ private security companies to enforce their own laws. Each company, business, or area of Evernight can (and does) have its own laws. Some areas of Evernight are not patrolled or overseen by any PCS, and are effectively lawless.
Corruption - 9 (Rampant) - Money can get you anything in Evernight. Drugs, passion, blood, vengeance, safe passage. It can save your life or ruin another's. For another money, you can be the king of Evernight, though... titles like that charge by the hour.
Strict / Lax - Varies - Certain areas of Evernight are a veritable fortress, while others are all but ignored. There's little to tell when you cross the line from one to the next, so stay sharp.