Author Topic: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)  (Read 6647 times)

Offline sirpercival

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Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« on: January 13, 2012, 09:30:32 AM »
An artificer/incantatrix prc for crystal mages.  What am I thinking??


Picture Credit: Google Image Search
"I grow them myself, so you can be assured my crystals are of the highest quality."
-Silkworm, gnomish crystallographer

A crystallographer is a crystal mage that specializes in growing metamagic crystals to improve their spells.

A crystallographer comes from the ranks of crystal mages and crystal warriors who wish to use the special metamagic properties of spellcrystals.

   Skills: Arcana 9 ranks, Engineering 6 ranks.
   Feats: Any metamagic feat.
   Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells or create 3rd-level weird science devices.
   Special: Grow crystal class feature, or both Scribe Scroll feat and Item Creation class feature.

Class Skills
 The Crystallographer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Arcana (Int), Concentration (Wis), Engineering (Int), Profession (Wis), Scholarship (Int), and Wordcraft (Int).
Skills Points at Each  Level : 2 + Int

Table: The CrystallographerHD: d6





Metamagic crystal (+1, least)
Bonus metamagic feat
Harvest crystal
Metamagic crystal (+2, lesser)
Bonus metamagic feat
Crystalline spell trigger
Metamagic crystal (+3, greater)
Bonus metamagic feat
Felicitous crystal
Crystalline resonance, metamagic crystal (all)


+1 level of existing spellcasting class
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
+1 level of existing spellcasting class

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A crystallographer gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Spellcasting: At each level above 1st, a crystallographer gains new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable, including spells automatically added to a spellcrystal at each level) as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before adding the crystallographer level.  He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If he had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a crystallographer, he must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

If the crystallographer has the weird science class feature, he may use this class to advance his level for the purposes of weird science instead.

Metamagic crystal: A crystallographer learns to craft metamagic crystals, which are single-use magic items that he (or another spellcaster) can use to apply metamagic to spells.  To use a metamagic crystal, a spellcaster includes it in the casting of a spell as an additional material component, which consumes the crystal; however, the spell is affected by the given metamagic feat without an increase in casting time or level.  Only one metamagic crystal may be used during any given casting.  Metamagic crystals come in several varieties (one for each metamagic feat) and three grades: least, which can be used to augment spells of up to 3rd-level; lesser, which can be used for spells of up to 6th level; and greater, which can be used on spells of 9th level or lower. 

At 1st level, a crystallographer can create metamagic crystals for feats which increase the base spell level by one; at 4th level, he can create metamagic crystals for feats which increase the base spell level by two; at 7th level, he can create metamagic crystals for feats which increase the base spell level by three; and at 10th level, he can create metamagic crystals for feats which increase the base spell level by any amount.  He can create least metamagic crystals at 1st level, lesser crystals at 4th level, and greater crystals at 7th.  A crystallographer can only create metamagic crystals for metamagic feats that he knows.

Craft reserve: Crafting a metamagic crystal requires expenditure of time, wealth, and XP just like crafting any other magic item.  However, a crystallographer gains a craft reserve (as shown on the table above) which can be used to cover the XP cost of crafting metamagic crystals, growing spell crystals (as per the Grow Crystal class feature of the crystal mage), or scribing scrolls.  Each time the crystallographer gains a new level, he receives a new craft reserve; leftover points from the previous level do not carry over.  If the points are not spent, they are lost.  A crystallographer can also use his craft reserve to supplement the XP cost of a spellcrystal, metamagic crystal, or scroll he is crafting, taking a portion of the cost from his craft reserve and a portion from his own XP.

Bonus metamagic feat: At 2nd level, and again at 5th and 8th level, a crystallographer gains a bonus metamagic feat for which he meets the prerequisites.

Harvest crystal (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a crystallographer gains the ability to salvage XP from a metamagic or spellcrystal and and use those points to create another metamagic or spellcrystal.  The crystallographer must spend a day with the crystal; after one day, the crystal is destroyed and the crystallographer adds the the XP it took to create the crystal to his craft reserve.  These points are lost if the crystallographer does not use them before he gains his next level.

Crystalline spell trigger: At 6th level, a crystallographer can combine the metamagic crystals he crafts with spell-trigger items such as wands or staves.  It takes 24 hours to attune a metamagic crystal to a spell-trigger item; once it has been attuned, the metamagic crystal attaches to the end and any spells cast with the item are affected by the metamagic feat, but require an additional charge.  Only one metamagic crystal may be attuned with a particular spell-trigger item at any given time.  A metamagic crystal used this way lasts for 10 charges (e.g., 5 uses of a standard wand) before becoming defunct.

Felicitous crystal: A crystallographer of 9th level or higher learns to make metamagic crystals at incredible speed if the need arises.  He can spend 10 times the normal XP cost to create a metamagic or spellcrystal in one hour.

Crystalline resonance (Su): Upon reaching 10th level, a crystallographer has mastered metamagic to such an extent that whenever he uses a metamagic feat, the required increase in spell level (if any) is reduced by one, to a minimum of +1 spell level.
 Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
 Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
 Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

"A quote of somebody else talking about your class!"
-name of quote originator
A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
 Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
 Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
 Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
 This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

 This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
 Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
 Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed   ()
hp  ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will
Speed   ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


Hit Die: dx
Skills Points at Each  Level : x + int
Class Ability
Class Ability.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Class Name gains a Bonus Feat every x levels higher than 10th
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 09:17:03 AM by sirpercival »
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 10:17:35 AM »
Metamagic Crystal Market Price

Metamagic Feat   Level   LeastLesser   Greater
Black Lore of Moil+0112gp 5sp437gp 5sp1012gp 5sp
Blistering Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp   
Born of the Three Thunders   +0112gp 5sp437gp 5sp1012gp 5sp
Chain Spell+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
City Magic+0112gp 5sp437gp 5sp1012gp 5sp
Consecrate Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Cooperative Spell+0112gp 5sp437gp 5sp1012gp 5sp
Corrupt Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Deceptive Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Delay Spell+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
Disrupting Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Earthbound Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp  3041gp 2sp
Echoing Spell+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
Empower Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Energize Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Energy Admixture*+41458gp 4sp3145gp 9sp7083gp 4sp
Energy Substitution*+0112gp 5sp437gp 5sp1012gp 5sp
Enervate Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Enlarge Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Entangling Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Explosive Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Extend Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Fell Animate+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
Fell Drain+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Fell Frighten+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Fell Weaken+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Fiery Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Flash Frost Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Fortify Spell (+1)+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Fortify Spell (+2)+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Fortify Spell (+3)+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
Fortify Spell (+4)+41458gp 4sp3145gp 9sp7083gp 4sp
Heighten Spell (+1)+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Heighten Spell (+2)+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Heighten Spell (+3)+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
Heighten Spell (+4)+41458gp 4sp   3145gp 9sp   7083gp 4sp
Imbued Summoning+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Invisible Spell+0112gp 5sp437gp 5sp1012gp 5sp
Lingering Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Lord of the Uttercold+0112gp 5sp437gp 5sp1012gp 5sp
Maximize Spell+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
Nonlethal Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Ocular Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Persistent Spell+63827gp 1sp4937gp 5sp11125gp
Piercing Cold+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Purify Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Quicken Spell+41458gp 4sp3145gp 9sp7083gp 4sp
Rapid Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Reach Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Reaping Spell+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
Repeat Spell+3583gp 4sp2250gp5062gp 5sp
Retributive Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Sculpt Spell+1125 gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Searing Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Silent Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Smiting Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Split Ray+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp
Transdimensional Spell+1125gp458gp 4 sp1020gp 9sp
Twin Spell+41458gp 4sp3145gp 9sp7083gp 4sp
Violate Spell+2375gp1354gp 2sp3041gp 2sp

* Energy Admixture and Energy Substitution metamagic crystals exist (and must be crafted) for each energy type individually.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 12:24:52 PM by sirpercival »
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 10:17:45 AM »
reserved just in case
I am the assassin of productivity

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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2012, 10:17:58 AM »
Done!  Thoughts?
I am the assassin of productivity

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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2012, 02:14:33 PM »
This class seems pretty sweet! As most item crafters, they'll need plenty of time, and loads of money, but what's nice is then they can hand off, essentially, Metamagic-In-A-Can to other mages, and make back all that money!

Transmute Time to Money. Works every time.
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2012, 02:51:19 PM »
Indeed.  :)  And it lets you do things like add high-level-adjust metamagics to high-level spells... but for a price.
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2012, 02:52:50 PM »
"We're all about to die, and there's nothing we can do about it!"

*Pickpocket* "Bullshit! Quickened Maximized Empowered Wish!"

(Now is curious about the prospects of a Maximized Wish)
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Offline sirpercival

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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2012, 02:54:20 PM »
"We're all about to die, and there's nothing we can do about it!"

*Pickpocket* "Bullshit! Quickened Maximized Empowered Wish!"

(Now is curious about the prospects of a Maximized Wish)

Actually... that reminds me.  I should probably put in that you can only use one crystal per spell, just like the rods these are based on.
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2012, 03:04:13 PM »
I'm pretty boss when it comes to breaking game :)
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2012, 04:01:26 PM »
The market price table makes me happy.  I'm weird like that.

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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2012, 04:03:53 PM »
Well that's sorta what mages do. In the 'off season' when they aren't adventuring, they're destroying local economies by producing items that off-season adventurers crave, and are willing to hollow out dragons to afford. A few "Greater" metaspell crystals, and it'll be like "The Gods Must Be Crazy" all over again.

"How much for the mead and ham?" ... "Seven thousand gold."
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2012, 04:24:23 PM »
The market price table makes me happy.  I'm weird like that.

The fact that it exists, or the fact that I put sp in the prices?  :)
I am the assassin of productivity

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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2012, 04:49:28 PM »
The market price table makes me happy.  I'm weird like that.

The fact that it exists, or the fact that I put sp in the prices?  :)

The fact that it exists and the fact that it at least looks like you put a lot of thought into it.   :P

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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2012, 04:50:29 PM »
The market price table makes me happy.  I'm weird like that.

The fact that it exists, or the fact that I put sp in the prices?  :)

The fact that it exists and the fact that it at least looks like you put a lot of thought into it.   :P

It's amazing the convincing results Random Number Generators can provide these days.  :smirk
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2012, 04:54:48 PM »
Haha!  No, it's not from a RNG, and I didn't put a WHOLE lot of thought into it... it's a pretty simple formula:

1) All metamagic rods of a given level adjust cost the same, so I can extrapolate for rods that don't exist (except for Persist, but I found where someone extrapolated for Persist and ran with that).
2) A metamagic rod costs some number # x 2000 for use-activated x .6 for 3/day.  A single-use item should be # x 50.  Therefore, I can find the price by dividing the rod price by (40 x 0.6) or 24.
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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2012, 06:33:02 PM »
For Crystalline Spell Trigger, which is the actual limit: uses or charges? Not all spell trigger items use the same number of charges on all abilities (see staffs, and also wands with reckless wand wielder and stuff like that, or even the metamagic spell trigger of Artificers).

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Re: Crystallographer [prc] (Magipunk)
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2012, 06:39:53 PM »
I had intended 10 charges -- I should make that clearer.
I am the assassin of productivity

(member in good standing of the troll-feeders guild)

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