Which schools should a focused specialist illusionist drop if the goal is to be a shadow craft Mage?
My dm has allowed a 6th level entry through earth spell heighten etc, and only wants to use the spells in the pathfinder books.
Right now I'm thinking evocation, conjuration, and necromancy
Evocation is a given, I can mimic it all
Necromancy because my character is in a superstitious sort of world and I don't want to get burned
I'm on the fence about conjuration, Im only giving up part of the school if I ban it, but what a part, I lose teleportation, including planar travel, and binding as far as I can tell, some of the most powerful parts of that school. Should I choose something else?
Abjuration/enchantment were the other schools on the chopping block, but I felt like losing only part of conjuration was better than losing all of any other school. Abjuration has dispel magic, and enchantment has a lotta save/lose spells...
Also this is my first pathfinder game and I don't know all the spells, am I giving up too much to drop conjuration(or ench/abjur)in a pathfinder setting?