Author Topic: Race Revisions  (Read 25075 times)

Offline bhu

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Re: Race Revisions
« Reply #80 on: July 19, 2017, 10:05:21 PM »

"If mortals were shown what they're really like, they'd either kill one another as vermin, or hang themselves."

 Durzagon resemble taller, leaner Duergar with rust colored skin.  They have sharp claws and teeth, and a grey beard with red streaks that conceals 2 poison spines.

·   +4 Str, +4 Des, +4 Com, +4 Int, -2 Cha
·   Size Class: Medium
·   Outsider with the Dwarf, Evil, Lawful and Native Subtypes
·   Base land speed 30 ft.
·   Darkvision 120 ft.
·   Beard (Ex):  If a Durzagon hits a single opponent with both claw attacks, it automatically hits with its beard. The affected creature takes 1d3 plus Str Modifier points of damage and must succeed on a Fortitude save (Save DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Con Modifier) or be Poisoned (initial and secondary damage 1d4 Str).
·   Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 3/day: Darkness.  1/Day: Desecrate, Enlarge Person (Self Only, can be used despite the Durzagon being an Outsider), Invisibility, Unholy Blight.
·   Energy Resistance (Ex): Durzagon have Energy Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire
·   Damage Reduction (Ex): DR 10/Magic
·   Immunities (Ex): Durzagon are immune to paralysis, phantasms and poison.
·   Duergar traits (Ex):  +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects., +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too.
·   Stonecunning: This ability grants a Durzagon a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A Durzagon who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A Durzagon can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
·   Light Sensitivity: Durzagons are Dazzled within bright sunlight or the confines of a Daylight spell.
·   Spell Resistance 15
·   Racial Hit Dice: A Durzagon begins with five levels of Outsider, which provide 5d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +5 and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +4, Ref +4, and Will +4.  A Durzagon's Outsider levels give it skill points equal to 8 × (8 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Appraise, Bluff, Craft, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive and Spot.  Durzagon gain a +4 Racial Bonus on Move Silently Checks, and a +1 Racial Bonus on Listen and Spot Checks.  They get 2 Feats.
·   Automatic Languages: Dwarf, Undercommon. Bonus Languages: Infernal.
·   Level Adjustment: +3
·   Favored Class: Cleric

 Adulthood: 40 years
 Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +3d6
 Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +5d6
 Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +7d6

 Middle Age: 175
 Old: 263
 Venerable: 359
 Maximum Age: +4d%

 Base Height: Male: 4' 7"  Female: 4' 5"
 Height Modifier: +2d4"
 Base Weight: Male:  130 lbs.  Female: 100 lbs.
 Weight Modifier: x (2d6) lbs.

 You're better at melee than being a Cleric.  The Feats and PrC are designed to combat this, but...
 Adventuring Race: Durzagon adventure to spread their dark faith, or because they have been exiled.
 Character Development: You have both LA and Racial Hit Dice.  Make sure to take racial Feats if you insist on being a Cleric (why did you do this Wizards?).
 Character Names: Durzagon usually use Dwarven or Duergar names.

 You are cynical and nihilistic, even for a Duergar. 
 Personality: You are grim and humorless, viewing the entire world outside of yourself as an enemy.  Your hallmark is petty cruelty.
 Behaviors: You either work to subvert Duergar society for your Infernal masters, or work to prevent their success out of shame.
 Language: Durzagon speak Undercommon and Dwarf.  Many also speak Infernal.

 Durzagon are leaders in Duergar society, and as such they tend to influence it.
 Alignment : Durzagon are almost universally Lawful and Evil.
 Lands : Like the Duergar, the Durzagon live in the Underdark (preferably near volcanoes).
 Settlements : Durzagon only settle outside Duergar cities at the orders of their devilish sires.
 Beliefs : Besides Laduguer, many Durzagon are frontmen for Devil cults.
 Relations: Durzagon are as xenophobic as their Dwarven parents.

·   You have been chosen to set up a Cult of Asmodeus among a local human village.  Unfortunately, they're all drug addled, peace loving goobers.  You're learning curve is expected to be steep.
·   The Blood War has moved into your neighborhood, as your mother has died and you're father has married an obvious (to you) Succubus.  This will not stand.
·   Things have been quiet lately.  Too quiet.  You check your backside for knives, but all appears to be well.  Now your paranoia is in full bloom...


 Level 1: Replace Turn or Rebuke Undead with Grimhammer
  Grimhammer (Su): You may enchant a warhammer (3 plus your Cha Modifier) times per day.  It becomes a +1 Defending Warhammer for the duration of the encounter.

 Level 5: Energy Resistance works a little differently.
  Energy Resistance: When you gain this ability, you may use it to increase one of your Racial Energy Resistances instead.

 Level 10: Gain new options with Rogue Special Ability
  Special Ability: You may now use your Racial Invisibility SLA at will now.

next up  Loxo, Neogi, Yak Folk

abeil soldier, dune stalker,
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 01:08:18 AM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Race Revisions
« Reply #81 on: July 19, 2017, 10:25:01 PM »

"In this world, you must be either anvil or hammer."

 The Burning Hammers are warpriests of Laduguer who specialize more in combat than dogma.  Most of them are Durzagon.

Any priest of Laduguer will do.

   Race:  Duergar or Durzagon
   Patron:  Laduguer or Asmodeus
   Feats:  Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Burning Hammer, Laduguers Boon
   Skills:  Craft (Weaponsmithing) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks

Class Skills
 The Burning Hammer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skills Points at Each  Level : 4 + int

Hit Dice: d8

Code: [Select]
[b]   BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities[/b]
1. +0    +0     +0     +2    Improved Burning Hammer, +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
2. +1    +0     +0     +3    Hammercraft, +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
3. +1    +1     +1     +3    +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
4. +2    +1     +1     +4    Improved Burning Hammer, +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
5. +2    +1     +1     +4    Hammercraft, +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
6. +3    +2     +2     +5    +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
7. +3    +2     +2     +5    Improved Burning Hammer, +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
8. +4    +2     +2     +6    Hammercraft, +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
9. +4    +3     +3     +6    +1 Level of Divine Casting Class
10.+5    +3     +3     +7   High Priest

Weapon Proficiencies: A Burning Hammer gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.
Improved Burning Hammer (Su): At 1st Level, whenever you successfully confirm a critical hit with your Burning Hammer, your opponent must make a Willpower Save (Save DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Wisdom Modifier) or be affected as if you had successfully cast Crushing Despair on him (Caster Level is the same as any of your other spells). 

Hammercraft (Su): At 2nd Level, when you use your Grimhammer ability you may enchant one additional warhammer.  At Levels 5 and 8 you may enchant an additional warhammer.

High Priest (Su): At 10th Level your personal Grimhammer becomes a Spell Storing weapon.  This works like the magical weapon of the same name, but you can store spells of up to 5th Level in it.

 Life is good.  Being in the military of a race like the Duergar means you get to indulge in killing at your whim.  You even get pick of the loot  while ordering others around.  Hot damn, religion is fun.
 Combat: You prefer being on the front ine in melee, softening targets up with your hammer.
 Advancement: Burning Hammers are part of the military, so they tend to develop along preset lines.
Resources: You have the pick of resources from the military and clergy, which are pretty much the same.

"If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
 You spend the days preaching the good word.  Granted you convey much of that word via hammer blow, but being Evil and all you have no problem with that.
 Daily Life: You're pretty damn busy.  Between your religious and secular duties you have virtually no down time.  Plus your temples raise the Steeders the Duergar ride, and they can be darn fussy.
 Organizations: Burning Hammers are in the ruling class among Duergar, and have no time for participating in other activities..

NPC Reaction
 Duergar adore you.  Non-Duergar...not so much.

 This assumes one of the PC's is the devotee of a violent, racist God.  Make sure everyone is ok with that.
 Adaptation: This is meant for the Forgotten Realms, but is easily modified.
 Encounters: PC's tend to encounter you in warfare or on the odd chance you get to spread a cult.

Sample Encounter
EL 12: The PC's are drinking peacefully, when the bowels of the Earth open up and vomit forth evil looking dwarves riding giant spiders.  The head dwarf asks "Where's them feckin' Elves?", and you all point outside, being as your eager to see the back of him.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed   ()
hp  ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will
Speed   ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


Hit Die: d8
Skills Points at Each  Level : 4 + int
Class Ability The Burning Hammers Caster Level continues to improve with Epic levels, but she doesn't gain more spells per day or learn new spells.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Burning Hammer gains a Bonus Feat every 3 levels higher than 20th
« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 10:08:23 PM by bhu »

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Re: Race Revisions
« Reply #82 on: August 12, 2017, 08:57:08 PM »

Improved Grimhammer
The weapon favored by your deity grows stronger.
 Prerequisites: Durzagon, Grimhammer class ability
 Benefits: Your Grimhammer ability now creates a +2 defending warhammer.  This Feat may be taken multiple times, increasing the bonus by +1 each time.

Laduguer's Boon
Your caster level increases.
 Prerequisites: Durzagon, Cleric Level 1, Wis 18+
 Benefits: Your Caster Level with Cleric spells increases by 3.

Burning Hammer
Your weapon leaves infernal wounds.
 Prerequisites: Durzagon, Str 16, Wis 16
 Benefits: Any successful critical hit by a weapon you wield does 2 points of temporary Constitution damage.

Greater Enlarge
You gain a Giants power.
 Prerequisites: Durzagon, Effective Caster Level 7
 Benefits: When you use your Racial Enlarge ability, you also gain the benefits of a Divine Power spell for the duration.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 05:34:36 AM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Race Revisions
« Reply #83 on: April 09, 2018, 10:10:21 PM »

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the r   ace!

 A general description of whatever the race is!

·   +8 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha
·   Large (Tall). -1 Size Penalty to Armor Class and Attack Rolls. -4 Size Penalty to Hide Checks.  +4 Size Bonus to Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip Checks.  Lifting and Carrying Limits are Double those of a Medium character.  Space is 10', Reach is 10'.
·   Monstrous Humanoid
·   Base land speed 30 ft.
·   Darkvision 60 ft.
·   Berserk Rage (Ex):
·   Trample (Ex):
·   +4 Natural Armor Bonus to AC
·   Powerful Build (Ex):
·   Racial Hit Dice: A Loxo begins with five levels of Monstrous Humanoid, which provide 5d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +5 and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +1, Ref +4, and Will +4.  A Loxo's Outsider levels give it skill points equal to 8 × (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Climb, Listen, Spot and Survival.  It also gains 2 Feats.
·   Automatic Languages: Loxo, Common. Bonus Languages: Any nearby race.
·   Level Adjustment: +3
·   Favored Class: Ranger

 Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer:
 Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger:
 Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard:

 Middle Age:
 Maximum Age:
 If there are any aging effects that differ from norm list them here.

 Base Height: Male:  Female:
 Height Modifier:
 Base Weight: Male:    Female:
 Weight Modifier:

 Quick generalization of what this race is good for as far as characters go..
 Adventuring Race: Why members of this class go on adventures.
 Character Development: Give suggestions for making a character with this race.
 Character Names: Give examples of names by gender or other arrangement.

 Quick generalization about playing a member of this race.
 Personality: Give general stereotype of the personality of a member of this race and some roleplaying applications.
 Behaviors: Typical behaviors for a member of this race..
 Language:Notes on this races language..

 Description of this races society, culture, and civilization.
 Alignment : What alignment is common to members of this race and why.
 Lands : Where do they normally live.
 Settlements : Where do they normally live when not in their homelands.
 Beliefs :Typical religious beliefs.
 Relations: How do they relate to other races.

Give at least three examples of an adventure for or involving a member of this race

« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 12:58:32 AM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Race Revisions
« Reply #84 on: April 09, 2018, 10:21:28 PM »

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

 A general description of whatever the class is!

How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.

   Race:  Loxo
   Gender:  Female
   Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 
   Feats:  Spelljamming Helm Proficiency, Spelljamming Ship Specialization
   Skills:  Pilot Spelljammer 4 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana, Wildspace) 4 ranks

Class Skills
 The Tunnuk's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
Skills Points at Each  Level : x + int

Hit Dice: dx

Code: [Select]
[b]   BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities[/b]
1. +0    +0     +0     +2   
2. +1    +0     +0     +3   
3. +1    +1     +1     +3   
4. +2    +1     +1     +4   
5. +2    +1     +1     +4   
6. +3    +2     +2     +5   
7. +3    +2     +2     +5   
8. +4    +2     +2     +6   
9. +4    +3     +3     +6   
10.+5    +3     +3     +7   

Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
 Put all the different class abilities in here!
 Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
 Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
 Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!
 A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
 Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
 Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
 Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
 This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

 This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
 Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
 Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed   ()
hp  ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will
Speed   ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


Hit Die: dx
Skills Points at Each  Level : x + int
Class Ability
Class Ability
Bonus Feats: The Epic Tunnuk gains a Bonus Feat every x levels higher than 20th
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 01:07:43 AM by bhu »