Speaking of, some stuff I mentioned before since you're listing bad stuff (ie all the red entries) and your calling your Handbook "comprehensive".
Animal Companion Feats
Feral Animal Companion (FR:CoR), Spider Companion (DotU), Totem Companion (EB:ECS), & Vermin Companion.
Initiate Feats
PGtF: Bane, Cyric, Gond, Helm, Ilmater, Lathander, & Mystra.
DM: Aasterinian, Amaunator, Anhur, Arvoreen, Astilabor, Bahamut, Baravar Cloakshadow, Eilistraee, Falazure, Garyx, Ghaunadaur, Hlal, Horus, Io, Kossuth, Lendys, Loviatar, Milil, Nobanion, Shar, Tchazzar, of the Holy Realm, Tamara, Tiamat, Torn, Tymora, Tyr, & Varae.
Wild Shape Feats
Primeval Wild Shape (FB), Proportionate Wild Shape (MotW), & Speaking Wild Shape (CC).
I did see you got around to adding Blindsight from MotW, that's one down and forty some odd remaining. It's a little harder to dig through your Spells & PrCs, specially with D&DTools.pw going down here recently. But when another mirror goes up you should probably check those lists since you decided to review every single Spell for completeness.