Author Topic: Semi-new to 3.5e Need help in trip modifier and other stuff..  (Read 2910 times)

Offline animewatcha

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Semi-new to 3.5e Need help in trip modifier and other stuff..
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:59:38 PM »
Copy and paste from other board for more answers

"Basically, I'm semi-new to DnD in general. Played a few games to get the hang of things and learn about new things with each game. We uses a home-brewed method of doing stats so MAD isn't as much of a problem depending upon luck. I got a bunch of books and need help with a few mechanics.

From OA, if you qualify for more than one school of martial arts via the right feats, do you benefit from all schools at once ( provided pre-reqs are met, etc. )

If so, then what is happening with modifiers and such in the following character build cause I'm a bit lost in numbers/mechanics a bit. I don't want suggestions on builds/optimization/etc. Just to know what all the numbers are for tripping, disarming, etc.

Half-minotaur template for human monk. 7th ECL. 6 class levels of monk.
Broken fist style from 309. taking karmic strike at 9th level of monk, but anyways.

You have mastered the initial secrets of the Broken Fist
martial arts style-a hard/soft form emphasizing movement,
knockdowns, and fast strikes. At this level of mastery, you
become adept at knocking opponents off their feet.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dirty Fighting, Improved Initiative,
Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: You are treated as one size category larger than
you actually are for the purpose of trip attempts."

Temerad style from dragon, 309
You have mastered the initial secrets of the Temerad
martial arts style-a soft form emphasizing movement and
defense. At this level of mastery, you learn to move like the
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike,
Mobility, Spring Attack.
Benefit: The dodge bonus you gain from the Dodge feat
rises to +2. You can choose to apply the entire bonus against a
single attacker or split it between two designated attackers,
gaining a +1 dodge bonus against each."

Using Cobra strike style.

1st combat reflexes
H- combat expertise
f1 - improved init
f2- improved trip
M1- dodge
M2 - mobility
3rd - dirty fighting
M3 / 6th - Spring attack / defensive throw
9th - karmic strike

Basically, if you hit or miss me, trip/attack of opportunity.

Main thing is, can one benefit from multiple martial school benefits at once and what are the stats/modifiers after the size category change from medium to large. That and can do I get + 2 to dodge for 2 opponents /or +4 versus just one ?

Please assume that my opponent is a medium human.

Also for to help simplify. Base stats are all 10 BEFORE modifiers/changes/etc and that i can benefit from all the feats.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 10:01:59 PM by animewatcha »

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Semi-new to 3.5e Need help in trip modifier and other stuff..
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 10:17:50 PM »
As far as I've seen there is nothing that says you don't benefit from each of the martial arts feats taken.

As for the trip, the modifiers seem to be +4 from Improved Trip, +4 for being Large thanks to half-minotaur, and another +4 for being treated as Huge.  If you fail to trip your opponent, the opponent automatically gets a counter-trip, so AC won't do you any good because trip itself is essentially a strength check.  Take a look at for the size rules.  If you're worried about an AoO on the trip, note that Improved Trip means you no longer provoke the AoO just from doing the trip.

Looking at the rules, I don't think you're entitled to an AoO if yo fail to trip and your target tries a counter.  It can be interpreted that you do though.

The wording on Temerad Mastery indicates you only get +2 dodge against one opponent, or can split it into +1 against two opponents.

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Re: Semi-new to 3.5e Need help in trip modifier and other stuff..
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 10:37:42 PM »
K then * copy and pastes again *

Issue being interactiveness between cobra fighting style

That and what are the stat changes that happen when I go from medium size category to large via the half-minotaur thing.

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Re: Semi-new to 3.5e Need help in trip modifier and other stuff..
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 10:57:28 PM »
You should be more specific next time.  Instead of a generic "how do these styles interact" it's better to go with the specific "X grants me Y ability. I'm wondering how it works with Z."

The answer to how Temerad Mastery and Cobra Style interact is: As written, they both increase the benefit to +2.  Even though it's a dodge bonus, the fact that they say "increase to +2" instead of "increase by 1" means they do not stack.  The bonus gained from Cobra style is essentially useless.  However, it wouldn't take much for a DM to rule that they each grant +1, thus it's +3 and you can divide it between opponents as +3, +2 and +1, or maybe +3 against three opponents.

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Re: Semi-new to 3.5e Need help in trip modifier and other stuff..
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2012, 10:46:54 PM »
I disagree with that assessment.  The player chooses the order of application of bonuses, so if you only designate one dodge target, you only get the flat +2 bonus because they do overlap.  That said, you can choose instead to apply Temerad Mastery first, and apply a +1 bonus to two enemies, then Cobra Strike increases the bonuses to +2.

That said, I think a better method would be Ex-Monk 2/Barbarian 2 using Wolf Totem Barbarian to get Improved Trip.  In that way, you can still get Temerad Mastery and Defensive Throw (but not Karmic Strike) and dump Intelligence.  The extra +1 AC is not useful, and in this way you'll be a much stronger front-line fighter.

Also, this is making want to make (yet another) Swiftblade...