Indy Jones and the Grail version ... he's doing that Penitent Man chant
and the saw blades "attack". Maybe that's a Dodge bonus vs AC, or a
Tumble check, or a Reflex save ; then he stops the blades from moving
(but not spinning) with an in-combat DD check.
0e has the critical success/failure rules, unfleshed out.
4e did two things interesting with Traps.
You can use them with an Encounter, either by itself,
or with Monsters. So they rated them the same way
Monsters are rated, and work with their Game Maths
basically the exact same. They missed a detail ...
you can't beat the monsters with one or two skill checks.
The other way they used them was as Difficult Terrain.
Kobolds (!) could get a power or two, that let them
bypass or reset the trap(s). This is more in line with
historical Armies or Heroes reaching a bottleneck
and the bbegs have boobytrapped the area.
I suppose the whole concept of traps, could be rewritten
to function
almost the same as other game elements
like Monsters, or even treasure ... say like Cursed items.