Author Topic: [1st Edition AD&D}Looking for an old Dragon Article...  (Read 2555 times)

Offline KellKheraptis

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[1st Edition AD&D}Looking for an old Dragon Article...
« on: March 25, 2012, 07:30:48 PM »
In particular, the one that had the very first (like, late 70's or so) incarnation of the elemental mages.  They had their own spell list, access to the druid and wizard spell lists, progressed like a druid (only with spells up to 10th level), and were considered also a fighter of 3/4 their level.  Doomkill, Power Word : Ignitus, Miniball, and Multiball were several spells unique to them, along with Lead Spray.  Does anyone know where I might be able to find this article?

Offline caelic

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Re: [1st Edition AD&D}Looking for an old Dragon Article...
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 07:56:35 PM »
I don't recall the class, and I've got a fairly comprehensive collection.  You might be able to find it here.

Offline KellKheraptis

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Re: [1st Edition AD&D}Looking for an old Dragon Article...
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 08:09:28 PM »
Thanks Caelic, that surely is going in my bookmarks :D  Sadly, I believe it is in the range from like Issue 8 to issue 70 that were greyed out.  It might even have been in one of the Annuals or other somesuch compilations in the formative years of the magazine.  The first time I saw it, it was a photocopy my father had made when I was 2 or so (and I just turned 30, and it wasn't current THEN, if that gives you a time frame) :P  The article itself is technically an antique now :D  But oh my was it a doozey...they inadvertently provided one of if not THE only way to statistically kill a god, by combining the spell Doomkill (best saving throw anyone can get is 12 or higher to succeed, regardless of modifiers and regardless of all else, only other fire mages are immune) with the old spell Conformance, which forces likely events to always happen (i.e. auto-take 10 in 3.5 speak...which is an auto-fail save and auto-win for the caster).

Offline Mooncrow

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Re: [1st Edition AD&D}Looking for an old Dragon Article...
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 01:48:54 AM »
Hmm, this might be quite the hunt.  It seems like it would be an Empire of the Petal Throne crossover - Doomkill was one of that system's iconic spells, but I've just finished skimming through all of the early issues and haven't come up with it yet.  Nor is it in the Dragondex

Any chance it was in one of the other magazines of the time like White Dwarf?