Author Topic: My Kirby  (Read 3816 times)

Offline ariasderros

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My Kirby
« on: March 14, 2012, 05:27:40 PM »
Please don't post yet. No opinions. No Discussion. No anything until this tag is removed.
I need to clean up a lot, and add some stuff.
I will ignore anything here not by me until such time as I am ready.
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Offline ariasderros

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Re: My Kirby
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2012, 05:28:13 PM »
The Kirby race has 12 HD, and all of the following characteristics, as per the class.
Tiny Outsider (Native)

KirbyHD: d6








Form of Gum and Taffy (Small), Slam, Inhale, Air Gun.
Engulf, What'd I just Eat?.
Form of Gum and Taffy (Medium), Star Shot.
Copy Ability (Ex-SA), Inhale (Move).
Blimp (20ft).
Form of Gum and Taffy (Large) (5ft reach), Inhale Enemy.
Inhale (Swift)
Copy Ability (Copy Fighting Form)
Form of Gum and Taffy (Huge)
Copy Ability (Ex-SQ), Blimp (40ft)
Deep Breath
Form of Gum and Taffy (Gargantuan), Copy Ability (Su/Sp).
The Kirby's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Jump (Str),
Listen (Wis), Perform (sing) (Cha), Profession (chef) (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skills Points at Each  Level : 8 + Int

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Kirby is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Aside from their outsider traits, the Kirby race has grow accustomed to picking up what ever they can to fight with.
Kirbys are not proficient with armor or shields.

From Where Stuff is Soft (Modified Outsider racial traits) (Na):
(click to show/hide)

Tiny Size:
(click to show/hide)

Ability Scores:
(click to show/hide)

Form of Gum and Taffy (Na):
(click to show/hide)

Slam (Na):
(click to show/hide)

Inhale (Ex):
(click to show/hide)

Air Gun (Ex):
(click to show/hide)

Engulf (Ex):
(click to show/hide)

What'd I just Eat? (Ex):
(click to show/hide)

Star Shot (Ex):
(click to show/hide)

Copy Ability (Su):
(click to show/hide)

Blimp (Ex):
(click to show/hide)

Inhale Enemy (Ex):
(click to show/hide)

Deep Breath (Sp):
(click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 02:31:30 AM by ariasderros »
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Re: My Kirby
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2012, 05:28:20 PM »
Racial Feats of the Kirby Race

Greater Copy Fighting Form [Racial]
Through learning how others fight, the Kirby has learned how to copy Maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kirby. Must know Copy Fighting Form.
Benefit: The Kirby gains the ability to trade gaining the use of feats from the target of Copy Fighting Form for gaining the use of its Maneuvers. When the Kirby uses Copy Fighting Form of a creature with access to martial maneuvers, it may choose to gain the use of one martial maneuver that the creature currently has access to by instead choosing two fewer feats to gain access to.
If the creature being copied is a Crusader, this means that the maneuver must be readied and granted, for other martial adept classes it must merely be currently readied and unexpended.
For the purposes of What'd I just Eat?, all currently readied maneuvers are a single ability.
The Kirby may choose to gain the ability to copy more than one maneuver, but this limits its ability to copy feats further. Thus a level 12 Kirby may choose to take 6 feats, one strike maneuver and 4 feats, 2 strike maneuvers and 2 feats, or 3 strike maneuvers.
The Kirby may only use each maneuver once.

Air Gun Master [Racial][Style]
Through special breath training, the Kirby has learned how to get the more use out of its Air Gun.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kirby. Ability Focus (Air Gun).
Benefit: This Feat grants the ability to perform three special uses of the Air Gun.
Cutting Winds: when using this technique, the Kirby may choose to change the damage type dealt by its Air Gun to either slashing or piercing, instead of its normal bludgeoning.
Big Gust: This ability allows for the Kirby to use its Air Gun to instead mimic the effects of a Gust of Wind. The save DC is the same as for the normal use of Air Gun.
Rushing Wind: The Kirby sends all of its breath at one enemy, pushing it back. This use of the ability can only target one enemy and cannot target an enemy beyond half the normal range of the Kirby’s Air Gun, or that has cover. This is resolved as a Bull Rush except that the Kirby uses its effective size from Form of Gum and Taffy and its Constitution modifier instead of Strength. The Kirby also gets a +2 bonus as the force of the Air Gun is effectively charging. Airborn creatures are treated as being one size category smaller for this check. A target of this is always moved the maximum distance possible, but cannot be moved further than twice the normal maximum range of the Kirby’s Air Gun.

Air Gun Specialist [Racial]
Through special breath training, the Kirby has learned how to put its all into its Air Gun.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kirby. Ability Focus (Air Gun), Air Gun Master.
Benefit: This feat improves the Kirby's Air Gun to deal more damage and be able to be performed more quickly. The damage of the Air Gun is increased by the Kirby's Constitution modifier, and the save DC against the Air Gun increases by 1. Additionally, the Air Gun can be performed as a Move action, though this does not affect the action requirements of any other ability (such as Star Shot).

Mystic Inhale [Racial]
The Kirby has learned how to suck the magic right out of things.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kirby. Must be capable of using Inhale.
Benefit: This feat allows the Kirby to use its Inhale ability to remove the magic from things. When using Inhale, the Kirby may choose to draw in the magical energies from around it. This is treated as an Area Dispel in a 30-foot cone. The use of this feat is a Supernatural ability, and has an effective caster level equal to the Kirby’s HD.
Using this version of Inhale is a full-round action, and does not grant the Full of Air status.

Wonderful Engulfment [Racial]
You have learned how to keep creatures you normally couldn't contained by your Engulf, as well as storing objects in yourself.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kirby. Must be capable of using Engulf.
Benefit: With this feat, the Kirby may use its Engulf to hold inanimate objects in its “mouth”. This still has all of the limits as if the Kirby were carrying the object. Unlike Engulfing a creature, this does not affect the Kirby's size, or ability to use Blimp (though move speed may be affected due to load weight). Kirby's usually use this to set up Star Shot.
This feat also allows a Kirby to Engulf an adjacent inanimate object or willing creature as a swift action. As well as using Engulf on objects that are drawn toward the Kirby with the use of Inhale Enemy.
Additionally, the Kirby has learned to focus its anatomy in such a way as to more effectively constrict its enemies.The Engulfed creature must make a save or be Dazed, instead of being Paralyzed. Creatures that are immune to effects from Fortitude saves must make a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ of the Kirby's HD + the Kirby's Con Mod). Otherwise, the creature makes the save as a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + ½ of the Kirby's HD + the Kirby's Con Mod).
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 02:32:16 AM by ariasderros »
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Re: My Kirby
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2012, 05:28:29 PM »
Mundane Items of the Land of Dreams
Foreign Mint Leaf:
This relatively uncommon plant seems to grow in all areas of existence, except in the country of the Land of Dreams.
When specially prepared (requiring a Craft (Alchemy) check DC 16 or a Proffesion (cooking) check DC 22), and then eaten it grants a Kirby the Full of Air status for one minute. When under the influence of this herb, actions that normally end Full of Air do not.
Cost:   750 stars per dose.

Native Yam:
This tuber is a special variety that only grows in the Land of Dreams. When specially prepared (requiring a Craft (Alchemy) check DC 23 or a Proffesion (cooking) check DC 29), and then eaten it grants a Kirby the Full of Air status for one minute. When under the influence of this plant, actions that normally end Full of Air do not. Additionally, it allow for the use of the Air Gun and Star Shot abilities as move actions, however, every use of one of these abilities reduces the duration of the effect by one round.
Cost:   2,000 stars per dose, where available.

Spicy Curry:
This amazing concoction is made of special rice’s, peppers and potato’s from around the Land of Dreams. Creation of this dish requires a Proffesion (cooking) check DC 34. When eaten by a Kirby, it infuses their Air Gun and Star Shot with fiery power. For the next minute, any use of Air Gun deals an extra 50% damage. This extra damage is fire damage, instead of bludgeoning. The flower of the curry plant use to make this dish is also known appear in Kremella, and has been used to grant the Jumpmen fire-based abilities as well. It is unknown why these two races react to this plant the way they do, or why the Kirbys must specially prepare it with particular types of rice’s to benefit from it.
Cost:   5,000 stars per dose, where available.

Magical Items of the Land of Dreams
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 05:10:12 PM by ariasderros »
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