Author Topic: Revising expedition to castle Ravenloft(reposted from GitP, WIP, PEACH)  (Read 3985 times)

Offline Togath

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I'm reposting this on these forums from the GitP forums to help get feedback on the project, this is my first non introduction post here;
Updates: posted encounters E1, E2, E3, and E6(1, 2, 3, and 4)

Revised Encounters for part 1

Encounter  E1; Zombie street ambush

Notes; this encounter seems to be a fairly good introduction to the adventure, though I am planning to replace the  carcass eaters and probably change what type of undead the deathlock is, as there aren’t many of them in the adventure, it seems like an odd introduction to include one.

Infected Zombies(4)
replace slam with; bite +6(1d6+4 & disease), in order to make their diseased attacks make more sense fluff-wise

Carcass Eaters(2)[adapted from pathfinder vulture]
replace with pf vultures(same cr, but with better survivability)
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Infected Deathlock(1)
replace with an awakened skeleton adept
(to help with both fluff and to make it a more interesting enemy)
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Revised tactics; the skeleton adept is less worried about entering melee then the deathlock in the original encounter, due to having both dr and a decent melee attack, and the vultures may flee if badly injured

Revised loot; instead of being empty the cart contains 2d6+13(20 average) gp and 1d3+1(average 2) simple weapons with costs of 2gp or lower, these are mostly for decoration and it makes more sense for a cart to contain something then to be empty, but also give a sense of success to PCs, the search DC to find the gold pieces in DC 14, while the weapons are DC 10

Description if PCs examine cart and find anything;
after sifting through broken barrels and rotten cloth you find a few golden coins and a handful of simple weapons
Description if PCs examine cart and fail find anything, or if you just want to describe the cart as part of the introduction to scene;
this cart contains shattered barrels and small heaps of rotten cloth

Encounter  E2; Zombie street encounter

Notes; this encounter seems decently balanced as well, except for the vargouilles, which will either do nothing or kill a pc, I would suggest changing them to beheaded from pathfinder(as it retains the same flavor, but is less likely to either die before it can act, or potentially kill a pc[if the pcs don’t have remove disease, if they do, then the varguoille is pretty much useless])

Infected Zombies(4)
same as the previous encounter, replace their slam with; bite +6(1d6+4 & disease)

replace with two beheadeds
(to make it a more interesting enemy, and to make it so it can contribute to the encounter better, however, if your willing to use pathfinder stats for something that can also be found in dnd 3.5, the pathfinder vargouille is actually a fairly decent enemy)
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Dire Maggots(2)
the dire maggots are a fairly balanced enemy, and can probably be kept, though changing them to a scavenger of some kind(such as wolves, or the vultures used in encounter E1) could be an interesting change for if you end up reusing this encounter as a random encounter while the PCs travel through Barovia

Revised tactics; the beheaded should probably try to stay at range, in order to maximize the effect of their belches

Revised loot; in addition to the amulet, PCs can also find a small belt pouch containing
2d4 gp on the slain villager with a DC 10 search check.

Encounter E3; Zombies in the town square

Notes; only real problem here is that it’s hard to run 10 enemies and an allied npc at once, and it tends to bog down play, so I’ve halved the number of zombies in this revision and added an extra CR 5 enemy

Infected Zombies(4)
same as the previous encounters, replace their slam with; bite +6(1d6+4 & disease)

Infected Entomber(1 or 2)
Entombers are fairly well balanced enemies and are good as being a resilient striker, only change is either to add an extra entomber, to keep the EL the same despite removing 5 zombies, or to add another CR 5 monster if you want a different feel
For brook no rival, Strahd’s dynasty, or undead legions going with a second entomber could be a good choice to reinforce the goal’s flavor
For untamed allies a fiendish dire wolf would fit the goal’s lycanthrope theme well
For descent into madness a fogwarden could fit well, as it’s essentially a living cloud of fog, and could be fluffed as a hostile sentient form of the mists surrounding Barovia
Dire Wolf
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Revised tactics; the entombers retain their normal tactics, however if using a dire wolf or fogwarden the tactics differ; the dire wolf charge charge into melee and use it's smite good on the nearest PC, after that switching to charging when possible to gain it's powerful charge bonus, while the fogwarden should stay back and use it’s lightning surge when possible.

Revised loot; should one of the PCs end up in the bottom of the well and search through the water, 4d4+6 silver coins can be found.

Encounter  E6; Ghoul Foray

Notes; this encounter is a pretty well made one, though if you have a lot of elves in your PC’s party you may want to sue the variant ghasts described below.

Infected Zombies(4)
replace slam with; bite +6(1d6+4 & disease), in order to make their diseased attacks make more sense fluff-wise

Carcass Eaters(2)[adapted from pathfinder vulture]
replace with vultures, as with encounter E1
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ghasts are pretty decent enemies for CR 3, though if your party is made up mostly of elves or other races immune to paralysis(50% or more of the group being them) you can replace them with the following variant(a homebrewed ghoul that lacks paralysis, but is hopefully about the same power level)
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« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 07:50:42 PM by Togath »
Currently working on revising expedition to castle ravenloft(WIP, PEACH)-
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Offline Togath

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Revised NPCs;

notes; Ashlyn is not particularly well built feat and stat wise, so I’m planning to revise those aspects, and also include stats for different versions, a warblade, and as a binder(for if you want her more neutral, or at least somewhat more sinister then a paladin or good aligned warblade)

Ashlyn(paladin, 25pt. build)
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Ashlyn(warblade, 25pt. build)
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« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 07:50:03 PM by Togath »
Currently working on revising expedition to castle ravenloft(WIP, PEACH)-
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Offline Garryl

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Ashlyn as a Warblade can't have Absolute Steel stance. Warblades get their second stance at 4th level, so it would have to be a 2nd level or lower stance (not that there are any 2nd level stances, though).

Offline RobbyPants

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What's the range on a Advanced Belching Beheaded's belch ability?
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Offline Togath

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Good point, I had missed that about the warblade's stances, how about punishing stance for the first level stance?
Also I've edited in a range on the beheaded's belch(30ft., the pathfinder srd entry didn't list one, so I'm going to go with 30ft., as it seems like a decent range, but is still short enough the beheaded can't just continuously move around and snipe PCs)
edit; actually, would bolstering voice be better then punishing stance?, there aren't a lot of fear based enemies in expedition to castle Ravenloft, but it would make the warblade version of her closer to the paladin version
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 08:00:54 PM by Togath »
Currently working on revising expedition to castle ravenloft(WIP, PEACH)-
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