Touch of Jorasco is a halfling-only 1st level Cleric spell from Races of Eberron that essentially grants you a Lay on Hands pool of 2*CL (Max 10 HP, but that's only a Reserves of Strength away from being much, much higher.) It grants that pool all day long, which means that we can do fun things with Imbued Healing and Healing Lorecall, given that Healing Lorecall only checks when you cast the spell, IIRC.
Which means, if I'm remembering everything correctly, you could go ahead and tap someone to heal 1 HP, a condition (Fatigue is a nice one to remove at lower levels), and grant some kind of boon.
It is a Conjuration (Healing) spell, which leads me to ask... how does it interact with Augment Healing, Magic of the Land, that Charisma-to-healing class feature that Healers get, and the Healing Hymn Bard ACF? Does that additional healing apply to the pool as a whole (so Augment Healing would increase the pool size by 2, the Healer class feature would increase the pool by your Charisma, etc), or would it apply to each time you heal a target with it. Because if it is the latter...
So, what is it?