Alrighty, then. Time to pull out my MM3 and see if I can get access to a ToM for a bit.
Nothing to see here, folks, just the mind ramblings of a sane fool.
I told you there was nothing.
...Okay, I lied.
- Add 1 round spent shifting.
- +2 bonus to Handle Animal, Sense Motive, Climb, and Jump.
- When shifting, gain temp hp equal to character level.
- Extra shift per day.
- Shifting now counts as raging where beneficial for the purposes of feats and class features.
- Bonus Shifter feat.
- Add another 1 round spent shifting.
- +2 Str/Dex/Con/Wis. Once chosen, cannot be changed.
- Gain an extra bonus when shifting based on your shifter trait. If you have more than one trait, you only gain one benefit each time you shift.
- Pick 2 fundamentals. 1/day each as arcane spells. Improved fundamental usage from being a Shadowcaster proper (such as Su and 3/day that you get at 1st level, or the at will thing later on) also apply to your apprentice shadowcaster fundamentals.
- Low-light vision.
- Sustaining Shadow: Cold resilience 2.
- Fundamentals are 2/day as SLA. Gain a 3rd fundamental.
- Bonus metashadow feat that you qualify for.
- Pick a 1st level apprentice mystery, 1/day as an arcane spell. Improved mystery usage from being a Shadowcaster proper also apply to your apprentice shadowcaster mystery.
- Expend 1+ uses of your apprentice shadowcaster 1st level mystery to gain an extra daily use of a metashadow feat. Number of uses used depends on the grade of mystery the feat is applied to (1/apprentice, 2/initiate, 3/master).
- Expend 1+ uses of your apprentice shadowcaster fundamentals to use an apprentice mystery without expending it. Number of uses equals 1 + the level of the mystery being used.
- Uses spent for the above can be all from the same mystery/fundamental, or split between them. If you can use a fundamanetal/mystery at will, treat it as having 5 uses/day for the purpose of these abilities.