Skill: Bluff
Favored weapons: Dagger, kukri, hand crossbow, sap, shortsword
Discipline feat: Every time you successfully Bluff a target while in a Grinning Devil stance, they take a -1 penalty on Wisdom checks, Wisdom-based skill checks and Will saves made against you for 24 hours. This penalty stacks with itself, to a maximum of -1 per four initiator levels.
Tactical feat: Implant the effects of Grinning Devil maneuvers so that they activate when a trigger condition is met. Spend an action point to do so retroactively. You may create a
dominate monster effect on a creature with 0 Wis.
Most Grinning Devil maneuvers are language-dependent effects.
- Frightening Falsehood: Make a Bluff check in place of an Intimidate check.
- Judgement of the Fool (Strike): Make a single attack. Your target's AC is replaced by the result of his Sense Motive check.
- Distracting Strike (Strike): Make a single attack. Your target takes a -10 penalty on Concentration checks for 1 round.
- Traitor's Strike (Strike): Make a single attack with a bonus on the damage roll based on how much your target trusts you.
- Fearful Strike (Strike): Make a single attack with bonuses based on how afraid your target is. Your target's penalties from fear effects are doubled for 1 round.
- Louder than Words (Boost): You may use language-dependent effects on any creature for 1 round as if it could hear you and understand your language, but only vague concepts can be communicated.
- Worst Nightmare (Boost): Target loses immunity to fear for 1 round.
- Rattle Confidence (Boost): Target loses morale bonuses for 1 round.
- Blood from a Stone (Boost): Target loses immunity to mind-affecting effects for 1 round.
- Innocent Facade (Counter): You can fool attempts to detect your alignment, thoughts or honesty.
- That's Not All (Counter): Reroll a social skill check you just failed, targets must make Will saves or become shaken.
- Shocking Speech: Target must make Will save or become dazed for 1 round.
- Taunt: Target must make Will save or become compelled to attack an enemy of your choice (or reaction moves one step towards hostile, if not an enemy)
- Mind Worm: Implant false memories in your target.
- Snake's Tongue (Stance): Your use of Grinning Devil maneuvers is harder to detect.
- Charm: As charm monster, except that you can designate another creature as the beneficiary.
- Just Kidding (Counter): Reverse single effect targeting you, while making it seem you were affected normally.
- Play the Crowd (Stance): Your Grinning Devil maneuvers can affect multiple creatures.
- Command, Hypnotism, Lesser geas, Suggestion: Create nonmagical versions of those spell effects.
- Unnerving Presence (Stance): Gain the Frightful Presence special attack.
- Mind Eater: Inflict 1d6 points of damage to a mental ability score of your choice.
- False Hope: Create nonmagical good hope or crushing despair effect; can be converted from one to the other as a free action.
- Last Laugh: Repeat the effects of any Grinning Devil maneuver you used in the last minute, reducing the action required by one step (full round -> standard action -> swift action -> immediate action).
- ? (Stance, lv8): You ignore immunity to mind-affecting effects.
- Just as Planned (lv9): Rewind time by 1 round, except that this maneuver is still expended.