Sweet! Appreciate the feedback guys.
@Garryl - yeah, I didn't want to take a dip into rogue, and figured I could use Find Traps for my 'Trapfinding', not sure about the Kobold Domain. Is a human able to take a different racial domain?
@sirpercival - huh, definitely something I will look into when tweaking my build. I love the Initiate of Gond + Divine Insight option, that is very much in the vein of what I was looking for.
@Tr011 - [edit] found an image of Dragon Magazing #357. I have seen Craven mentioned in the past but still haven't actually taken the time to look it up. I will certainly do so now.
@Mooncrow - dipping into Rogue is not a path I would prefer. Mostly for flavor truth be told.