My DM presented me with an interesting project for this game. He wants my character to feel "non-essential" to the rest of my party. I still want to feel EFFECTIVE while being "non-essential". So warmage seemed to fit with what i want to do.
concept: Use Born of Three Thunders on every blasting spell to give an added de-buffer while using the dragonmark feat (mark of the dauntless..i think?) to overcome the daze. So my role would be to just shoot things while i observe the rest of my party do their thing.
first, the party (level 13):
paladin of tyranny
beguiler (but not around very often)
monk/archer (dm custom class for a certain player who we don't rely on much)
dragonfire adept
shapeshifter druid
now, my build:
Human Warmage 13 (but thinking VERY strongly about Stormcaster 5 for the extra stunning)
stats (elite array : 16, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8
Str 8
Con 17 (14+1 level)
Dex 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 18 (16+2 level)
H- Dragonmark
1 mark of the dauntless (or whatever the name of the feat is...)
3 Born of three Thunders
6 Rapid Metamagic
9 Energy Substitution (electricity)
12 open (perhaps twin spell?)
i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need some decent armor as well as some stat-boosters...
main question: anything i should particularly look at?