Author Topic: Edit your RL character sheet!  (Read 12473 times)

Offline RedWarlock

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2012, 02:37:43 AM »
Lets see.. Half-ogre warlock/wizard/eldritch theurge. (Yes I know it's not optimal, but if we're re-writing reality, or at least our personal spot on the page, who says we have to keep up with anything 'level-appropriate'?) With LA buy-off.

If I could, I'd make it warlock/artificer/appropriate-eldritch-craftsman-custom-PrC, but that's fiddly on my end.

It's not so much rewriting me, as reinforcing who I am. Whoever my player is, he must've slipped the DM a twenty while rolling his stats, then got slapped with some flaws as retribution. (I'm 6'3" and linebacker-framed, with a high intellect, exceptional awareness, and a creative streak, but I'm a below-knee 1-leg amputee and I've got seasonal-effective depression nearly year-round, and difficulty finishing what I start. Figure that one out.)
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Offline Tshern

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2012, 07:53:55 PM »
I don't need that much. Just increase my ability scores to very good levels (because, come on, who wouldn't?), keep adding levels of Commoner something with 6+Int skills to me until I've got 15 ranks in Preform (string instruments) and 15 ranks in... I dunno. Diplomacy? and give me a level in Heir of Siberys for Siberys Mark of Passage. I could earn my living as a violinist, I'm pretty sure a +20ish modifier to Preform is good enough to score a decent gig. Esp. given that 9th level archers are Olympic athletes.
No, they are not. Way, way too many hitpoints and skill rank maximums.

Sorry, make that level 7.

Then again, that is on the same page as someone who claims tanglefoot bags are too good and use Enervation as an example.
So take that for what it is.
Point taken.
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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2012, 09:15:50 AM »
I look at that article and I am agast but then quickly remember that it's Wizards. He conveniently left out that Enervation lowers their hit points, their effective level/HD to determine DCs for abilities among other things and he thinks Tanglefoot bag is better because it lowers AC? We just hit the target with a spell that utterly screwed them, I don't think we give a rat's ass about his AC anymore!

Back on topic: The variety of desired IRL builds here is a welcome sight. I also like the consideration of power vs. responsibility that some of you raised. Such debates are worth having when we're talking about giving YOU the power, not a character in a game.