Author Topic: Action thread: Group 1  (Read 14733 times)

Offline Scout89

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2012, 07:36:35 AM »
OOC 1: Yes, no Forbiddance. Halfaz1 turned into an Efreeti to avoid future damage.
OOC 2: Weren't we phasing into the rock to blow up this tunnel? Or did I miss something?
Sneaky_Sable: "Keep the Omega Whatever, I'll take that Dagger. Nice to meet you *sneak attack* I hope everything's alright *sneak attack* how's your liver been *sneak attack*..."

Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2012, 07:38:40 AM »
OOC 2: Weren't we phasing into the rock to blow up this tunnel? Or did I miss something?

I think the problem with this was that there's an Umber Hulk directly on top of us.  If he (it?) weren't, or as soon as he isn't, I think that's still the plan.

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2012, 08:01:11 AM »
OOC: I would risk taking an attack of opportunity in order to blow it. But if you decide to kill this bastard, Halfaz1 will get out of the rock and attack him/it.
Sneaky_Sable: "Keep the Omega Whatever, I'll take that Dagger. Nice to meet you *sneak attack* I hope everything's alright *sneak attack* how's your liver been *sneak attack*..."

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2012, 03:42:11 PM »
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Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2012, 04:29:38 PM »
Oh, I thought there was one on top of us here.  In that case:

Let's all get underground, have Vir1 release the parrots, and have the parrots take out all of the remaining Umber Hulks!  Loose them on the group to the North.  Once we're safely far enough underground, have the parrots come back South to pick up the other 2.  Then, we can have them clear a path for us through the Warrens.

...Although, if they hid the slaves in the Warrens, that could turn out badly.

How about this:  Birds take out the Umber Hulks.  We surface further down the tunnels (a safe distance past the birds).  We all move far enough down the tunnels that the explosion won't injure us / kill any birds.  I blow the tunnel.  We keep exploring the tunnels with the birds a short - but safe - distance behind us in case we need them.  Whatcha think?

Can we assume that Vir1 looses the parrots?

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #45 on: May 04, 2012, 01:05:00 AM »
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Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2012, 09:11:35 PM »
{Ror1 on the Link} On second thought, I don't think EarthGlide will get us far enough away in time.  How about this:  everyone turn into a Fine sized version of whatever creature you prefer (there's no Forbiddance here, but that doesn't mean there isn't further down the tunnels).  We all fly as fast as we can (60' base Fly movement?) along the ceiling, South over the two Umber Hulks.  Hopefully, by staying on the ceiling, we'll be out of range of both the Umber Hulks and the Alarm spell.  The Parrot Cloud of DeathTM stays here and then triggers once we're out of range.

Ror1 will take his own advice and Polymorph into a Fine-Sized Ror1, and begin flying South down the corridor, along the ceiling.

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Offline Scout89

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2012, 07:51:04 AM »
"I think it would work too, Master Ror1.", says Halfaz1 while turning himself into a fine-sized Efreeti.
Sneaky_Sable: "Keep the Omega Whatever, I'll take that Dagger. Nice to meet you *sneak attack* I hope everything's alright *sneak attack* how's your liver been *sneak attack*..."

Offline MetroMagic

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2012, 05:13:23 AM »
Hearing no objections, group1 executes their accumulation of discussed tactics:

Vir1 opens the bag and lets out the cloud of parrots, size Fine.

Vir1 immediately Polymorphs into a Fine (and Fine-Sized) Imp, and begins flying south down the corridor along the ceiling, over the two remaining Umber Hulks in the group to the south.

Sheerak1 immediately Polymorphs into a Fine-sized Lutum and flies south down the corridor as well, to a point a little more than 80 feet south… 90 at least, to be safe… of where the parrots will be when they trigger. She has less distance to go than everyone else since she is already south of the two remaining Umber Hulks in that group.

Tanatou1 has come to terms with his ethical choices, and immediately Polymorphs into a Fine-sized Lutum, in case group1 starts running into Forbiddances. He also begins flying South down the corridor along the ceiling, over the two remaining Umber Hulks to the south.

Halfaz1 immediately Polymorphs into a Fine-sized Efreet, and begins flying south down the corridor along the ceiling, over the two remaining Umber Hulks to the south.

Ror1 immediately Polymorphs into a Fine-sized Ror1, and begins flying south down the corridor along the ceiling, over the two remaining Umber Hulks to the south.

Halt1 fired arrows but has not yet moved, so he too joins the party going south to get out of range of the parrots and has time to Polymorph if desired since the Effect is so quick.

Ror1, then Halfaz1, Halt1, Tanatou1, and last of all Vir1 pass over the two Umber Hulks to the south, who do their best imitation of windmills as they try to swat the barely visible Fine-sized creatures passing overhead.

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At the speed the six in group1 can fly, they are quickly out of range of the Parrot Cloud of Death, and so it becomes the Parrot Cloud of Death1 just as the north group of Umber Hulks arrives in time to drop in their tracks and skitter along the cracked stone floor, spending their momentum by ploughing a trail through the bits of rock debris that were not already pushed to the walls. The windmilling of the south group of Umber Hulks abruptly stops as they collapse like rag dolls, their features shriveling from the massive exposure to Negative Energy.

Even out of range, everyone in group1 except Tanatou1 senses a pulse of Death racing toward them, stopping just short of ending them where they hover. The sharp pull on their Life Energy is almost palpable, like a sudden shove by an avalanche, pushed over the edge of a cliff into an endless blind fall. But they are out of range, a flood of relief filling the blank emptiness left behind by that pull.

Finally clear of location1, group1 flies further south down the corridor to finish the tactic, which had always been to get clear of the BOOOOM1 and trigger it. This carries them somewhat more south than originally thought because the Parrot Cloud of Death1 must be clear too, and is following behind group1 as previously announced on the Link.

As they move they continue to find Alarms, but none of them trigger because all of group1 including the Parrots1 are size Fine, and so the Alarm ignores them and does not respond. They also do not find Forbiddance, Glyphs, or Runes.

When the Parrot Cloud of Death1 is 100 feet south of location1, following the original recommendation from Janis and the experience of group3 on the Link when they were damaged slightly by standing closer, and when group1 is about 100 feet further south than that…

BOOOOM1! The corridor jumps; even at this distance, the expanding wave of hot air and dust disrupts the flock, and a rattle of stones comes zipping down the corridor, splashing off of the walls, but the hairpin turn in the corridor to the south that now lies behind them protects the Parrots1 as the rocky shrapnel falls short, weakly rolling along the floor before the leading edge comes to a stop beneath them. None of them are injured, and the parrot cloud slowly rights itself and re-forms.

The echoes of the blast quickly die away, leaving ears ringing in the sudden silence.

For group1 to stay far enough ahead to be out of range of the Parrot Cloud of Death1, they have passed straight through the first area of wider tunnels to the south of location1 to their left and right, which looks much like what was expected on the combat map on the Link that Star is updating as they move.

Just past where they reach at the distance needed to BOOOOM, they find a difference with the map, which Star immediately updates.

There is a long, wide, straight corridor leading east, angling very slightly south, extending off beyond their range of vision. It is mostly clear of rock, with a few tumbled areas visible. To Ror1’s finely tuned Dwarven senses it seems freshly dug, as if a monstrously huge Umber Hulk had bored its way through the rock and left a hole some fifteen to twenty feet in diameter, flattened on the bottom into a semblance of rough floor.

A closer inspection of the tunnel shows that it does not look clawed; the Umber Hulk holes were ripped unevenly and filled with rubble as they burrowed, pushing behind them the debris they created so that they could move forward. This tunnel-sized hole is much cleaner. It looks….


Eaten? New Tunnel (mauve line) SE of Location1

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2012, 05:17:31 AM »
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Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2012, 07:45:44 AM »
(Vir1 HP = 26/52)

{Ror1 on the Link} That worked well!

...Now, what do we have here?  We don't really have any particular information or idea of where to look in here, right?  So we might as well investigate something that looks very recent.  Unless we want to split up and cover more ground (since we are expendable)?  My vote is to head down the new tunnel, and I'm indifferent towards splitting up.  What're everyone else's thoughts?

Offline Scout89

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2012, 08:46:44 AM »
"I agree, Master Ror1! Lets all go into this tunnel. Maybe this is the place where they took the slaves."
Sneaky_Sable: "Keep the Omega Whatever, I'll take that Dagger. Nice to meet you *sneak attack* I hope everything's alright *sneak attack* how's your liver been *sneak attack*..."

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #52 on: May 19, 2012, 11:25:58 PM »
Ror1 and Halfaz1 set off down the new tunnel, followed by Tanatou1, Vir1, and Sheerak1. Halt1 is unlikely to stay behind by himself, so…

The hole is a roughly uniform height and width, but the walls are not carved, and the floor is not once-smooth, polished stone, now cracked, like the previous corridors were. Also the ceiling is a more or less uniform height at about 20 feet, unlike the tumbledown ceiling in the earlier part of the warrens. The corners are rounded and uneven as well, and all surfaces are covered with short scored marks, like shallow scoops taken out of the dense stone. There is hardly any dust on the walls, and hardly any scree where the rounded walls meet the uneven floor, unlike the tumbled piles lining the meeting of walls and floor in the earlier corridors.

A short walk comes to a tumbled area where part of the ceiling has fallen in, partially blocking the tunnel, but picking a way carefully past the fall is not difficult.

The tunnel continues. Just past the blockage, Halfaz1 and Ror1 in the lead come to a cross-corridor running north and south, of polished stone walls and cracked, flat floor that look much like the earlier corridors. Silence in both directions, not even a breath of air movement.

All the information goes on the Link. No sign of captives to rescue.

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2012, 07:55:12 AM »
Sneaky_Sable: "Keep the Omega Whatever, I'll take that Dagger. Nice to meet you *sneak attack* I hope everything's alright *sneak attack* how's your liver been *sneak attack*..."

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #54 on: May 25, 2012, 02:44:31 AM »
Halfaz1 flies north, up the corridor to the cul-de-sac, and then comes back. At the speed he flies, the trip takes well under a minute. No sign of slaves to rescue, and that section of tunnel looks as expected on the map.

All information goes on the Link.

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2012, 03:14:48 PM »
"Waste of time. Let's go south..."
Sneaky_Sable: "Keep the Omega Whatever, I'll take that Dagger. Nice to meet you *sneak attack* I hope everything's alright *sneak attack* how's your liver been *sneak attack*..."

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Re: Action thread: Group 1
« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2012, 10:18:25 PM »
In response to Halfaz1’s thought, and implied inquiry, Star updates the combat map on the Link with group1’s current location and the new tunnel, to the extent group1 has explored it. The cul-de-sac to the north of their current intersection is clearly visible on the combat map.

The combat map shows that going south from here, the old corridor comes to an elbow, turns west, and rejoins the corridor that group1 was in before, a little further south from where they went into the new tunnel. In effect, group1 would have traversed three sides of a square, and if they turned right again, would come back to the point where they first entered the new tunnel.

That is, if nothing else has changed except the new tunnel…

From first intersection of mauve tunnel with old tunnel (cul-de-sac to the north):
Go south to elbow, follow to right, turn right at old tunnel, reach the mauve tunnel start… again