New Day, New Boards, New System
Ver 2.0
Here are the rules:
- No linking to porn
- No linking to illegal filesharing sites
- No IRL Threats. No death threats or threats of violence or threats of legal action or financial ruin
- No hate-speech, misogyny or racism directed at the real world
- Moderators may only delete posts, they do not edit posts
- No flaming or spamming
- Don't make multiple threads about the same topic
- Do post a few times when you join. Accounts over 24 hours old with only 0-2 posts may be deleted
- Get along with the other people on this site
- Post in the correct forum and stay on topic
- No harping. This means don't say the same thing over and over again. After you make a point don't repeat that point again. Say something new or stop. This includes making multiple posts.
- In the forum for a game do not make threads or posts about how much that game sucks.
- Don't be a douche. Don't piss people off just to piss them off, don't be an immature ass
- Don't do anything with the intent of being destructive. Add to the community.
- Don't like something? Suggest an alternative. Better yet, fix it yourself. Empty complaints are worthless.
- If you are too much trouble, we'll boot you. All comes down to what you add to the community versus how much work you take.
Here are the reasons we have those rules
- No linking to porn
- No linking to illegal filesharing sites
These are required by the hosting service
- No IRL Threats. No death threats or threats of violence or threats of legal action or financial ruin
- No hate-speech, misogyny or racism directed at the real world
Behavior like this is not cool. It reflects poorly on everyone here so we will not tolerate it.
- Moderators may only delete posts, they do not edit posts
This is an issue of legal responsibility. By not editing your posts it means they are your ideas and not ours.
- No flaming or spamming
- Don't make multiple threads about the same topic
- Do post a few times when you join. Accounts over 24 hours old with only 0-2 posts may be deleted
Rules like this help fight spam also they help keep the site running well.
- Don't be a douche. Don't piss people off just to piss them off, don't be an immature ass
- Get along with the other people on this site
- Post in the correct forum and stay on topic
- No harping. This means don't say the same thing over and over again. After you make a point don't repeat that point again. Say something new or stop. This includes making multiple posts.
- In the forum for a game do not make threads or posts about how much that game sucks.
- Don't do anything with the intent of being destructive. Add to the community.
- Don't like something? Suggest an alternative. Better yet, fix it yourself. Empty complaints are worthless.
We are all here to talk about gaming and have fun. Let us not forget that
Above all:- If you are too much trouble, we'll boot you. All comes down to what you add to the community versus how much work you take. It's subjective and an inexact science, but know that you almost definitely will be warned first (if it's super serious, we'll boot without a warning. Don't be that guy.) Learn from it. If you are mature and post thoughtful, interesting stuff you have not a thing to worry about.
Unlike other message boards
- Thread necromancy is fine. If you want to bring up an old topic, go for it.
- Arguing and more importantly Disagreeing with people is just fine. We do not expect you to toe the line
- The "Bitch like you have to" board does not exist. But if it did you would need to have 100 posts to see it.
- The mature board (only visible to members) is where all mature material goes, reguardless of system. So do not post mature NC17 stuff elsewhere.
- Please feel free to promote suff in the promo board. In fact promote everything you can think of. But, don't feel like you cannot recommend stuff elsewhere.
Here is how things should work when new people join
- You Sign up for an account.
- You click the link on the email we send you
- You need to make one post on the Noob Board before you can do anything else
- If you do not post and you account has less than two posts in the first 24 Hours it may be deleted.
- enjoy
Guests cannot see some boards
Newly joined people can only post in the Noob Board and can only see the Noob Board
Features(these are ways the boards work that may seem flawed):
- Signature size is reduced to help keep the boards running quickly.
- Signatures can't have links, to cut down on spam.
- Given that this is now the min/max board i changed the structure of the min maxing areas
- the calendar does not work 100% yet
- you have to enter your favorite game as a form of spam control.
The Moderating structure is:Admins: Me and BG_Josh: . We own it and pay for it.
Global Moderators: Prime32 and Dan2. Something about those 2's... They oversee things like we do.
Mods: Agita, veekie, Sinfire Titan, and RobbyPants-- they each have specific areas they oversee, so if you have questions, go to them first.