Author Topic: I have a player taking Initiate of the 7-fold veil. Educate me.  (Read 1639 times)

Offline ksbsnowowl

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I'm running a gestalt viking-themed game that is playing a story arch very similar to Red Hand of Doom (soon to go to "Rhest").  My players just reached 9th level, and I have a player (Rog 8//Wiz 7/Incantatrix 1) who is going to take his first level in Iot7V.

Read through the PrC, and I've got some questions.

What is the type of action to activate a warding?  Standard action?  Move?  Since it is a spell-like ability, I'm going to assume it is a standard action.

Is the DC of a veil really 18+Int+veil-equivalent-level?

A quick google search is showing me some debate about being able to cast through and out of his own veils.  What's up with that?

Offline littha

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Re: I have a player taking Initiate of the 7-fold veil. Educate me.
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 04:17:09 AM »
1. Standard until level 4. Then Immediate.
2. Save DC is explicitly stated as 18+Int. I assume it uses 18 because it doesn't take into account the veils equivalent level.
3. Depends how you take "The warding provides concealment to the initiate but she can see out with no hindrance." The Violet veil completely stops all spells so that is obvious enough.

Offline ksbsnowowl

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Re: I have a player taking Initiate of the 7-fold veil. Educate me.
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 09:33:59 AM »
Okay, the violet veil makes sense, but why would people even interpret the others as blocking you?  They obviously don't block line of sight for the Initiate, and since people can pass freely through them, they obviously don't block line of effect.

Even if the veil also caused concealment for the initiate (I think maybe the wall version does this, IIRC), concealment isn't blocking line of sight - you can still see things and target them (albeit with a 20% miss chance).
