As of now, the only real formulas I'm going to be putting a massive amount of work into are:
-Experience rewards.
-The ECL of an encounter.
-The bonus spells/pp from a high ability score.
-The cost to purchase the casting of a spell ("Alright, do 6*13*10 in your head! As quickly as you can!" I mean, I can do it effortlessly, and most of the people on this board can do it just as easily, but I tend to game with people who are nearly innumerate (mathematical equivalent of illiterate.))
-The precise modifier you get when using fractional saves and BAB, because, as crazy as it sounds, 27/4+3 is not too easy for some people...
For most of the other functions, they are only 2-variable functions, so it would actually be better to just have a table for people to look at.
Now, I have one that I really want to do (it actually sparked this idea in my head)... Does anyone know where I can find the formula for the most efficient use of baseline Power Attack, before you factor in the pretty little extras? I remember seeing it somewhere, but I have had issues finding it.