Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feature
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Three Headed Body, Dragon breath +1 Str
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Second Head, Ambusher +1 Con
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Strange Skill +1 Str
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Dragon Wings +1 Con
5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Third Head +1 Str
6 +6 +5 +2 +5 Growth, Head Skills +1 Con
7 +7 +5 +2 +5 Strange Skill, Three-Headed Coordination +1 Con +1 Str
2 Skill points+int per level, quadruple at 1st level. Class skills:Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Jump, Spot, Listen, Intimidate, Knowledge(Arcane), Knowledge(Nature), Search, Survival.
Proficiencies: a Chimera isn't proefecient with any armor or weapons, besides his own natural weapons.
Three Headed Body: The Chimera loses all other racial bonuses, and gains Magical Beast traits, Scent, bite 1d8 damage, 2 claws attack for 1d4 damage each and 30 base speed. The Chimera has wings, but they're too weak to do anything for now. His claws are capable of fine manipulation and can be used for somatic components of spellcasting or anything else a human hand could do. Only his dragon head is active, the goat and the lion heads are inactive by now.
Chimera must chose one dragon class, he will get the energy inmunity of that dragon and his subtype.
The Chimera also gets a natural armor bonus equal to his Con modifier. Whenever the Chimera grows one size category, his natural armor increases by a further 1.
Dragon Breath: At 1st level the Chimera gets the main breath weapon of his chosen dragon class. If the chosen Dragon has no Breath Weapon like the Fang Dragon she will get the equivalent ability, like the Draining Bite.
Ability score increase:a Chimera gains +1 Str at odd levels and +1 Con at even levels and another +1 to con at level 7.
Second Head: At second level,you awake the lion head. You get a bite attack 1d6 damage. The damage bonus for that extra natural attack gained by the addition of a head is the Strength modifier and is a primary attack.
Ambusher: The Chimera is a pretty good ambusher, at level 2 she gains a gains a racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks equal to half his HD.
Strange Skill: Having multiple heads allows for certain special tricks “normal” creatures couldn't easily pull off. Whenever this ability is gained choose one of the following. Unless otherwise noticed no choice may be taken more than once.
Special Heads Choose two of your Extra Heads. Those heads can now use any special attack that your original head could use, like breath weapons or gaze attacks. You can take this multiple times, each time applying to two new heads. All of your heads must use the special attack at the same time, altough they can aim at different targets. If a creature is targeted by two or more heads on the same round, it is affected only one time by the special attack, but the HD of the multi-headed creature counts as two higher for each extra head using the attack.
Thinking Head: Choose one of your Extra Heads. During your turn that head can use one of your SLAs, spells without somatic components, psionic power or similar ability, as long as it doesn't demand physical actions besides speaking. You can also use that Extra Head to keep concentration of effects that demand it, freeing the rest of your body for other actions. You can take this multiple times, each time applying to a new head.
Hard Heads: On other creatures the head is one of the main weak points. For you is a redundant appendage. You gain +2 to Will saves and 5% chance to resist critical hits for every Extra Head you have.
Talking Heads: You learned how to coordinate your extra brains in order to tackle all kind of philosophical and scientific topics in a civilized manner. Or just overwhelm your opponents with factoids. You gain +2 in all Knowledge, Craft, Appraise, Diplomacy, Bluff and Profession checks for every Extra Head you have.
War Heads: Your heads know how to help each other in combat. You can't be flanked, and opponents you threaten in melee always count as flanked. In addition you can use aid another as a swift action, and the bonus is equal to the number of your Extra Heads.
Tough Heads: You gain +10 HP for every Extra Head you have.
Dragon Wings: At 4th level the Chimera becomes able to fly at the speed of 50 feets, with poor maneuverability. The maneuverability doesn't increase naturaly, but players can take the Savage Species feat that increases it by two steps(stackable).
Third Head: At level five ,you awake the goat head. You get a gore attack 1d6 damage. The damage bonus for that extra natural attack gained by the addition of a head is the Strength modifier and is a primary attack.
Growth: At 6th level the Chimera grows to large size.
Head Skills: You get +4 to Spot, Listen, Search and Intimidate checks, plus +2 to Initiative and two extra attack of opportunity per round because of your two extra heads.
Three-Headed Coordination: At level 7 the Chimera learns to coordinate better her heads and the dragon head can concentrate in her breath weapon while the rest of her heads control the body. When she full atack the dragon head can loose a breath weapon instead of biting
Waiting for taht monster class i decided to make it myself.
My atempt at making a Monster Class, newbie at homebrewing, please, PEACH.
I borrowed things of Multi-Headed Creature because i think its very reasonable.
Sorry for my bad English