Thanks for the update. (Those stats are better than a 32 point buy, which I expected!)
I still have more questions!
Does max HP per HD also apply to animal companions, special mounts, psicrystals, familiars, etc.? (Familiars and psicrystals normally have a max HP of half their master's.)
To clarify: Is an Erudite's unique powers per day in this game unique powers per power level per day? (That's how it was in "Dragon," and how I understood it.)
Do powers from other classes (like Psychic Warrior) count as discipline powers for the purpose of an Erudite learning powers?
In this game, do Undead (or at least intelligent Undead) in general get their CHA bonus to HP instead of their CON modifier?
Monetarily, how close to wealth by level are we sticking?
If as a Wizard or Sorcerer I sacrifice my familiar for a class feature, can I take Obtain Familiar to regain it?
Can I rearrange my psicrystal's stats so he starts with 11 CHA to use Hidden Talent? (For example, trade 1 point of INT for 1 CHA.)
Does Spell Focus also apply to psionic powers of the same discipline/subdiscipline due to transparency? (Feats normally don't.)
Page 110 of the PHB says I can talk to you, the GM, about customizing my character. I plan to be a Warforged, but I hoped to trade my CHA penalty for a STR penalty. (This guy is meant to be a mastermind and manipulator. Plus, we can do intrigue!) May I also trade the Warforged CON bonus for an INT bonus or at least to remove the WIS penalty?
Further customization: I hoped to trade some Wizard and Erudite class skills for Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive, Search, Disable Device, and
maybe Handle Animal. What's a fair trade?
Can Mindsight be toggled? (Normally not, but having the constant radar is annoying.) If so, what action is it to toggle?
To clarify about the Lady's College: The spiffy benefit is being able to use their labs to make any metaphysical item even if you didn't have the feat. Doing so increases the creation cost by 10% compared to crafting, and still requires all other parts of the item, like spells.
Do I need to keep a close count on how many pages I've used in my spellbook?
Masterwork holy symbols exist for all schools except Evocation and Conjuration. May I buy a holy symbol for Conjuration? Whose would it be? If I get a Transmutation holy symbol instead, whose would it be?
If I take Precocious Apprentice as a specialist Wizard, do I get specialty L2 slots as well? After all, I can still cast a L2 spell
some of the time!
I'm also for Rich Burlew's Diplomacy. This should be interesting considering my character's persuasive slant.
What source material is allowed? (I checked your pre-approved homebrew.) I ask about Faerun's regional feats specifically.
Do you rule that spell slot level = spell level? Normally this isn't so due to the existence of Heighten Spell, which seems to exist only to allow early entry and Shadowcraft Mage goodness.
How do metamagic reducers work with item creation? I assume I'd need to create such items myself. For example, an item that casts Persistent
shield at +0 metamagic due to, say, an Incantatrix's Metamagic Effect should cost as much as the same
shield item without any metamagic feats applied.
FYI: I plan to start as a Conjurer and sell most my spellbook. There are 61 Wizard cantrips (according to the
Ultimate Spell List with slight additions in the
Spell Compendium). I plan to keep 8, getting me +2650G! It's far beyond expected WBL, but gosh darnit, I want that money for minions!