Denizen of LengHD:d8
Level Bab Fort Ref Will Feature
1 +1 +2 +2 +0 Twisted Body, Stat Bonuses, Sneak Attack +1d6
2 +2 +3 +3 +0 Leng Connection I, Infused Body, Trapfinding
3 +3 +3 +3 +1 Distorting Bite, Unnatural Anatomy, Sneak Attack +2d6
4 +4 +4 +4 +1 Leng Connection II, Alien Mind
5 +5 +4 +4 +1 Alien Insight, Disturbing Movements, Sneak Attack +3d6
6 +6 +5 +5 +2 Leng Connection III, Completely Twisted
7 +7 +5 +5 +2 Slavemaster, Sneak Attack +4d6
8 +8 +6 +6 +2 Black Ship of Leng
Skills: 6+int modifier per level, quadruple at 1st level. Class skills are Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device.
Proficiencies: It's natural weapons only.
Features:Twisted Body: A Denizen of Leng loses all previous racial traits and gains the Outsider type with the evil and chaotic subtypes. It is a medium sized Outsider with a base land speed of 40 feet. Unlike most Outsiders, Denizens of Leng do not need to breath. They gain a bonus to natural armour equal to their con modifier. It also has a bite attack that deals 1d6+str mod damage, and two claw attacks that deal 1d4+str mod damage.
Due to their basically humanoid shape, a Denizen of Leng gains a +4 bonus to disguise checks to disguise itself as a Medium Humanoid.
Stat Bonuses: A Denizen of Leng gains +1 cha at each level, and +1 dex at each even level.
Sneak Attack: As the SRD Rogue.
Leng Connection I: The connection between Leng and it's Denizens extends beyong planar limits, infusing their bodies with power. At second level, the connection between the Denizen of Leng and his home plane, the Plateau of Leng, is enhanced. The Leng no longer bleeds, granting it immunity to poisons. Instead, blood flows back into it's body when it is wounded. Severed body parts immediately dissolve into a pile of disgusting filth. The Denizen of Leng gains resistance to cold and electricity equal to it's HD.
Leng Connection abilities are lost in areas where planar connections do not function (such as within the area of a dimensional lock spell or similar ability/effect).
Infused Body: The Leng Connection also bestows spell-like abilities upon Denizens of Leng. At second level, this manifests itself as a constant Tongues effect. In addition, the Denizen of Leng can cast Plane Shift once per week in a ritual that takes two hours to complete. At 4HD, it may be used once per week without the ritual. At 6HD, it can be used once per day. The Denizen of Leng's Plane Shift ability can only ever transport itself.
At 4th level, Denizens of Leng can cast Detect Thoughts and Minor Image both 1/day/HD. Minor Image upgrades to Major Image at 8HD.
At 6th level, Denizens of Leng can cast Levitate and Hypnotic Pattern each 1/day/2HD.
At 8th level, Denizens of Leng can cast Locate Object 1/day/3HD.
Save DCs are Charisma based.
Trapfinding: As the SRD Rogue.
Distorting Bite: At third level, the bite attack of a Denizen of Leng gains a distorting quality. On a successful bite attack, an enemy must make a fortitude save (DC 10+1/2HD+con mod) or have their bodies distorted to look similar to a Denizen of Leng, taking 1d4 points of Dex drain. This damage increases by one size category for every 4HD the Denizen of Leng possesses. If the Denizen of Leng performs a sneak attack with it's bite, it can sacrifice a die of sneak attack to deal an extra point of dex damage on it's bite and add one to the saving throw DC.
At 5HD, the extra added dex drain from sacrificing sneak attack damage dice is inflicted even if the enemy succeeds on their saving throw.
At 8HD, this distortion ignores immunity to ability drain, but the enemy receives a +5 bonus on it's saving throw.
Unnatural Anatomy: The body of the Denizen of Leng is infused with even more energy from Leng, distorting it even further into some alien form. At third level, there is a 25 percent chance that the Denizen of Leng ignores critical hits or sneak attacks. At 8HD, this becomes 50 percent. At 13 HD, this becomes 75 percent.
Leng Connection II: The connection between the Denizen of Leng and the Plateau of Leng is made even stronger. At fourth level, the Denizen of Leng gains Fast Healing equal to 1/2HD, and SR 11+HD. This SR can be raised or lowered as a free action, even when it isn't the Denizen of Leng's turn.
Alien Mind: The Denizen of Leng possesses a mind that none can understand. At fourth level, this strange mental functioning grants it a bonus equal to it's HD against mind-affecting effects. Additionally, it's advanced mental faculties allow the Denizen to add it's charisma modifier to dexterity checks (including skills and initiative checks).
Alien Insight: The Denizen of Leng's twisted mind also makes it an extremely effective adviser. At fifth level, the Denizen of Leng gains an Adviser Pool equal to 4xHD. As a swift action, it can remove points from this pool to add an equal insight bonus to the next d20 roll that an ally makes, or to cause an equal insight penalty on the next d20 roll that an enemy makes. The number removed cannot exceed the Denizen of Leng's own HD. The enemy may attempt a reflex save (DC 10+1/2HD+cha mod) in an effort to avoid the scheme that the Denizen of Leng has created. If successful, their current roll is not treated as their next d20 roll.
The Advisor Pool is refreshed every day.
At 10HD, this ability becomes an immediate action. At 15HD, the brilliance of the Denizen of Leng can even be used to benefit itself.
Disturbing Movements: The Denizen of Leng does not move as humans do. It often hides these movements as best it can to blend in, but doesn't have to. At fifth level, as a swift action, the Denizen of Leng can perform a disturbing movement (such as unhinging it's distended mouth and revealing tentacles) to feint an enemy. If this feint is successful, the opponent must also make a Will save (DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod) or be Shaken for 1 round. A successful save makes it immune to being shaken by this ability for 24 hours.
This ability ignores immunity at 8HD.
Leng Connection III: At sixth level, while the Denizen of Leng maintains it's Leng Connection, it is not killed when it reaches -10 hitpoints. Instead it is transported to the Plateau of Leng, fully healed. Once there, it cannot return to the plane from which it was killed for a one week period. This restriction is lifted at 8HD.
The Denizen of Leng's equipment is left behind, coated in the disgusting filth that it's body dissolved into. This unpalatable ooze completely eliminates the market value of any equipment the Denizen of Leng held or carried at the time of it's death. It can only be removed by a Denizen of Leng as a full-round action per item (also restoring the market value of the items).
Completely Twisted: At sixth level, the Denizen of Leng's body changes to behave in ways that are completely strange, and should be impossible. The Denizen of Leng can change the key ability of score of any skills it has ranks on, up to one per point of unmodified charisma modifier it has. In addition, it can change the ability score that is added to each of it's saves (but the same ability score cannot apply to more than one save).
Slavemaster: At seventh level, the Denizen of Leng is granted an assortment of slaves by his fellow marauding Denizens. This ability functions like the Leadership feat, except penalties for causing death, being cruel, possessing a special mount, etc do not apply as the granting Denizens care not for these things. However, being a failure and moving around a lot do, and having a reputation for fairness and generosity applies a -1 penalty instead of a +1 bonus.
Dead/lost slaves are replenished every month, unless the Denizen of Leng possesses a Black Ship of Leng, in which case they are replenished upon the ship every 24 hours, the ship counts as a base of operations, and the penalty for moving around no longer applies. Due to the unspeakable treatment the slaves received at the hands of other Denizens of Leng (and possibly this Denizen, too), they are completely loyal and will never rebel outside of magical compulsion.
Part of the treatment that the slaves receive involves horrible mental trauma. No slave may have a mental ability score higher than 10.
For more on the Black Ship of Leng, see below.
Black Ship of Leng: The Denizen of Leng is granted a great Black Ship of Leng at eighth level. This ship is Huge in size, and requires at least 10 to row, or 2 to man the sails. Under favourable wind conditions, the ship can move 30 feet per round under sail power. Being rowed, the ship can move 40 feet per round. Through both sail power and rowing power, the ship can move 60 feet per round. The ship has 30HP/HD and hardness equal to HD, and an AC of 10+natural armour+size modifiers+dex modifier. It's natural armour is treated as the Denizen of Leng's HD, it's size modifier is based upon the ship's size (and that is based on the size of the crew), and it's dex modifier is based upon the speed at which the ship moved in it's last round (0 if stationary, 4 if 20 feet or more, 6 if 40 feet or more, and 10 if 60 feet or more). The ship make saving throws using the Denizen of Leng's total values, but only if the Denizen of Leng is on board. Otherwise, it has a +2 to each. The break DC of the ship is 20+the Denizen of Leng's HD.
The ship possesses the ability to travel through dimensions, carrying it's occupants with it. After an hour of constant movement through water, the ship can seamlessly transition from a body of water on one plane to a body of water on another. In addition, the ship produces an Obscuring Mist effect wherever it goes, except it extends 20 feet beyond the prow and stern of the ship instead of just 20 ft. The Denizen of Leng can end this ability as a free action, should it desire to do so. Reactivating it requires a move action. The Denizen of Leng can see through this mist as if it wasn't present, and so navigating with the mist present generally requires the Denizen of Leng to direct the crew.
The ship also possesses cannons which can be fired as a combined full-round action on the part of the Denizen of Leng and at least 2 people manning a cannon. This attack has a range of 30ft/HD, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage/HD. A reflex save (DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod) halves this damage. These cannons can be removed from the ship or reattached with 8 hours of careful work, but weigh approximately 400 pounds, making them incredibly cumbersome. Wheels can be attached, allowing two people to move the cannon at their own movement speed, but not over difficult terrain. The restriction requiring actions on behalf of two people manning a cannon and the Denizen remain in place. Cannons are replaced weekly.
The Denizen of Leng can summon this ship by merely approaching a body of water large enough to contain the ship. Over a course of 10 minutes, a heavy mist sits in and the ship emerges from it. When the Denizen leaves the ship, it disappears into the same mist to return to Leng. Curiously, the ship can be summoned and dismissed regardless of whether or not any crew is present upon or within it.
Should the Denizen of Leng acquire more slaves than the ship can carry, the ship increases in size to accommodate them. This only applies to slaves gained through this class. Slaves can work on the ship to restore damage dealt to it at the rate of 1/day/HD of slave. A destroyed ship will be replaced after one year. This time can be expedited should the Denizen of Leng do a favour for another, more powerful Denizen of Leng.
Slaves aboard the ship can be targeted normally, though they receive cover as long as they remain above deck, and slaves below decks are generally not within line of sight.
Finally, the Denizen of Leng can designate his ship as the location to which it returns upon being reduced to -10 hitpoints, should the ship be on Leng.
Comments:The Denizen of Leng! I was doing some browsing through the request list and saw this bad boy. Hot damn, how did I miss it before? This is easily one of my favourite races as of right now. Mysterious Lovecraftian slavers that sail the dimensions to defend their homeplane from gigantic spiders? That's pretty awesome.
Assuming eighth level, the Denizen of Leng should easily be able to reach a Leadership score of 16 (8 levels, 6 from charisma, 2 from modifiers), granting 28 slaves and a cohort, which is plenty to fully man the ship in shifts.
I have a tendency to make these classes a bit loaded, so any critiques are greatly appreciated! I tried to balance it against some other classes, and can explain those decisions upon request.