Reading over the rules it says that you can only take one attack of opportunity against someone, despite your size, unless they exit and enter your threat, and do other motions as well.
I need to know to what extent this goes, and if there's any exceptions. This is the scenario we had last night, and the players call foul on me. Want to know if I was right, and if I was wrong, where abouts so I don't repeat this mistake. Also, side question. Getting back your focus is a move action. Can you do your standard move AND get back your focus in the same action? Maybe with a concentration check? I know you can pull something from a pack or sack while moving, or sheathe/unsheathe a weapon while doing so, but psionic focuses seem different to me and would require some kind of concentration. Or, do you have to do both of them as separate move action?
Half-giant psychic warrior was facing off against an advanced roper after taking down another one (I advanced them a few HD and gave it a few feats, including Combat Reflexes for +2 from Dex 14). The strands give it 50 foot range on attacks. The half-giant walked into the 50-ft range of the roper. That's one action and one AoO. Then he regained his focus. Different action, another AoO. Swift action to use his belt of battle for a full round set of actions. Moved up to the roper again and attacked. Moved within range of his bite and proved another attack.
Did I not do things right? Could I have used another strand attack while he was moving up to the roper from 40 feet away?