Author Topic: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun  (Read 4094 times)

Offline Eagle of Fire

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[3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« on: May 23, 2012, 11:00:50 PM »
Long story short: I'm the DM and my players are right now only level 5. They found and fought a Xill (even though they are clueless about what it was and what it does) and one of the PCs got stuck in the Ethereal Plane after getting paralyzed and hijacked there by the Xill.

Now, the first two questions: that character (playing a rogue) is very newbish and have no idea what to do while "stuck" in the Ethereal Plane. She actually realized that she would die of thirst in at most a week and been rushing back to the main town (a bustling walled metropolis) to try to find someone (or something to help her somehow. I guess it's all to her credit that she at least had some water on her when this happened. :P

First question: what would you do if you were her? Keeping in mind that they are at least 4 days walk away from the metropolis in a "normal" situation and that her water pouch (or whatever the name in English) hold only about 2 days worth of water. I've already ruled that if she ration herself she could make it last about twice longer and that someone usually die of thirst in about 4 days. So she has some sort of leeway.

Second question: assuming everything goes well for her, I don't have much experience with the Ethereal Plane itself. I was wondering, aside from the random encounter table in the DM book which have way too high CR for her, what kind of cool situation could I make happen so she would forget the last session in which she pretty much sat around listening to the other players were doing while she simply passed thru everything like a ghost trying to understand what to do, trying to hit things in the material planes with her magical swords without success and getting generally demoralized about her situation. Luckily she realized the need to ration herself right away but stayed up close to the party expecting them to get her out of her predicament... Even though they don't even have a single mean to even know if she's actually still alive. Right now she's rushing back to town but only two days after she got stuck so her water reserve is getting low.

Any help which would get me to find an answer to question 2 before next session, in less than a week, will be very welcome.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 11:04:00 PM by Eagle of Fire »

Offline Eagle of Fire

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 06:03:29 PM »
So... Did I post this in the wrong section or is it that nobody actually know the ethereal plane enough to help here?

I would have thought that at least some high level mages like to go regularly in the ethereal plane, if only to hide things or find interesting things. The problem is I don't really know high level mages who like to do that.

Offline Wrex

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 06:10:27 PM »
She is dead. Barring GM fiat, she is one dead halfling rogue. Unless you say something like "the local wizard is experimenting with planar shenanigans and finds her!" Your pc's have no way to contact her.

And really, the etheral plane is pretty much empty. She could talk to the ghosts of murder victems or something. Maybe a Ghost Wizard would return her home. Maybe. Otherwise..... Well, does she have a crossbow, or some sort of fatal poison? Make it quick?

Offline kitep

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2012, 07:17:01 PM »
Random thoughts:

Since a Xill got her there, have her encounter a lone random Xill (maybe the same one, if still alive).  She can sneak up behind it and "hitch" a ride back to the material plane, bluff/diplomacy a ride back, threaten a ride back, or whatever.

See Invisibility will let the party see ethereal objects, so they could communicate by writing or charades.

Once in the metropolis, she could go to the bank or a wizard's tower or the governor's mansion or someplace else that will probably trip an alarm if someone tries to enter ethereally.  Once found out, she can explain her situation.  (OTOH, these places might simply be warded against ethereal creatures without revealing their presence)

The party can hold a large sign that tells her to follow them (she can read this from the ethereal plane without magic).  Then they go to the metropolis and seek out a caster or a way to get her back.

The DM can throw in a planned ambush from the ethereal plane that the party is going to walk into (more Xills?)  The rogue of course spots it and spoils it.  This time the party sits around and twiddles their thumbs while the rogue gets all the action.  She can even loot the bodies for more water.

Good luck!

Offline Eagle of Fire

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2012, 07:48:15 PM »
Thanks Kitrep. That's exactly what I was looking for. :D

So, see invisibility allow to see ethereal objects? Is there something else level 5 players can actually do in this situation? Most of them are rather green in D&D overall, I don't think they'll think about much to do to be frank and their RP lead them to leave the done rogue alone since they really think they cannot help at all in this situation. I'm leaning more on getting a rabbit out of my hat (like Wrex undiplomatically pointed out).

That Xill idea is giving me an idea of my own. Maybe I'll create a whole city of Xills in the Ethereal plane between the metropolis and where she is right now and she would have lots to do there. Especially since lone Xills are quite too strong for her alone I'd think, adding civilians Xills into the equation will even things up a bit I think.

If I understand well how the Ethereal plane work, the rogue would see the material plane quite difficultly while spotting things in the Ethereal plane very easily, especially since there is nothing there. If some kind of building or whatever have been erected there is should be plainly visible from miles to no end... Making the odds that she miss it about next to impossible.

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2012, 09:19:37 PM »
The Ethereal plane is a foggy, grey plane that deadens the senses. I doubt she'd be able to see anything clearly at great distances, but she might see the spires of a city poking out of the fog occasionally once she got within a mile or so of it. If she gets more than 60 feet from her party mates, she might very well lose contact entirely with them, as that's as far as he can see into the Material Plane, IIRC.

Yes, anything that can see invisible creatures can see ethereal creatures as well. In addition, there are ghosts on the ethereal plane, which could in theory be helpful to her, but are more likely not to be. There are also creatures that prey on material creatures there, like ethereal filchers and marauders. Since those are in fact intelligent and neutral, she might be able to convince one to help her find a way back to the material. Being natives of the ethereal, they might be familiar enough with it to actually know a way back.

The filcher/marauder/ghost could certainly jump back and forth to the Material to act as a messenger to her friends as well, so she could be less isolated and they could all work together towards getting her back. Maybe the filcher/marauder knows of a nearby hedge wizard who might return her to the Material in exchange for some service from the PCs.

There are a lot of directions to go with this. It sounds a lot more like a opportunity for some fun than anything.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 10:00:14 PM by phaedrusxy »
I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.

Offline midnight_v

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2012, 09:48:13 PM »
I find myself thinking, a hostile city, xill, and dare I say... a FRIENDLY ghost. Would really work. Especially if its helping with the intention of you helping he/she/it later. Excellent recurring character potential.
 The rogue gets out but finds she's freaking haunted... it could at least lead her to ethereal water.
"Disentegrate...gust of wind. Can we please get back to saving the world now?"

Offline Halinn

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2012, 04:01:09 PM »

Offline Eagle of Fire

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2012, 09:05:12 PM »
a FRIENDLY ghost.
Call him Casper.

My PCs already met a very powerful friendly ghost in the past, in another game. A very high level priest who died and who was preventing the squad she was commanding from rezing up as undead. The PCs got there before she used up all her strength and made sure the squad would rest in peace so she could also free her spirit.

The power of a well made background for ya. :)

So anyways... Not hard to do at all. And I'd like something more original. The hidden city option, made of scraps and bits of everything the Xills can grab in the material plane unnoticed, is really nice.

Offline Eagle of Fire

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Re: [3.5] Ethereal plane fun
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2012, 09:36:55 PM »
On another note... Anybody have any idea what is the description of Sixin, God of Xills (War, intrigue and deception)?

Or at least its symbol?

Edit: All I've found so far is this, from the "Defenders of the Faith" book.
The alien, reptilian god of the xill, Sixin, is lawful evil. He is known as the Highest among the more civilized xill, while barbaric xill call him the Rampager or the Wild. He has two aspects, corresponding to the two branches of his people: He is both a brutal war god and a subtle god of intrigue and deception. The domains he is associated with are Evil, Law, Strenght and Travel. His favored weapon is the short sword.
Edit2: From "Living Greyhawk Dieties.
Lesser Deity
Holy Symbol: Four red short swords, pommels together, forming an X.

I guess I'll leave this here for reference if someone need it.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 10:07:13 PM by Eagle of Fire »