Author Topic: [PF] Help with Sorcerer  (Read 2890 times)

Offline parinho7

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[PF] Help with Sorcerer
« on: June 10, 2012, 04:42:59 PM »
I am creating a level 14 Sorcerer for a single session. All PF books allowed. I've decided to go with arcane bloodline and the sorcerer favored class option from advanced players guide. It's the first time I am playing PF and I am inexperienced so I seek your knowledge for some things.

1) Arcane Bond, I have no idea how to make this useful. Can I add abilities in my ring of protection? Is its only use an extra spell per day?
2) Please optimize my feat selection:
Reach Spell, Quicken Spell, Maximize Spell, Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Perfection (Enervation), Spell Focus (Necromancy)
3) In the session we know we are going against a demon. I was looking for useful spells against demons and I get a little frustrated. In WotC DnD you get such wonderful spells as True Casting or Assay Resistance, now I spend 2 feats to get a +4 in my caster level and I am not at all happy about it. I supposed we go against a balor so I was making some calculations and even with spell penetration and greater sp I still need to roll 13 against the balors 31 sr. I couldn't find a single spell that might be useful against such an opponent so my character would be useless. Are there any good spells for  my situation? Any damage dealing spell that don't with no SR?
4) I've though of my tactics for the battle. MC vs Evil and Stoneskin for protection, Dimensional anchor to prevent the demon from teleporting near me because my AC will suck. And quickend true strike + maximized enervation + prey for a good caster level check. How about it?
5) Are there any ways to increase my saves? Again frustration that divine companion, greater resistance and ruin delver's fortune are unavailable on PF :banghead :banghead :shakefist :shakefist :shakefist

Help please and thanks in advance!!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 04:50:49 PM by parinho7 »

Offline Halinn

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Re: [PF] Help with Sorcerer
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 05:17:41 PM »
1) It's a free spell per day, and you don't need the relevant crafting feat to improve on the bonded item. Instead of a bonded item, consider a Compsognathus familiar for another +4 initiative.
3) You can get a further +2 bonus vs. spell resistance by being an elf (although I suggest being human for extra spells known and the charisma bonus). If you want to not be automatically dead against a Balor, I suggest being evil, otherwise Blaphemy has a decent chance of taking you out. And make sure you have a defense against Dominate Monster as well.
4) You can get a bit more out of your spells with the Magical Lineage and Wayang Spellhunter traits. The second one might be cut for Reactionary instead.
The Emergency Force Sphere spell seems to be extremely nice defensively. I'm assuming that you are flying constantly at level 14, so a hemisphere completely pointed towards your opponents will leave you room to move out of it to cast your own spells afterwards.

Consider the Razmiran Priest sorcerer archetype. Being able to get near unlimited use out of divine scrolls is a quite nice ability.

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Re: [PF] Help with Sorcerer
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 11:03:27 PM »
Arcane bond is worthless for a sorcerer. Get a familiar. Improved Familiar allows you to have an Imp, who can use Commune once per week among other things.
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Offline steenan

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Re: [PF] Help with Sorcerer
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 02:07:34 PM »
Piercing spell lets you treat opponent's SR as 5 lower, for the cost of +1 metamagic.

Offline StreamOfTheSky

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Re: [PF] Help with Sorcerer
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 02:26:55 PM »
Agreed with Dandu, the bonded item sucks for a sorc.  Plus, you SHOULD have use magic device maxed, so an improved familiar is especially delicious for you.

Be a Human.  Use the alt. favored class option for extra spells known.  You're welcome.

For feats, you definitely want Dazing Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, and Spell Perfection (something you want to often quicken).  Flyby Attack can be nice for kiting in and out of range with spells, but is not necessary.

Stone Call is the first no SR damage spell I can think of, and it has a HUGE radius and range.  It's also basicaly impossible to resist, as it's no-save bludgeoning damage, but because it's a spell, DR does not apply.  Throw Dazing onto that and you have a nice area of effect will save or lose.  I prefer sticking dazing on spells that grant reflex saves, though, as reflex usually doesn't have SoL options.  Not sure if there are any no-SR reflex save damage spells, though.

Persistent Spell helps deal with saves, they roll 2d20 and take the lower.  Beyond that, start 2/ 20 charisma, +6 item, all level up points to it, and perhaps find ways to lower the enemy's save bonuses.

EDIT: level 14 + orange iuon stone = CL 15.  Greater Spell Penetration = +19 on the roll.  For your perfected spell, it's a +23.  That's manageable.  You could also consider Fey bloodline.  They get to reroll all SR checks.  You'd just need the cloak that increases your effective sorcerer level for bloodline powers.  If you still wanted the familiar, it just requires 2 feats (Skill Focus Knowledge Arcana + Eldritch Heritage).
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 02:32:13 PM by StreamOfTheSky »