Belt of magnificence (+6): +6 enhancement bonus to all ability scores, 200,000 gp, Miniatures Handbook p42
Displacement armor: 50% miss chance, +100,000 gp special ability, Oriental Adventures p122
Gemstone of fortification (heavy): immunity to critical hits and sneak attack, 35,000 gp + limited wish, Draconomicon p83
Hathran mask of true seeing: continuous true seeing, 75,000 gp, Unapproachable East p57
Ring of Freedom of Movement: continuous freedom of movement, 40,000 gp, Dungeon Master's Guide p232
Soulfire armor: immunity to death effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects, +4 special ability, Book of Exalted Deeds p112
Third Eye Conceal: immunity to mind-affecting effects and information-gathering magic, 120,000 gp, Magic Item Compendium p141