Author Topic: Whew My Fix is back  (Read 1230 times)

Offline Nagukuk

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Whew My Fix is back
« on: November 08, 2011, 10:53:39 AM »
Hello again ladies and gents.

I'm happy to be able to get my "fix". I was clicking my book mark to the forums at least 2-3 times per day last week.

Of all the crazy things I was searching for the ghost handbook lol, I never read it before, and my gaming group is going to try an undead campaign.

I  have been a gamer since before atari - (pong)
I have played the "Boxed" set D&D, but ony very briefly before moving to Advanced.

My first character was a THEIF!
He had a dagger of venom (sounded cool as hell)
A girdle of giant strength?  or perhaps it was gauntlets of ogre power.
And like 10-20 Glaives ......  yes Glaives .... they did 1-8 damage. AND we thought they were big throwing stars! - sans the "returning" thing .... Go watch the movie Krull ... and you will see why.

ANNND of course he was "sitting in the bar when..."

The character was only a one shot to test/train me to be come a member of the gaming group.

Any way thats enough about my 25 year old character ... probably older than some of you young pups that post here heheh.

Greetings Salutations and Thanks
(Troll Shadow Knight of Tholux P)