Well let me start by reposting something I posted earlier:
If you believe in variant class feature chaining (as you should since it's not at all overpowering ) you can make a more martial focused druid by taking druidic avenger (Lose: Animal Companion, Spontaneous Summoning spells, -4 Wild Empathy Checks. Gain: Fast Movement (as Barbarian), Rage (as Barbarian), Tireless Rage (as Barbarian))
and the other UA druid variant (Lose: Armor and shield proficiency, wild shape (all versions). Gain: Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored (as monk, including Wisdom bonus to AC)*, fast movement (as monk), favored enemy (as ranger), swift tracker (as ranger), Track (as ranger))
then the Barbarian variant (Lose: Rage and tireless rage. Gain: Favored enemy (as ranger); archery combat style, improved archery combat style, and archery combat style mastery (as ranger).
then the Ranger variant (Lose: Combat style, improved combat style, combat style mastery. Gain: Wild shape (as druid; Small or Medium animals only), fast movement (as barbarian))
and the Trap Expert Ranger variant (Lose: Track, Swift Tracker. Gain: Trapfinding, Disable Device as Class Skill)
Then after fifth take levels of master of many forms to regain your full wild shape awesomeness. Then you have a frontline, martial, sneaky, face-like, healing, super druid. Has full druid spellcasting, rogue trapfinding, and a ton of martial capability.
I realized that is not what you asked for, but I was never into animal companions so I thought I'd share.
I'm not quite sure how the elemental companion works, but if it doesn't gimp the elemental too much then I second the water elemental idea if you want to keep a companion. Water elementals can be sick when actually in the water.