Ok, so I want to try the Shadowrun gaming system, because as a former 40k player the notion of rolling plenty of D6 sends me into a deep-seated sense of satisfaction. But Shadowrun has - A LOT - of information and rules to assimilate and it won't work for my gaming group.
So, I've decided to borrow the system, change up some skills, kick out some parts and all in all just modify it for my desire to do a Fallout-esque scenario/short campaign.
I've recently started playing Fallout 2 and I have at this point in time 297 hours of gaming time clocked on my Steam for Fallout: New Vegas, so I'm sure you can see that I'm a fan of romanticized post-apocalypse rpg's. I'm going to be the GM and I have 4 players, two of which I have no idea what they want to play yet. One wants to play a classic scavenger/prospector and the other guy just want to play the big, dumb muscle friend.
I'm not forced to keep to any official Fallout canon, I'm going to steal as much as I like but not necessarily anything specific. So with that in mind, I really can do pretty much anything I can think of as a scenario.
So if anyone of you have any ideas for scenarios, scenes or campaigns, I would be very happy to hear them. Everything is welcome, right now I'm just trying to create a nice scenario with a good balance of survival/action/social/vault-delving/other so that the group can say that I offered a "full-course meal" so to speak.
The tone I'm after is resource-gathering and survival through interesting scenarios and an overall sense of Adventure.
For now, I'm thinking some local political intrigue, be it between rival gangs or something bigger like NCR vs Legion.
Naturally some vault-delving and some ruin-searching, a good 'ol proper Dungeon Crawl.
I'm keen on instilling a sense of satisfaction for managing to achieve things that might not be so impressive by other genre standards but which is invaluable in this game. For example, using a mixture of social skills, technological feats and some clever combat to net themselves resources enough to secure a bi-weekly supply of Bhramin meat from a cattle Baron will be something to be quite proud of and something worth celebrating. The same thing if they somehow managed to get a reliable source of energy and/or drinking water.
I tend to be overly generous and to ramp up the superlativity rather quick when I GM and I'm trying to tone it down this time. It's the same principle that I like E6, one can be heroic and awesome if one just shifts the perspective a bit.
One idea I have is for them to come across a dead body with a Pip-Boy (or something similar to it) that can give clues to a safe haven or useful stuff, but it requires some technical skills to get to the information. Information they'll get over time, so that other interesting stuff can happen whilst they're waiting for more information.
My end goal for now is for the group to be in a much better shape than when they start, with somewhere to live, with more food and water, ammo and medical supplies, maybe a friendly robot and some good tech, maybe some social connections to friends that can help in the future, etc.
Simply put, they'll start at square one and work their way up through a combination of smarts, muscle and luck.
Any and all ideas are welcome, the scenario is still in it's infancy so there's very little settled.