Author Topic: Greetings and Salutations  (Read 1331 times)

Offline Eldritch_Lord

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Greetings and Salutations
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:13:53 PM »
Hey everyone, Eldritch_Lord here.  I haven't posted much on the BG boards in the past year or so because I'm hard at work on my thesis and am splitting my D&D posting between several forums, but you might recognize the handle from the old WotC boards.  I may de-lurk more frequently on these new boards, but only time will tell.

About me, lessee...RPG-wise, I learned 2e in second grade from a friend's group, went back to 1e for a bit, learned 3e when it came out, switched over when 3.5 came out, and gave 4e a few tries, so I run the D&D gamut, and I've played GURPS, Riddle of Steel, Ars Magica, and a bunch of other systems (and of course the half-bazillion d20-variant games like M&M, SWSE, and such).

Personally, I'm a computer science and computer systems major working on my MS, I read and write a lot in my spare time (such as it is), I'm a huge sci-fi nerd (Star Wars being my favorite, but the other Star* 'verses and Firefly/WH40K/etc. are up there too), and I like long and verbose sentences with parenthetical additions (possibly because I'm a programmer (though I usually despise functional languages like Lisp))).

That's about it.  See you in the threads.