Author Topic: Greetings from Quebec  (Read 1022 times)

Offline Drake

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Greetings from Quebec
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:14:39 AM »
Hi there !

As of now, since the Quebec student strike is waning for "summer" reasons (winter is pretty harsh out here, so summer is a short blessing), a few fellow activists have begun coming back to their tabletop hobbies.

I've been playing D&D 3.5 since 2003. That game really was my introduction to tabletop RPGs, and to may other tabletop (and even LARP) games. I have especially played Shadowrun 4th ed., Mutants and Masterminds, and some games using the Pathfinder RPG ruleset (though I consider it an extension of 3.5, more or less). I also play Board games with a far larger circle of friends, as we ended up having quite an enviable collection of games (including classics like Puerto Rico and Catan, as well as less known ones like Ora et Labora, Struggles of Empires, etc.).

I was, for many years, an almost daily reader of the WotC CO Boards before they were deleted. I participated, under the ID BarbeChenue, to some light guides : Introduction to Immortality, The Shapeshifter and was quoted in Campaign Smashers for an Infinite Wish Loop.

Later on, I became acquainted (lurker) with the Brilliant Gameologists boards, and found a lot of info there for years and years... Until I found out they had moved here.

So here I am, I don't have as much to offer as when I first dug into CO, but I do have some background and would like some help, some times.

Speaking of which : right now, I'm trying a build inspired by the Mr. Icy-Hot character, who's a Walker in the Wastes. It's my third WitW, but this time I'm starting at low level (3rd), so I'm looking for ideas to keep the character powerful throughout the levels where my Con score is going to be pretty dismal (to prepare for undead status... 10 levels ahead).

So that's pretty much it, see you somewhere on the boards !
