Saying that multiple binary defenses against a limited resource when referring only to spells vs. attacks is inaccurate.
In D&D, the only resource you have is
time. What you can do in one round is all that matters. The ability to fire another rocket next round is irrelevant to the fact that you have failed to deliver your rocket this round, and you have an entire round's volley of rockets to swallow before you can try again.
A spell has much more effect when it hits than when an attack does, even a full attack. I feel comparing the two is unfair and obfuscates the issue of spell resistance: sometimes spells just don't do anything to dragons.
If you are going to compare melee and magic, you need to be ready to renovate the entirety of the problem, which is the system. To that end I would make spells just as cheap as attacks and lower their effects to attack
gradual defenses so everyone is on an equal playing meta.