As a personal project, I started to make a compilation of every 3.5's summonnable monster statblocks (from the Legal summon monster tread). And not just those from the SRD.
It's a personnal project for myself and friends, as looking trough 5 books for each casting of a Summon Monster X is tedious for the Summonner player or the DM.
Its a lenghty process. Those taken from the SRD are easy, but I have to write down a lot of things by hand for the other books. And there's A LOT of monsters.
(at 2 monster per pages, I currently have 61 pages, and I just finished SM IV)
I believe at least SOME people would be interested in this as well, but if fear its not legal to distribute stats blocks (or maybe its Fair use, since its a very small portion of the books.)
So 2 questions: 1-Are some people interested in getting it?
2-Is it allowed on the forums/legal at all?