Used the following in a homebrew campaign:
Athletics = Climb , Jump , Swim
Inspect = Appraise , Search
Linguistics = Decipher Script , Forgery
Magic = Psicraft , Spellcraft
Mechanics = Disable Device , Open Locks
Acrobatics = Balance , Tumble
Legerdemain = Escape Artist , Sleight of Hand
Stealth = Hide , Move Silently
Anatomy = Heal , Control Shape
Notice = Listen, Spot
Streetwise = Gather Information, Sense Motive
Survival = Survival , Use Rope
? = Truesapeak, Speak Language
Concentration = Autohypnosis , Concentration
Animals = Handle Animal, Ride
Artifice = Use Magic Device , Use Psionic Device
Deception = Bluff , Disguise
Influence = Diplomacy , Intimidate
Hope that helps.