I have a character that will be a Rogue 1/Fighter 1/Factotum 3/Chameleon 10/Master Trower 5 (not necessarily in that order). I will use the Targeteer fighter variant and the deadeye feat to add 2*Dex to each of my attacks, along with a bit of Knowledge Devotion to make a Dex/Int based character. I'm open to suggestions for feats/build, but I have most of that figured out.
What I am really interested in is finding some good low-level spells for him, since Chameleon gives me potential access to all spell lists. I plan to use some of the good ones from Tefflammar Shadowlord and Trapsmith, both of which have higher level spells as low levels.
So, the main question is, what are some good low-level spells from any spell list (arcane, divine, all classes and PrCs) that would benefit a thrower/stealthy caster character?