Recently I was asked to guest GM an epic game for a session, the GM wants to be a player as he has a favorite NPC. I have most of it worked out apart from a couple of epic spells I want to make (they will be part of the treasure if they beat him) so I need some help putting DCs to somethings not covered in the rules.
The first one I want to make is one that essentially is the Practiced Spellcaster feat but it effects anything with a caster level. Mainly due to the caster level of the spell-like abilities of the domains (10 + DVR) being really low. If this was my game I would house rule that to be HD + DVR but I think that will be overstepping my bounds, so I want to make an epic spell for this. Chances are this is a ritual with additional casters involved.
The problem is there is nothing like this in the Epic Level Handbook. Does anyone have any suggestions on the DC for this or know of a spell like this already existing?
The second one is a last resort spell. It is meant to be a trap for anyone who manages to kill or subdue the deity. On the outside the spell looks like it increases ones DVR by 1, but what it really does is resurrect the deity in the casters body and if the caster had DVRs gives the deity +1 DVR. I am thinking that if/when the players find it there will be some ticking clock so that its harder to realise this is actually what the spell will do and get them to cast it as quickly as possible.
I would like 2 limitations on this spell, first it can only be cast once by any caster (this gives a reason as to why the deity has not just cast this spell over an over again) and the second is that it requires a sacrifice of an ally who felt real betrayal at death (so no memory editing etc, also another reason it has not been spammed by the deity).
Heres what I have so far:
Resurrection Life +27
DVR Increase
Natural AC +1 Fortify +17
Fortitude save +1 Fortify +17
Reflex save +1 Fortify +17
Will save +1 Fortify +17
Fire Resistance +1 Fortify +17
SR +1 Fortify +17
Mitigating Factors
Backlash 54d6 -54 (can this damage be increased?)
Personal -2
What I still have to do:
Divine AC +1
Attack Rolls +1
Skills +1
Ability Checks +1
CL Checks +1
Turning +1
Salient Divine Ability +1
Saving Throw DC +1 (Both Sp's and Divine Aura)
Senses +1 mile
Remote Sensing +1 mile
Block Sensing +1 mile
Divine Aura +10 ft
Remote Communication +1 mile
Godly Realm +100 ft
Travel +100lb
Castable only once
Betrayal of a close ally
Any suggestions on Spellcraft DCs would be appreciated.