Author Topic: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders  (Read 14593 times)

Offline Bozwevial

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Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« on: August 24, 2012, 03:30:26 AM »
Behold! The first Min/Max Boards homebrew contest, as suggested by sirpercival! (Also, much thanks to ErrantX of GitP for inspiring our own sirpercival, and also for his rules, from which I have borrowed heavily.)

As of now, the contest is open, and will remain open for entries through midnight on September 24th. Once that's done, we'll be collecting votes via public poll over a ten-day period ending at midnight, October 4th.

Rules and Other Bothersome Things
  • Entrants will create a prestige class that centers on the use of a particular spell, in much the same way as the Swiftblade focuses on the use of haste. One example, for instance, might be a fist of stone-based prestige class which transforms you into an earth elemental. The prestige class can either require the spell (or an equivalent ability such as an invocation) as a prerequisite or hand it out at first level, depending on your preferences, but it should be central to the class in theme and mechanics.
  • As you may have guessed from the fact that you're creating a prestige class, entries should either be 3.5 or Pathfinder. You can draw on any WotC or Paizo material for your work, but kindly specify which system you're using in your entry.
  • In order to keep the formatting consistent, entries should use the prestige class template in the dropdown menu to the right of the font color menu. Complete entries need not provide epic level progressions, but they should include a name, the full class, and all necessary fluff. (That doesn't include NPC statblocks, however.) If your entry is incomplete at the deadline, it won't be considered.
  • Likewise, if your entry is edited after the deadline, it won't be considered.
  • This thread should be reserved for entry posts only. Discussion and questions should be posted in the discussion thread here.
  • I would take it as a personal kindness if you didn't reserve posts in this thread. Skeleton entries which you edit later are acceptable.
  • All submitted work should, obviously, be your own work. It should also be entirely new. Previously posted entries or entries not written by you will not be considered, because that would just be silly. In addition, only a single entry submitted by a given competitor will be considered.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 08:47:35 PM by Bozwevial »
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2012, 03:32:18 AM »
Reserved for additional space.
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Garryl

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2012, 06:37:12 PM »
Karma's a bitch.

Anyways, here's a shell that I'll be filling out (hopefully). I still haven't put in much in the way of really "interesting" class features yet, so I've got my work cut out for me.

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« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 09:48:18 AM by Garryl »

Offline Maat Mons

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2012, 08:03:55 PM »

“Some say there's no problem that can't be solved with a really big sword. Some say there's no problem that can't be solved with explosions. Personally, I favor exploding swords.”
-Cernn “Mr. Subtlety” Turmest

An eldritch warrior specializes in channeling his eldritch blast through weaponry. Initially, this is a rather ineffective approach to take. However, after a great deal of practice, he manages to combine these two disparate attack forms into something he can reasonably employ in battle.

All eldritch warriors are warlocks. Many also have levels in fighter, hexblade, or one of the paladin variants.

Skills: Concentration 8 ranks or Intimidate 8 ranks.
Invocations: Able to use hideous blow.

Class Skills
The Eldritch Warrior's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

Hit Dice: d8

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecialSpellcasting
1st+1+2+0+2DR 1/cold iron, glancing transmission, swift imbuement-
2nd+2+3+0+3Enhance weapon+1 level of warlock invoking
3rd+3+4+1+3DR 2/cold iron+1 level of warlock invoking
4th+4+4+1+4Potent critical+1 level of warlock invoking
5th+5+4+1+4DR 3/cold iron+1 level of warlock invoking
6th+6+5+2+5Dual essence-
7th+7+5+2+5DR 4/cold iron+1 level of warlock invoking
8th+8+6+2+6Heightened imbuement+1 level of warlock invoking
9th+9+6+3+6DR 5/cold iron+1 level of warlock invoking
10th+10+7+3+7Free imbuement+1 level of warlock invoking

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: You do not gain proficiency with any armor or weapon. If you have proficiency with medium armor, you gain the ability to use invocations in medium armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. If you have proficiency with heavy armor, you gain the ability to use invocations in heavy armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. If you gain new armor proficiencies after taking your first level in this class, you gain these benefits retroactively.

Invocations: At each level except 1st and 6th, you gain new invocations known, an increase in eldritch blast damage, and an increase in caster level as if you had gained a level in warlock.

Damage Reduction (Su): You gain damage reduction, as shown on the class table. If you already have DR/cold iron, this stacks.

Glancing Transmission (Su): If you make a melee attack that would channel your eldritch blast and miss, but your attack roll would have been sufficient to hit the target's touch AC, the target is affected by your eldritch blast just as if you had hit. This doesn't allow you to deal the weapon's damage or deliver any other effect relying on a successful melee attack.

Swift Imbuement (Su): Your hideous blow invocation changes drastically. The casting time changes to 1 swift action. Casting it no longer provokes attacks of opportunity, as normal for swift-action spells. You no longer make an attack as part of casting the invocation. Instead, every attack made with the selected weapon before the start of your next turn channels your eldritch blast. Each such attack functions just as the single attack normally allowed by hideous blow does.

Enhance Weapon (Su): When you use hideous blow, the weapon you imbue with your eldritch blast gains an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls until the start of your next turn. The bonus is equal to half your eldritch warrior level or one-fourth your caster level, whichever is higher.

Potent Critical (Su): Beginning at 4th level, when you score a critical hit with a melee attack that channels your eldritch blast, your blast gains benefits depending on the weapon's critical multiplier, as shown on the table below. These benefits don't apply to a blast delivered by glancing transmission.

Critical MultiplierBlast Benefit
x2Empower, and +1 to save DC
x3Maximize, and +2 to save DC
x4Maximize, empower, and +3 to save DC

The maximize and empower effects function as the metamagic feats of the same name. You don't need to have these feats or the equivalent feats for spell-like abilities to benefit from this ability.

Dual Essence (Su): Beginning at 6th level, when you invoke hideous blow, you can apply two eldritch essence invocations instead of one. If both invocations would normally change the damage type of your eldritch blast, half the damage is of one type, and the remainder is of the other type. You can't apply the same essence twice.

Heighten Imbuement (Su): beginning at 8th level, when you use an eldritch blast modified by hideous blow, you can increase the effective spell level, up to a maximum of half your effective warlock level, rounded up. This increases any save DC, and it may alter how the invocation interacts with certain spells and effects.

Free Imbuement (Su): At 10th level, you hideous blow invocation changes once again. The casting time changes to 1 free action, but you can only use it once per round. Using hideous blow in this way doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity and never requires a concentration check, even if you are damaged or distracted.

An eldritch warrior plays in many ways like a warlock focused on eldritch glaive, but you have much greater freedom in choice of weapon and armor.
Combat: Your combat tactics will revolve around hideous blow when you're in melee. When your base attack bonus reaches +6, you can force creatures to save against your eldritch blast twice in a round. 
Advancement: Eldritch warriors focused on damage may wish to take levels in hellfire warlock. Eldritch theurge or eldritch disciple can be used to mix in casting.
Resources: Eldritch warriors generally run in the same circles as other warlocks. Their martial bent makes them more likely to join mercenary groups.

“I can channel my blast through a weapon too. I don't see what the big deal is.”
-Morthos, warlock

Non-warlocks have trouble distinguishing between eldritch warriors an normal warlocks. Normal warlocks look down on eldritch warriors for obsessing over a single invokation.
Daily Life: Most eldritch warriors spend as much time as possible in battle. After all, if they didn't like hand-to-hand combat, they'd have specialized in eldritch spear.
Organizations: There are no organizations specifically for eldritch warriors. Most belong to some mercenary company or another.

NPC Reaction
Opinions on eldritch knights are highly polarized. Users of magic generally regard them as hacks who don't have the wherewithal to master multiple techniques. Others consider eldritch knights to be “bitchin'.”

Eldritch knights fit easily into the game, since they are really just very specialized gishes.
Adaptation: An interesting parallel to this class would be one focused on eldritch glaive.
Encounters: Eldritch warriors will virtually always be encountered on a battlefield, stabbing things.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 11:14:33 PM by Maat Mons »

Offline TheGeometer

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2012, 09:05:03 PM »

Do you know who you're dealing with? I have perfected the art of opening and closing things!
Aezor the Arcane, a Master of Opening and Closing

It's amazing what some people think is the key to ultimate power. Surprisingly, there is an order devoted to the mastery of the pathetic little cantrip, Open/Close. Even more surprisingly, by enhancing the power of that pitiful spell, the members of this order can become incredibly potent masters of magic.


   - Arcane Caster Level 5th
   - Able to cast Open/Close
   - Must have practiced and studied opening and closing things for days at a time.

Class Skills
 The Master of Opening and Closing's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration, Craft, Disable Device, Decipher Script, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Open Lock, Profession, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
Skills Points at Each  Level : 2 + int

Hit Dice: d4





Forceful Opening/Closing
Open/Close Eyes
Detect Objects to Open/Close
Open/Close Wounds
Explosive Opening/Closing
Open/Close Gaps
Close Mouth/Open Hands
Open/Close Minds
Permanent Opening/Closing
Open/Close the Universe

+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class

Weapon Proficiencies: The Master of Opening and Closing does not gain proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each level besides 1st and 6th, a Master of Opening and Closing gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She must have been able to cast Open/Close through the abilities of that class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (such as the bonus feat sometimes gained by a wizard). If she had more than one arcane spellcasting class that was able to cast Open/Close before becoming a Master of Opening and Closing, she must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known.

Open/Close: The Master of Opening and Closing gains different ways to use the cantrip Open/Close as she progresses through the prestige class. The abilities Forceful Opening/Closing, Explosive Opening/Closing, and Permanent Opening/Closing all change the standard effect of the cantrip, and can all apply simultaneously in addition to the normal effect of the cantrip. All other uses of Open/Close that this prestige class offers must be used separately; at the time of casting, the Master of Opening and Closing chooses which application to use, and if she chooses any use other than the standard use, her Open/Close spell does not gain the benefits of the 3 abilities mentioned above. All uses have an improved range of medium, rather than close. For a Master of Opening and Closing, the spell level of Open/Close, and all factors that result from it, such as save DCs, is determined by the spell slot in which the caster had prepared (or spontaneously cast) Open/Close. The metamagic feat Heighten Spell cannot change the effective spell level of any Open/Close spell used by the Master of Opening and Closing.

Forceful Opening/Closing: At 1st level, the Master of Opening and Closing learns to open and close that which is far more difficult to move. When she casts Open/Close, the weight limit for what she can open or close becomes 20 lbs/CL. In addition, any creature standing in the path of an opening or closing door affected by this spell is forcefully ejected from the doorway, ending up next to the door on the appropriate side and taking 1d6 damage for every 20 lb the door weighs (maximum 20d6).

Open/Close Eyes: By 2nd level, the Master of Opening and Closing learns to close more than just doors and chests. When she casts Open/Close, she may choose to instead close a creature's eyes, causing the effects of blindness (Will negates). Any creature capable of closing its sensory organs is susceptible to this effect, even if the creature is immune to blindness. The Master of Opening and Closing can also use this ability to open a creature's eyes and suppress blindness (Will negates, harmless) for the duration of the effect, unless the spell effect causing the blindness has a higher spell level than the Open/Close spell used. Both effects last for 1 round/CL.

Detect Objects to Open/Close: At 3rd level, the Master of Opening and Closing becomes aware of everything around her that has the potential to be opened or closed. She senses, as though she had blindsense, all openable objects within 30 ft + 10ft/class level that are mentioned in the description of the Open/Close spell, including secret doors. The objects that she can open or close through the features of this prestige class cannot be sensed in this way unless they are specifically mentioned in the spell's description.

Open/Close Wounds: By 4th level, the Master of Opening and Closing can use her skills to directly harm her enemies. With a special use of an Open/Close spell, she can open large gashes in her foes' flesh, dealing 2d8/spell level (Fortitude half). Alternately, she can close the wounds of her allies, healing 1d8/spell level.

Explosive Opening/Closing: At 5th level, whenever the Master of Opening and Closing uses a standard casting of Open/Close, she can cause the object to open or close with explosive force. Her Open/Close spell can break any locks, tethers, or glues, move up to 200 pounds of openable material per caster level, and bypass any spell (of spell level equal to or lower than the one she used to cast Open/Close) that would prevent the object from being opened or closed. In addition, she may choose to open or close the object with such force that it explodes, utterly destroying the object. This deals 2d6 damage (maximum 40d6) for every 20 lbs the object weighs in a radius in feet equal half the weight of the object (rounded down to the nearest 20 lbs).

Open/Close Gaps: At 6th level, the Master of Opening and Closing learns to open and close materials that were never meant to open or close. She can cast Open/Close to create or close gaps in nonliving material of any hardness that does not exceed twice the level of the spell she uses to affect it. These gaps can be up to 2 feet deep and in diameter per spell level, minus 1 foot per point of hardness of the material. She may choose to open or close a gap of this size, or increase or decrease an existing gap by this volume.

Close Mouth/Open Hands: By 7th level, the Master of Opening and Closing becomes adept at using her abilities to inhibit all kinds of enemies, both fighters and casters. She may use an Open/Close spell to cause a creature to keep its mouth closed, preventing speech and verbal casting for 1 round/CL, or keep its hands open, causing it to drop anything that it is holding and preventing it from picking anything up again for 1 round/CL. Both effects can be negated by a Will save.

Open/Close Minds: The 8th level Master of Opening and Closing can even open and close minds, making them more or less susceptible to influence. When she opens a mind with a use of the Open/Close spell, the creature affected gains a penalty to Will saves equal to the level of the Open/Close spell used. She can also close a mind, giving it a bonus to Will saves rather than a penalty. Both effects last for 1 round/CL.

Permanent Opening/Closing: By 9th level, the Master of Opening and Closing has complete control over anything that she opens or closes. She can use an Open/Close spell to open or close an object of any weight, bypassing all spell effects that would prevent this. In addition, she may choose to make the object's closed or open state permanent when she does this, preventing anyone from ever making the object more open or closed than it is at the end of the spell.

Open/Close the Universe: At 10th level, the Master of Opening and Closing realizes that even the fabric of reality can be opened or closed. When she uses a casting of Open/Close in this way, she can open a hole in reality, a portal to unknowable dimensions 5 ft wide/spell level that lasts 1 round/CL. Every other round for the duration of the effect, a monster with the Pseudonatural template from the Summon Monster list of that spell level emerges from the rift and fights for the Master of Opening and Closing.  Roll randomly each round to determine which monster appears. The Master of Opening and Closing can alternatively use this ability to close any planar gate or rift and simultaneously create the effects of a Dimensional Lock spell centered on its former location for 1 round/CL.

A Master of Opening and Closing has a lot of versatility. Since she can achieve dazzling array of different spell effects without needing to know more than a single spell, she can achieve feats that other casters can only dream about.
 Combat: The Master of Opening and Closing can deal direct damage by opening wounds, play the cleric by closing them, or make his opponents weaker throughout combat by blinding or silencing them. She can especially make use of doors and other openable objects around the battlefield by making them explode in her enemies' faces. And all of this from a cantrip that was never designed for combat.
 Advancement: Some rogues take only a single level of this prestige class to aid in their lockpicking, but most do not have the patience or willpower to open and close doors for hours to qualify for this. Masters of Opening and Closing traditionally continue along this path until they have reached their full potential...until they can open and close EVERYTHING!
Resources: Masters of Opening and Closing are expert dungeoneers. They can manipulate the hallways around them in battle, detect secret doors and chests, and make use of a dungeon's many openings and passageways. A Master of Opening and Closing is an ideal companion for any adventuring party.

"Sorry, but you spent the last 10 years of your life mastering the art of... opening and closing things?"
-skeptical fighter, to a Master of Opening and Closing
When you hire a new member of a party, you're looking for certain skills. Not surprisingly, those that have been doing nothing but opening and closing things are looked down upon by the more traditional adventurers.
 Daily Life: A Master of Opening and Closing typically spends 2-3 hours every day practicing opening and closing things. Half of this practice is without magic, so that she can truly understand what it means to be open or closed.
 Notables: The first Master of Opening and Closing was an anonymous mage that was thrown in jail for being a public nuisance. He opened his manacles, opened a gap in the floor of his jail cell, closed it behind him, and was never seen again.
 Organizations: The Masters of Opening and Closing are divided into two main rival sects: those that master opening, and those that prefer closing. The conflicts between these two groups can sometimes get intense, with entire armies of mages clustering around a single door to try to open or close it. The Battle of the Great Door, which ended about 500 years ago, involved thousands of casters and ended with a bitter stalemate and a door that was slightly ajar.

NPC Reaction
 Some people just don't get it. They think it's weird to spend your day learning to open and close things. They just don't understand that it's the key to ultimate power, like the Masters of Opening and Closing know it is. Most NPCs have never heard of this secretive order, and those that have treat Masters of Opening and Closing as members of some weird cult that makes no sense.

 Masters of Opening and Closing can fill most traditional casting roles; their versatility makes them a force to be reckoned with in any situation.
 Adaptation: A Master of Opening and Closing can exist in any campaign that has doors or other things to open or close, but fits in especially well in twisting dungeon settings, rather than wide open plains of battle. In some campaigns, this prestige class can be replaced by 2 different ones: the Master of Opening and the Master of Closing. Simply divide the appropriate abilities from this prestige class between the two variants.
 Encounters: Masters of Opening and Closing are easy to spot, as they boastfully open and close anything in their paths. If you meet a Master of Opening and Closing in your travels, it is a safe bet that he or she will make some reference to opening or closing things within a minute of your meeting.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 01:40:45 PM by TheGeometer »

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2012, 09:44:05 PM »
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Offline sirpercival

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2012, 11:11:33 PM »

"You need this castle to fall down?  No problem."
-Big Lem, Horned Juggernaut and demolitions expert

 A Horned Juggernaut is, essentially, a charging rhinoceros.  He can pound through enemies and objects with impunity, an avalanche of flesh and steel which removes obstacles.

There are several ways to become a Horned Juggernaut, but the fastest route is to be a ranger or paladin.

   Base Attack Bonus: +6
   Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Powerful Charge
   Spells: Must have gained the benefit of the rhino's rush spell at least once per day during the previous level.

Class Skills
 The Horned Juggernaut's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int

Hit Dice: d12





1st+1+2+0+0Crushing charge, horned rush
2nd+2+3+0+0Broken charge, momentum +1
4th+4+4+1+1Mighty charge
5th+5+4+1+1Battering ram, momentum +2
6th+6+5+2+2Rhinoshape armament
7th+7+5+2+2Rapid rush
8th+8+6+2+2Inexorable charge, momentum +3
9th+9+6+3+3Dire rhinoshape
10th+10+7+3+3Juggernaut charge

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Horned Juggernaut gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Crushing charge (Ex): Whenever a horned juggernaut successfully strikes an opponent during a charge attack while under the effects of rhino's rush, he can make a free bull rush attempt against the foe he hit, gaining the charge attack bonus (+2 for a normal charge), multiplied by any damage multipliers due to a charge (including the doubling from rhino's rush), as a bonus to the opposed Strength check. Unlike standard bull rush attempts, this attempt doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity, and the juggernaut need not move with the enemy.

Horned rush (Su): Once per encounter, a horned juggernaut may spend a swift action to gain the benefit of rhino's rush as a supernatural ability.

Broken charge (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, while under the effects of rhino's rush, a horned juggernaut can charge at no penalty through terrain which would normally hamper movement.

Momentum (Ex): A horned juggernaut learns to gather momentum when charging, which he can transfer to his opponents.  When making a charge or partial charge, a horned juggernaut of 2nd level or higher gains a +1 bonus to any bull rush attempt he makes at the end (either from a normal bull rush attempt, or his Crushing Charge ability, or for any other reason) for every 5 feet he moves as part of the charge. This bonus increases to +2 per 5 feet moved at 5th level, and to +3 per 5 feet at 8th level.

Rhinoshape (Su): At 3rd level, a horned juggernaut makes a mystical connection to the epitome of the unstoppable charger: the rhinoceros.  Whenever the horned juggernaut charges while under the effects of rhino's rush, he may choose as part of the same action to partially transform into a rhinoceros for the duration of the charge.  He gains a +16 bonus to Strength and a +10 bonus to Constitution, his natural armor bonus increases by +7, and he increases in size by one category, as per the enlarge person spell (including the rules for equipment sizing).  In addition, he gains a natural gore attack which deals 2d6 base damage + 1.5 times his (newly enhanced) Strength modifier; only the gore attack (and not any weapons he wields) can gain the benefit of double damage from rhino's rush.  After the charge is resolved, the horned juggernaut returns to his normal form and size.

Mighty charge (Ex): Whenever a juggernaut of 4th level or higher makes a charge attack, instead of the normal +2 bonus to his attack roll at the end of the charge, he gains a +1 bonus to the attack per 10 feet he moves as part of the charge (minimum +2).  The penalty to AC remains at -2, as normal.

Battering ram (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, any time a horned juggernaut makes a charge at a door, wall, or other solid object, instead of performing a normal attack, he may attempt to break the object by making a bull rush attempt against the object's break DC.  He gains a bonus to the bull rush from his Momentum ability, as normal.  In addition, if the horned juggernaut has other abilities or effects which grant him bonuses to breaking objects (such as from a Marshal's aura or by virtue of being a fighter with the Dungeoncrasher ability), those bonuses are applied to the bull rush as well.

Rhinoshape armament (Su): Upon reaching 6th level, whenever a horned juggernaut uses his Rhinoshape or Dire Rhinoshape ability, he may choose one melee weapon he currently wields.  That weapon melds into his form and becomes nonfunctional; however, the gore natural attack he acquires from Rhinoshape gains the base damage of the chosen weapon as bonus damage (including the size increase from Rhinoshape), and also gains the benefit of any enhancement bonuses and magical properties that the chosen weapon had.  For example, the gore attack of a horned juggernaut who chose a medium +1 flaming longsword would gain +2d6 bonus damage from the longsword (increased to large size), and would function as a +1 flaming weapon.

Rapid rush (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a horned juggernaut can perform a normal charge as a standard action instead of a full-round action.

Inexorable charge (Ex): At 8th level, a horned juggernaut under the effect of rhino's rush can charge at any creature he could reach with a double move, even if he does not have line-of-sight to the creature due to an intervening object (visual impairments which block line-of-sight, such as invisibility or darkness, still prevent a charge).  He still charges at the creature in a straight line; if at any point during his movement he encounters an intervening object (such as a wall, corner, etc.), he makes a bull rush attempt as a free action to break the object as per his Battering Ram ability.  If he succeeds, he continues with his charge movement unhindered.  If he fails to break the object, he stops in place and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage times the amount by which he missed the break DC as he crushes himself against it.

Dire rhinoshape: Whenever a horned juggernaut of 9th level or higher uses his Rhinoshape ability, he instead partially transforms into a dire rhinoceros.   He gains a +20 bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to Dexterity, and a +18 bonus to Constitution, his natural armor bonus increases by +12, and he increases in size by two categories.  His gore attack deals 2d8 base damage (critical 17-20/x3).  In all other ways, this functions as the Rhinoshape ability.

Juggernaut charge (Su): Not even a wall of force, prismatic wall, or similar effect can stop a charging horned juggernaut who has achieved 10th level; he simply destroys the magic just like wood, stone, or steel.  While under the effect of rhino's rush, the horned juggernaut can charge at any target whose location he knows and has pinpointed which is at a distance of no more than twice his movement rate, even if he does not have line-of-sight or line-of-effect to the target.  This ability otherwise works like Inexorable Charge, except that whenever the horned juggernaut attempts to charge through a wall created by a spell or magical effect other than an instantaneous conjuration (creation) effect, he makes a bull rush attempt against a DC of three times the wall's caster level.  If he succeeds, he destroys the wall, ending the spell; if he fails, he takes damage as per Inexorable Charge.
A horned juggernaut is a melee monster who charges and flattens his targets.  He considers buildings, trees, boulders, etc. to be inconvenient and transient obstacles.  He tends to be very direct in his dealings with people, moving in straight lines to reach the heart of the matter.
 Combat: Combat with a horned juggernaut is very straightforward.  Start some distance away, pick up speed and momentum, and then slam into and through the target (either an enemy or a building).
 Advancement: The horned juggernaut class pairs quite well with the Dungeoncrasher fighter, as well as the scout (for skirmish damage).
Resources: Every invading army wants a horned juggernaut or three to remove pesky things like portcullises and castle gates, so HJs are rarely wanting for work.

"High Lord Routh, I thought you said the walls would hold them!" "I believed they would, Your Highness, but they brought a Juggernaut!" "Then all is lost..."
-overheard on the command battlements during the Siege of Tresselhold
Horned Juggernauts are universally feared by those who seek to build impregnable fortresses... and more generally by folk who don't want to be crushed to a pulp by a rampaging rhinoceros-man.  However, having a Horned Juggernaut on one's team is generally viewed as auspicious, since there are few obstacles such a beast cannot pound his way through.
 Daily Life: A Horned Juggernaut might spend his day smashing through castle walls to end a siege, or pounding evil demons to squashed bananas.
 Notables: Rufus Mutt was the founder of the Siegebreakers (see below), hated by siege engineers everywhere for making their carefully-constructed engines obsolete.
 Organizations: The Siegebreakers are a mercenary group of Horned Juggernauts who hire out as specialists, destroying castle gates and walls in place of traditional (and less effective) battering rams.  They command incredibly high prices and are in much demand.  Rumor has it that they also own a number of stone quarries and building companies who repair the masonry that the Siegebreakers destroy...

NPC Reaction
 Many folk give Horned Juggernauts the same wary respect they would grant a 300-pound gorilla.  No one wants to be on the bad side of someone who could create a rhinoceros-sized hole in their house.

 The Horned Juggernaut gives some extra combat abilities to certain charging builds, those which are designed for one massive strike instead of charge-pouncing.  They remain melee brutes, so no party roles where harmed in the making of this class.
 Adaptation: Horned Juggernauts need little adaptation, though in a campaign world where rhinoceroses don't exist, some other charging animal could be used instead.
 Encounters: Horned Juggernauts could appear as the strange shapeshifting shock troops of an advancing army, or as the members of a bizarre monastery atop a mountain who spend their meditation time smashing into the rocky side.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 09:07:35 AM by sirpercival »
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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2012, 01:33:11 AM »

"Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat." 

 The stereotypical Johnny One Spell comes in one of two varieties.  The first, and more foolish, learns a few Arcane spells and decides they've learned all they need to and can now move on to more important things like trying to hit people with sharp pieces of metal or seduce women while endlessly repeating the one spell they know.  The second is any Arcane caster who falls in love with a specific spell for the Gawds alone know what reason and somehow find a way to use it in almost every situation.  Even if it's unnecessary and totally unhelpful.  In short people think you're a fool.

Take one level in any Arcane caster class.

   Spellcasting:  Must be able to cast any Arcane spell
   Skills:  Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks

Class Skills
 The Johnny One Spell's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Cha), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skills Points at Each  Level : 6 + int

Hit Dice: d6

Level   BABFort   Ref   Will   Special
1+0+0+0+2 Signature Spell
2+1+0+0+3 Improved Spell
3+2+1+1+3 Improved Spell
4+3+1+1+4 Improved Spell
5+3+1+1+4 Spell's Master

Weapon Proficiencies: A Johnny One Spell gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Signature Spell (Ex): Choose any 1 Arcane spell you know.  That spell is now your Signature Spell, and your Caster Level for it alone is equal to your Hit Dice.  It's Saving Throw (if it has one) is now 10 plus 1/2 your Hit Dice plus your Primary Casting stat Ability Modifier.  You may always prepare this Spell even if you require a Spellbook or something similar as if you had chosen it with the Spell Mastery Feat.

Improved Spell (Ex): At Levels 2, 3, and 4 you gain an additional spell slot per day which may only be used to cast your Signature Spell.  You may also choose one ability from the following list:

Easy Spell You may now cast your Signature Spell with no components, material or otherwise (you are still required to meet xp costs for casting it if required however).

Easy Metamagic Choose any one Metamagic Feat you know.  You may apply it to your Signature Spell without raising the spell level.  This may not be taken more than once.

Persistence You do not need to make Concentration Checks to avoid losing your Signature Spell if you take damage, are affected by a spell, are in violent weather, etc.

Potency Your Signature Spell either gets it's Save DC increased by +2, or a +2 Bonus on Level Checks to overcome Spell Resistance (choose at the time when you take this Feat).  This may be taken multiple times and stacks with Feats producing Similar Effects.

Spell's Master (Ex): If your Signature Spell has an effects that increases with level but has a cap, that cap is now removed.

If your Signature Spell has no level based effects you may instead make an Opposed Level Check to cast it in an Anti-Magic Field.

 Magic Missile is the Best. Fucking. Spell. Evar.  You will personally whoop the ass of anyone who says otherwise.  While not all people who take this PrC are blasty types, most tend to be single minded in using it as a stepping stone.  Or more likely they think of it as a get rich quick scheme.
 Combat: Combat generally depends on what spell you picked, and what your main class is.   Usually this class represents a Fighter, Rogue or other non-magical class temporarily taking a dip to gain some extra tricks.
 Advancement: Advancement varies heavily.  Most Johnny One Spells take a few Levels in this PrC and 1 level as a Caster to enhance whatever goal they're already pursuing (i.e. most are magical dabblers who are full time warriors or thieves).  Some mages of various types sometimes fall into this PrC after developing a sort of fanboy crush on a particular spell.
Resources: This varies considerably depending on what spell you specialize in, and how you make use of it.  Detect Poison might get you steady work out of the nobility, but if you hold out for Limited Wish...

"What an ass."
 Most Johnny One Spells tend to be dreamers or fairly happy go lucky (i.e. delusional).  There aren't many depressed guys sitting around going "Damn I can cast Lightning Bolt."  They're usually out finding an excuse to cast Lightning Bolt.  Even if it's just a megalomaniac wanting to rule a local town.
 Daily Life: Your daily life kind of depends on your job or other class levels.  This PrC is fairly loose and unrestrictive on your lifestyle as it's powers are gained through endless repetitive use of a single spell.
 Organizations: You might belong to a Guild or mercenary group of some sort.  A lot of this depends on what spell you specialize in, and why you learned it.  If you learned Detection spells you might be part of a Noble's staff or be part of the local authorities.

NPC Reaction
 NPC reaction varies wildly depending on your favorite spell and what you do with it.  Using Detect Poison to help the town is generally viewed okay.  Using Animate Dead to make yourself a temporary girlfriend...not so much...

 This class, as I intend to write it, is a bit of a problem for DM's.  It will be abuseable for those who know how, but for the clueless it could make a spectacularly weak PC.
 Adaptation: This is meant for fairly humorous or perhaps swashbuckling style campaigns, but t would fit in horror campaigns as the cultist who learns a small secret that was best left alone but doesn't have the guts to pursue anything greater.
 Encounters: Johnny One Spells can be encountered just about damn near anywhere even in fairly mundane jobs.  Hey all those guys who flunk out of Wizard school gotta go somewhere.

Sample Encounter
EL 12: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Samuel L. Jackson
CG Human Male Wizard 7/Johnny One Spell 5
Init +5, Senses: Listen +7, Spot +7
Languages Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic
AC , touch , flat-footed   (+1 Dex)
hp 33 (12 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +10 
Speed 30  ft. (6 squares)
Base Atk +6, Grp +5
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared 0 (4/day):
1st (5/day):
2nd (4/day):
3rd (3/day):
4th 91/day):
Abilities Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 16
SQ Chosen Spell (Fear, DC 23, 3 extra times per day), Improved Spell (Easy Spell, Potency, Easy Metamagic: ), Spell's Master, Familiar ()
Feats Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Spell Penetration, Scribe Scroll (B), Still Spell (B)
Skills Bluff +9, Concentration +11, Hide +7, Intimidate +`1, Knowledge (Arcana, Local) +14, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Profession (Badass) +12, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +14, Spot +7


Hit Die: d6
Skills Points at Each  Level : 6 + int
Class Ability
Bonus Feats: The Epic Johnny One Spell gains a Bonus Feat every x levels higher than 20th
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 01:01:34 PM by bhu »

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2012, 09:39:33 AM »

Hey, I prefer elegant solutions too, and loot. But sometimes you need something decisive and that's what I do best.
-Fresnick, gnome unmaker

 Unmakers are spellcasters who specialise in the use of the spell disintegrate. They wield this terrifying magic with astonishing power and finesse but they give up a great deal of general casting progression to do so.
The first Unmaker was the human adventuring wizard Kevalee Gonwyn who faced a lich with a sphere of annihilation in the ruins of Momrath. Their battle for contol the artefact lasted for only a minute but it was an ordeal that gave Kevalee insights into the nature of destruction itself. It was the work of decades to turn those insights into a useful system of spellcasting.
Today the Momrath Institute teaches Kevalee's methods to a select few students. They say that after lesson one with the sphere in the basement the rest of the course seems easy!

Wizards, especially transmuters, find it easiest to enter this class and sorcerers can do so a level later and find their greater  number of spells per day a boon at the lower levels of this class. A cleric with the destruction domain could benefit from the institute's teachings but few such have the magical theory to understand them and the temperament to be accepted by the Institute. They are well aware of the dangers of unmaking and do their best to exclude the wanton and the reckless - it helps that most people capable of becoming an unmaker already have some reputation among their peers - a recommendation from an existing member is preferred. The oath of membership includes a requirement not to pass on the secrets of unmaking to the irresponsible and to require the same oath of any that you do teach.

   Skills: 15 ranks in Knowledge (arcana) and 15 ranks in Spellcraft 
   Feats: Any metamagic feat that can be applied to ray spells
   Spell: Must be able to cast Disintegrate
   Alignment: Any non-chaotic 
   Special: The character must become a member of the Momrath Institute and undergo a test which costs 1000gp, and involves controlling the movement of a sphere of annihilation.

Class Skills
 The Unmaker's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are concentration (con), craft (alchemy)(int), craft (any carving)(int), disable device(int), knowledge (arcana)(int), knowledge (architecture and engineering)(int), knowledge (the planes)(int), profession (miner)(wis), spellcraft (int).
Skills Points at Each  Level : 2 + int

Hit Dice: d4


Attack Bonus


Spells per day/ spells known
1st+0+2+0+2Destructive Power, Precise Shot, Arcane Thesis-
2nd+1+3+0+3Shape Hole+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd+1+4+1+3Self Destruction-
4th+2+4+1+4Bonus Feat+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th+2+4+1+4Focus on Destruction-
6th+3+5+2+5Greenfire Flicker+1 level of existing spellcasting class
7th+3+5+2+5Greater Arcane Thesis-
8th+4+6+2+6Bonus Feat+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th+4+6+3+6Wards Unmade-
10th+5+7+3+7Destruction Unbounded, Secret of Annihilation+1 level of existing spellcasting class

NB The last level(s) of this class will usually be taken at a character level of over 20 in which case the rules for attack bonus and saves from epic hit dice supercede the BAB and saves listed on the table for those levels.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: An unmaker gains no new weapon and armour proficiencies.

Spells per day/ spells known: At every even numbered level, an unmaker gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning or destroying undead, a bonus feat, and so on). This must be the class which grants her the disintegrate spell.

Destructive Power: An unmaker adds her class level to her caster level when determining her CL for spells of the disintegration subschool and to the check for controlling a sphere of annihilation.
The Disintegration Subschool:
(click to show/hide)

Precise Shot (Ex): At 1st level an unmaker gains precise shot as a bonus feat whether or not she meets the prerequisites. If she already has precise shot then she gains improved precise shot as a bonus feat instead.

Arcane Thesis (Ex): At 1st level an unmaker gains arcane thesis applied to disintegrate as a bonus feat whether or not she meets the prerequisites.

Shape Hole (Ex): At 2nd level an unmaker can choose the shape of the volume of inanimate material she can destroy with disintegration. The form must be continuous and at least 1 inch thick. Simple geometric forms require no check, carving out something more complex requires at least one round of visualisation and a check of the relevant craft skill. Making a stable excavation requires a knowledge (architecture and engineering) check as does demolishing a structure in a controlled manner. The Unmaker can choose to destroy less than the maximum possible quantity of matter.

Self Destruction (Su): At 3rd level an unmaker can pay two points of constitution drain to immediately regain a spell of the disintegration subschool in an expended spell slot of the appropriate level. The spell cannot be regained unless the ability is lost. This is a move action. If she brings herself to zero con by this method then her body is disintegrated. Creatures immune to ability drain may bypass that immunity with this ability, creatures without a con score would disintegrate themselves if they used it.

Bonus Feat (Ex): At 4th level and 8th level an unmaker gets a bonus feat from the list available to wizards.

Focus on Destruction (Ex): At 5th level an unmaker adds one third of her class level to her save DCs for spells from the disintegration subschool and as a bonus to spellcraft and knowledge (arcana) relating to the field.

Greenfire Flicker (Sp): At 6th level an unmaker can generate a small flash of disintegration effect at will so long as she has a spell of the disintegration subschool prepared or an available spell slot to spontaneously cast one. The greenfire flicker has a range of 5 foot,  does 1d6 points of damage per level of the highest level disintegration spell the unmaker can currently cast and destroy up to 1 cubic foot of inanimate matter per die of damage. Fort save for half damage, DC equal to that of her highest level currently available disintegration spell. Greenfire flicker is a spell-like ability that takes a standard action to use and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Greater Arcane Thesis (Ex): At 7th level an unmaker reduces the cost to apply any metamagic except heighten spell she knows to any spell of the disintegration subschool by one spell level. This stacks with the Arcane Thesis feat. She still cannot reduce the cost of metamagic below 0.

Wards Unmade (Su): At 9th level an unmaker's disintegration spells can destroy protective magical effects that disintegration cannot normally affect as if they were force effects, such effects include globe of invulnerability, antimagic field, spell turning (only if the turning would have been sucessful) and non-yellow layers of prismatic wall/sphere. One casting can only destroy one such effect and does not affect what is behind it. Further, if her disintegration is stopped by a creature's spell resistance then that spell resistance is permanently reduced by 5, treat a golem's magic immunity as SR equal to 2 x CL required to create it i.e. after being hit with the disintegrate the golem loses its immunity and has SR of 2 x CL to create -5. Epic effects can only be affected by disintegration subschool spells cast from 10th level and higher slots and require an opposed CL check to be ended.

Destruction Unbounded (Ex): At 10th level an unmaker has no cap on the number of damage dice rolled for her spells of the disintegration subschool.

Secret of Annihilation(Sp): At 10th level an unmaker learns how to make a sphere of annihilation. Treat as a wonderous item with a market price of 500,000gp. The prerequisite magics (knowledge of which is part of this ability) would have no effect cast as spells but require the commitment of 13 spell slots of 4th level or above throughout the crafting if it is to succeed.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item; Secrets of Annihilation; CL 21
Cost to create: 250,000gp, 20,000xp
 Unmaker's tend to be confident of their place in the world. They are smart, powerful, deadly and have the respect of other smart, powerful, deadly people - they have nothing to prove. Because of this, they often have the same calm, peaceable manner as top martial artists. They adventure for all the same reasons as any other high level mage.
 Combat: Unmakers' strength is in their spellcasting and they do best when they keep out of melee range. They are always looking for an opportunity to turn or, even better, quickly end the fight. If there is a single primary threat then that is getting disintegrated and against numbers they are alert to the possibilities of a well placed pit or a collapsing ceiling. As experienced magicians  they know that their favourite tool is not always the right one for the job and they will use the rest of their repertoire as appropriate, always looking for the decisive action. They favour metamagics like chain spell and split ray.
At higher levels when they have more disintegrate spells available the spend them freely to drill right through an enemy's defenses and into their heart ASAP.
 Advancement: On leaving the class most unmakers take enough levels of a full casting advancement class to learn 9th level spells - their base class if they want to advance as an epic unmaker or a prestige class that fits their interests - incantatrix and loremaster are popular options.
Resources: The Momrath Institute provides for it's members pleasant quarters, an excellent library, lab equipment and materials at wholesale prices and an enormous amount of very cheap underground space. There is a pleasant village with several good inns and shops that can cater to high level adventurers and the old ruins are still worth exploring (although it must be noted that they cannot be guaranteed free of monsters owing to various portals and planar rifts within.) The most valuable thing for many is the networking opportunities: a neutral ground to meet, the chance to share discoveries, bulletin boards mundane and magical and fellow members who know people.

That bridge was giant made. We were busting our guts trying to bring it down but the *****r wouldn't  budge and the holding force was barely holding y'know. Then this unmaker guy turns up, he squints for a bit and casts one spell. One ******g spell and the whole span just drops away from our end taking every orc on the bridge with it and none of our guys fall in. Then he collects his fee and ****s off again. One spell!
- Lt. Vorhees, master sapper
Unmakers tend to be treated with wary respect by those who know what they can do. It is disturbing to think that they see everything with a view to how they would destroy it most efficiently but there are far creepier magical specialties about. There is always work to be had as a combat mage with an adventuring party or an army or in civil engineering. You are just as likely, however, to find an unmaker engaged in pure research or creating sculptures.
 Daily Life: Unmakers typically always have some project on the go and they will spend most of the day working towards it with great focus.
 Notables: Fadila Gonwyn (human female LE wiz 11/ unm 7) is Kevalee's daughter and current master of the institute. She is determined to keep it independent and apolitical (although members are free to take up any cause they choose) - people who get too insistent otherwise tend to disappear along with their families. In person she is friendly, hospitable, almost bubbly and loves to gossip about politics and the powerful. She is more interested in running the institute than personally teaching and under her control it has grown greatly in wealth and holdings.
Fresnick (gnome male NG trans 12/ unm 4) for the most part lives quietly in the mountain town of Deadsnows where he is an apothecary and consultant to the local mining industry. He is also a member of the Special Constables of Deadsnows an official adventuring party that protects the area against all manner of serious threats and occasionally freelances for other good aligned causes. He is kind in a brusque, no nonsense sort of way and feels bad if he can't help in a practical manner.
 Organizations: Unmakers are often members of other magical colleges, guilds and cabals. They are always welcome in churches of gods of destruction.

NPC Reaction
Most people don't distinguish between unmakers and other mages. Other spellcasters usually consider that they have given up power in pursuit of this specialty but wizards in particular respect the depth of study involved and all regard them as very dangerous.

An unmaker is less versatile than a GOD wizard of the same level although there a lot of utility to be had from the shape hole ability especially in conjunction with greenfire flicker and at high levels their ability to knock down effects it would normally take a disjunction to touch and chip away at spell resistance and even immunity can be crucial.
 Adaptation: The Momrath Institute is deliberately generic and unmakers should not disrupt any setting that already has high level spellcasters.
 Encounters: An antagonist unmaker could be engaged in constructing/ extending the dungeon the PCs are delving or be a member of a rival party. A friendly unmaker might be a very expensive hireling or a sage the PCs can consult about destroying an evil artifact.


Hit Die: d4
Skills Points at Each  Level : 2 + int
Spellcasting The Epic Unmaker gains no new spells per day/ known beyond 10th level but her caster level continues to increase at the same rate.
Focus on Destruction The Epic Unmaker can apply this ability to epic spells with the destruction seed.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Unmaker gains a Bonus Feat every 4 levels higher than 8th and 3 levels higher than 10th
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 11:31:20 AM by Noliar »

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2012, 02:55:18 AM »

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« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 11:25:47 AM by VennDygrem »

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2012, 09:22:10 AM »
Lunatic Lancer

The moon is red. I'll kill you for sure.
-Remilia Scarlet, vampire Lunatic Lancer

Polearms come in all sort of forms, but they all share some things in common: Dangerous extremity at the end of a long shaft, in order to strike your opponent before they can reach you with more convenential weapons.
Usually polearms are made of simple materials like wood and metal, sometimes bone and stone. Until one day someone managed to condense the moon beams into a polearm made of pure Force energy, the dangerous Thunder Lance. Able to grow or shrink instantly as needed, able to pierce trough the strongest defenses, some would say is the ultimate polearm.

A Lunatic Lancer is someone who dedicates herself in mastering the mighty Thunder Lance, being able to control its mystic essence better to impale her enemies whitout mercy.

Arcane casters can follow this path whitout much trouble if they dedicate some effort into the martial ability of skwewering their enemy to strike another behind.
Martial adepts can also become Lunatic Lancers if they're willing to dabble into other classes to gain the necessary skill in Spellcraft to create and shape their own Thunder Lances. Swordsages in particular are already adept at learning mystic maneuvers.
More esoteric Martial Adepts like the Eternal Royal and Scholar can easily become Lunatic Lancers as well.

   :Able to cast at least 4th level arcane spells, at least three of which must be [Force] OR Able to initiate 4th level maneuvers, at least three of which must be Supernatural. 
   :At least 10 ranks in Spellcraft.   
   :Cleave Feat
   :Must have impaled at least seven sentient creatures into polearms under a full moon in the same night, and disposed them in a circle.

Class Skills
 The Lunatic Lancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance(Dex), Bluff(Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha),Gather Information(Cha), Handle Animal(Cha), Hide(Dex), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge (Int, any), Move Silently(Dex), Perform(Cha), Spellcraft(Int), Tumble(Dex)   
Skills Points at Each  Level : 4 + Int

Hit Dice: d8

Attack Bonus

1st+1+0+2+0Soul Spear, Killing Zone
2nd+2+0+3+0Lunatic Break, Fate Continued
3rd+3+1+3+1Focused Spear, Fate Continued
4th+4+1+4+1Lunatic Thrust, Fate Continued
5th+5+1+4+1Seeking Spear, Fate Continued
6th+6+2+5+2Force Break
7th+7+2+5+2Scarlet Spear, Fate Continued
8th+8+2+6+2Lunatic Impale, Fate Continued
9th+9+3+6+3Fated Strike, Fate Continued
10th+10+3+7+3Spear Bomb, Blood Moon, Fate Continued

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Lunatic Lancer gains no new weapon and armour proficiencies.

Soul Spear (Su): The first ability learned by a Lunatic Lancer, to focus her inner energies in a deadly lance of force.
At 1st level a Lunatic Lancer can, as an immediate action, create a Thunderlance effect as the spell on herself with CL=HD. Using this ability demands either expending a 4th level spell slot/prepared spell or a 4th level maneuver. If you activated this ability by expending a spell it lasts 1 minute/CL instead of the normal duration(1 round/CL). If you activated this ability by expending a maneuver, it ends earlier if you recover or unready said maneuver.
In addition, since you draw the Soul Spear from your very core, you can atempt to activate/maintain it even inside an AMF or similar effect, by suceeding on a CL check against the CL of the AMF. Once you've suceeded once you don't need to check anymore for the duration of this Soul Spear, and you add your Charisma modifier to this check (minimum +1).
Many abilities below require the use of your Soul Spear ability to function. You can perform Strikes with a Soul Spear just as if it was a normal manufactured weapon.

Killing Zone(Su):As she grows in power and skill, a Lunatic Lancer can make her unique weapon reach farther. For every Lunatic Lancer level, her Soul Spear can grow an extra 5 feet, up to an extra 50 feet at 10th level.

Lunatic Break(Su):At 2nd level, the Lunatic Spear can dispel any  defensive spell on the target as if it was a Force effect, rolling a dispel check with CL=HD. "Defensive" meaning any spell that makes it harder for the creature to be hit by physical attacks.

In addition the Lunatic Lancer can dispel specific magic area effects whitin reach of her Soul Spear as an attack action, rolling a dispel check with CL=HD. She may also attempt to dispel a specific spell she has identified on an enemy whitin reach of her Soul Spear as an attack action, whitout needing to hit the creature itself. She must expend a prepared spell or maneuver of the same level or higher to attempt this (but not for the first option). 

Fate Continued (Sp) At second level and every other following level except sixth, a Lunatic Lancer gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) or new maneuvers/stances known and readied as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting/initiating class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefi t a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning or destroying undead, a bonus feat, and so on). This must be the class which allowed her to qualify for this Prc.
                    In addition all Lunatic Lancer levels but first and sixth either advance your CL for the chosen class or grant full IL instead of just half for the maneuvers granted by the chosen class.

Focused Spear(Su):Advanced Lunatic Lancers can further enanche their Soul Spears by investing even more of their inner energy on it. At third level the Lunatic Lancer can create her Soul Spear by expending a 5th level or higher spell/maneuver. If she does so, her Soul Spear gains an enanchment bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the excess level of the expended spell/maneuver.

So for example by expending a 5th level spell/maneuver, the Thunderlance would get a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, while expending an 8th level spell/maneuver would grant a +3 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Plus the Soul Spear can now dispel Force effects up to the level of the expended Spell/maneuver (this stacks with Lunatic break).

In addition you can choose up to the enhancement bonus in special abilities from the following table

Enhancement costAbilities available
+1 Keen, Defending, Vicious, Merciful, Thundering, Mighty Cleaving
+2 Holy, Unholy, Anarchic, Axiomatic, Wounding
+3 Speed
+4Dancing, Brilliant Energy
So for example, by expending an 8th level maneuver, you could create an Anarchic, Unholy Soul Spear, or a Keen, Defending, Vicious, Thundering Soul Spear, or a Speed, Mighty Cleaving Soul Spear, or yet a Dancing Soul Spear.

The abilities are chosen when the Soul Spear is created and cannot be changed for its duration, but you may pick new ones when you create a new Soul Spear.

Lunatic Thrust(Ex):A Soul Spear allows the wielder to perform all kind of fancy maneuvers when one starts to get the hang of it.
                          At fourth level whenever the Lunatic Lancer hits in melee an enemy with her Soul Spear, she may perform a trip, bullrush, disarm or sunder attempt as a free action whitout provoking attacks of opportunity, and if she fails the opponent cannot trip/disarm back. Add the soul spear's enanchment bonus (if any) to any opposed checks. You cannot trip an already tripped opponent, so this doesn't result in infinite attacks with Improved Trip.

Seeking Spear (Ex): Soon enough the Lunatic Lancer's weapon seems to be drawn itself towards the enemy inner energies, which happen to be near their vital organs.
                           At fifth level the Soul Spear ignores cover and concealment smaller than total. In addition it can be throwed as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 40 feet, ignoring adverse wind conditions and instantly returning to the Lunatic Lancer's hand whetever it hits or misses. It ignores adverse wind conditions, even magic ones like Wind Wall.

Force Break (Ex):A soul spear grows with its owner to become able to pierce the strongest defenses, in particular ones based on force energy.
         At sixth level you can now add the highest of your Str/Int/Cha modifier to dispel checks performed by your Soul Spear and the number of Aoos you can make per round. You may also as a free action declare one attack per round made by your force Spear to be a touch attack, but you must do so before rolling the attack.
             In addition when attacking an enemy protected by a Force effect, you may attempt to dispel it as part of the attack before you check if you hit or not.
             Finally if there's a static Force effect in your reach such as a Wall of Force or Forcecage, you may attempt to dispel it as an attack of opportunity.

Scarlet Spear (Ex):You know what good are spears for? Sticking them into other people. Making the sharp end come out from the other side. And then sticking them into yet another body. And another And...
At seventh level as a standard action the Lunatic Lancer can perform a special melee attack where she affects all opponents in a line with length up to her reach. Roll once and compare to each target's AC.
In alternative as a fullround action she can grow her soul spear to a massive size and throw it! Perform a thrown attack against all enemies in a line up to 400 feet long. Roll once and compare to each target's AC.

Lunatic Impale (Su): Tales of Lunatic Lancers making gardens of skewered enemies held in mid-air by their weapons are clearly just propaganda from envious rivals.
At eight level, whenever you damage an opponent with your Soul Spear, you may choose to let it go as a free action. If you do, enemies damaged by your last Soul Spear attack(including Scarlet Spear) count as grappled by you as they remain skwered by your Soul Spear, except you don't need to spend any actions or take any grappling penalties, and can actually go to your life.

Enemies may attempt to escape as from a regular grapple(the spear has the same bonus as you), except that failed attempts deal them damage as if they were hit by a basic attack from your Soul Spear. You add the Soul Spear enanchment bonus to such opposed grapple checks. If they suceed, the part of the Soul Spear where they were impaled shatters, freeing them. Enemies stuck by a Lunatic Impale cannot use dimensional travel, neither can them auto-escape with Freedom of Movement, because they're with a force stick inside them.

A Soul Spear used for a Lunatic Impale persists indefenetely, altough it will solidify into common rock or metal(your choice) after 24 hours, if not broken before.

Once you've used Lunatic Impale, you can't use that Soul Spear anymore, but can create a new one for combat as normal. You can perform multiple Lunatic Impales in a single enemy.

Fated Strike (Su):A Soul Spear never stops growing more hungry for your enemy innards. At 9th level as an immediate action your next attack with your Soul Spear whitin 1 round benefits from a True Strike effect, ignores all DR and hardness and automatically confirms critical hits. Against enemies normally immune to critical hits, it instead threatens and confirms as normal.

Once you've used Fated Strike, you can't use it again for 1d4+1 rounds. No Immediate or free actions may be taken against a
Fated Strike. In other words, once you declare an attack and your target after using Fated Strike, nobody else may take immediate or free actions.

Spear Bomb (Su): The Ultimate tecnhique of a Lunatic Lancer overloards her Soul Spear  with energy before throwing it for a massive blast of searing power!

As a fullround action 3/day make a ranged touch attack. If you hit, you deal normal Soul Spear damage to your target, then automatically dispel all Force effects whitin a radius up to 70 feet, creatures whitin that radius take 1d8 force damage per CL/IL (whichever's higher) you have and must make a Fort, Reflex and Will save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Str/Int/Cha modifier, whichever's higher.
The first target of your Soul Spear takes a -2 penalty on all those saves.

If they fail one save they receive one negative level and can only take one standard, swift or move action next round as they stagger to recover from the flast.
If they fail two saves they receive two negative levels and cannot act at all next round. Even enemies normally immune to energy drain receive one negative level.
If they fail three saves they're instantly destroyed or three negative levels and incapacitated for 24 hours, your choice.

Using Spear Bomb consumes your Soul Spear. You cannot use Spear Bomb again unless you've spent at least two rounds with a new Soul Spear.

Blood Moon (Su): Nowhere else can a master Lunatic Mancer show her art better than while bathing in the night moon rays. At 10th level, if the Lunatic Lancer creates a Soul Spear while there's a Full Moon in view, its enhancement bonus is one higher than it would normally be. If it is a full red moon, then its enhancement bonus is two higher than it would normally be instead. This applies to both attack and damage rolls and gaining extra special properties, as in Focused Spear.

You still follow your old path of mysticism, but now wield a weapon with an unique combination of elegance and cruelty.
 Combat:Your Soul Spear gives you unrivaled reach and several tricks to hinder your opponents as they try to close in. Unlike polearms, it doesn't have a "blind" spot either. You can adapt it for the situation at hand as you summon it, and is particularly effective against enemies that would rely on Force wards.
Eventually you can ignore most reach and concealment, making sure your enemy can't hide behind simple obstacles.
You also keep advancing your old abilities to a degree, which can then be invested into making your Soul Spear even stronger.
Lunatic Impale allows you to lock an enemy in place and laugh as they try to free themselves. Nothing stops you from creating a new spear and impaling them again. And again. And again.
Fated Strike makes sure you can land a good blow when you need it, and finally Spear Bomb allows you to purge an area when the going gets tough.
Advancement:The Lunatic Lancer doesn't tie you to any particularly path. You may take just one level for being able to reliably create your personal Soul Spear, or all levels to fully unlock its power. You can then go back to pursuing your mystic arts, or perhaps seek other Prcs to further enanche your melee ability.
Resources: Your Soul Spear is not only a great instrument for the art of killing, it can also make short work of any Force effects you find that may otherwise pose a significant obstacle. You also keep advancing your old magic, be it scroll or blade based, ensuring you extra versatility and utility.

The moon gave many powers to beings of the earth.
Many of them, such as magic, were originally the moon's power.
Does your weapon depend on the moon as well?
Hmm, Miss VAMPIRE?

-Kaguya Houraisan, Lunatic Princess mistress

 At first glance nobody may recognize a Lunatic Lancer, but once she summons her Soul Spear, fear or caution are the most common reactions. A weapon that can grow almost instantly to impale you in specially gruseome ways tends to do that.
 Daily Life: You probably have a preference for the night, in particular when there's a full moon  You may appear harmless, and can actually pass as what you were before most of the time, but if someone pisses you off you can quickly bring out your Soul Spear to punish them.
 Notables: The "young" Remilia Scarlet is currently one of the most renowed Lunatic Lancers in existence. After spending around a century in her mansion training with her assassin maid and arcane librarian, she has refined her skill with the Soul Spear to new heights. Nowadays she'll actually only bring it out againt opponents she deems worthy enough, and such battles eventually atract great audiences to see her exquisite skill.
 Organizations: Lunatic Lancers aren't the most gregarious of beings, as half the point of the Soul Spear is to keep others at bay. The Scarlet Mansion where Remilia lives is rumored to take some disciples now and then, but good luck finding it to start with.
                       What is more common is Lunatic Lancers appearing in the midst of martial or arcane groups, as some members want to stand out from the others. Once they've learned the art of the Soul Spear, they inevitably rise to positions of prestige or leave to start their own groups.

NPC Reaction
She has a long, glowing, sharp stick. Better not to mess with her. Masses of commoners tremble before her and whisper tales of how Lunatic Lancers impale first and ask questions later.

The Lunatic Lancer delays your martial/arcane caster progression somewhat, but provides an unique weapon that allows for great area control.
 Adaptation: The Lunatic Lancer shouldn't need too much adaptation. Mystic personal weapons are a staple of fantasy stories after all. It can be refluffed as coming from a personal magic trinket if people don't like the idea of martial adepts creating magic weapons out of nowhere.
 Encounters: Lunatic Lancers can usually be find as dangerous loners, or the leaders of powerful organizations, as well as elite warriors, gishes and bodyguards to important figures.[/td][/tr][/table]
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 01:34:43 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2012, 05:07:31 PM »

"Oh I'll fix you all right. I'll fix you so well, no one will be able to put you back together."
-Joralius Johart, Mender


 Skills: Knowledge (architecture and engineering) 4 ranks
 Special: Ability to cast mending and at least one spell of 3rd level or higher.

Class Skills
 The Mender's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int

Hit Dice: d4

Attack Bonus


1st+0+0+0+2Improved Mending, Mending Magic-
2nd+1+0+0+3Warp Mending+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd+1+1+1+3Mending Entrapment+1 level of existing spellcasting class
4th+2+1+1+4Mending Tracker, Rapid Mending+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th+3+1+1+4Complete Mending, Defabricate+1 level of existing spellcasting class
6th+3+2+2+5Horrid Warp, Melding+1 level of existing spellcasting class

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Menders gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day: From 2nd level on, when a new Mender level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Mender, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

Improved Mending: If a Mender casts mending or make whole in a higher-level slot then it is considered a spell of that level for all purposes (as if he had applied the Heighten Spell metamagic feat), and he may affect an object of up to 10 cubic feet per spell level per caster level. In addition, he can cast mending or make whole as a melee touch spell in place of its normal range.

Mending Magic: At 1st level a Mender adds the following spells to his spells known for the class in which he can cast mending, as long as he can cast spells of that level. If he prepares spells, then he can spontaneously convert a spell into a spell from this list of equal or lower level, in the same way a cleric can spontaneously cast cure spells. If he expends a spell slot four levels higher than necessary then he may Quicken the spell, as if the Quicken Spell metamagic feat had been applied to it.
  • 0th: Mending, Repair minor damage
  • 1st: Cure minor wounds*, Repair light damage
  • 2nd: Cure light wounds*, Make whole, Repair moderate damage
  • 3rd: Cure moderate wounds*, Repair serious damage
  • 4th: Cure serious wounds*, Repair critical damage
  • 5th: Cure critical wounds*
  • 7th: Regenerate
* The Mender's cure spells do not use positive energy, and thus restore hp to both living creatures and undead. If he could already cast cure spells then those versions of the spells are unaffected.

Warp Mending (Sp): At 2nd level, whenever a Mender casts a Mending Magic spell he may choose to mend his target into a warped version of its original form; instead of removing damage he renders an equal amount of damage impossible to restore by any means other than rest or a wish/miracle spell (fast healing and regeneration cannot restore this damage). If used on a damaged object, this allows him to alter its shape as he mends it - this functions as warp wood, except that it is not limited by material.

Mending Entrapment (Sp): At 3rd level, when a Mender repairs a damaged object he may choose for it to reform around targets in contact with it, trapping them. The targets must make Reflex saves at the spell's DC or become entangled and anchored to the object; they can escape by making a Strength check at the spell's DC as a full-round action (or an Escape Artist check at a -5 penalty). Destroying the object also frees the trapped creatures.

Mending Tracker (Sp): At 4th level a Mender can cast mending on a fragment of an object, causing it to seek it out the largest other part of the object and attempt to rejoin it. The fragment flies in a straight line towards its target with a speed of 10ft per level of the spell slot used to cast mending, for up to 1 minute per caster level; if it comes in contact with its target then they merge and are affected by the mending spell. This ability does not function across planes.

Rapid Mending (Sp): At 4th level a Mender can cast touch-range Mending Magic spells in place of attacks, as long as they are at least three levels lower than the highest level of spells he can cast.

Complete Mending (Sp): At 5th level a Mender's ability to repair items improves. When he casts mending he can restore an object to its original form even if it has been warped, burned to ash, disintegrated or otherwise destroyed. Magic items he repairs regain all of their original powers, though they retain the same number of charges and single-use items cannot be used again.

Defabricate (Sp): At 5th level, when a Mender casts mending on an item that has been completely destroyed, he may choose to restore its raw materials in place of the finished object. If he uses this ability on a magic item, then its magic is also reduced to its "raw material" - residuum, a powder of equal value to the item's remaining enchantments, which can be used in the crafting of other items (see Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition for more details on residuum). This otherwise functions as a reversed version of the fabricate spell.

Horrid Warp (Sp): At 6th level damage rendered incurable by a Mender's Warp Mending ability can no longer be recovered by rest.

Melding (Sp): At 6th level a Mender casting mending or create whole can target two objects at once, causing them to combine into a single object. Treat this as if the fragments had been glued together with sovereign glue in any arrangement, except that the effect is non-magical once created and cannot be reversed except with a wish/miracle effect. Helpless creatures count as objects for the purposes of this effect (treat a creature completely merged into an object as if it had been affected by flesh to stone).
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 09:03:45 AM by Prime32 »

Offline veekie

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2012, 04:35:34 PM »
Thousand Petal Initiate

"Flower arrangementー
    Carried away on the breeze
    A hazy moon"

-Fyrdhirn, Thousand Petal Initiate

"You just WANT me to shove a rose up your ass don't you?"
-Bryony, junior Thousand Petal Initiate

 Thousand Petal Initiates focus upon the flowering aspect of nature. Rather than the vines and trees, the Thousand Petal Initiate makes her magic bloom and blossom, lending to it the crowning glory of nature's beauty. More than mere physical force and impediments, flowers catch the eye with colors and their perfumes cloud the mind. They bloom, and bring seed, life creating new life.

Thousand Petal Initiates chiefly hail from druidic orders, as they have the greatest ease of access to the plant magic required to make the class effective. Rangers and clerics of nature deities also qualify easily. Arcane spellcasters however, are much rarer outside of the Fair Folk. Thousand Petal Initiates are those who, through either happenstance or tradition, discover the sheer beauty and grandeur of flowering spells, and dedicate themselves to sharing the joy, by making the universe bloom.

   Skills:  Knowledge(nature) 8 ranks
   Spells:  Ability to cast Entangle or Plant Growth
   Spells or Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 5th
   Special:  Must have cast Entangle or Plant Growth on an area of flowering plants.
   Special:  A spellcaster with the Fey type can ignore the Spells requirement.

Class Skills
 The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff(Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skills Points at Each  Level : 4 + int

Hit Dice: d8

1st+0+2+0+2Blooming Profusion (Entangle), Flower Queen's Favor,-
           Verdant Power +2
2nd+1+3+0+3Mantle of Four Seasons, Raiment of Blossoms+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd+2+4+1+3Blooming Profusion (Lasting), Floret Weaver+1 level of existing spellcasting class
4th+3+4+1+4Raiment of Blossoms+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th+3+4+1+4Blooming Profusion (Plant Growth), Verdant Power +4 +1 level of existing spellcasting class
6th+4+5+2+5Regalia of Petals-
7th+5+5+2+5Blooming Profusion (Blossom Wall)+1 level of existing spellcasting class
8th+6+6+2+6Crown of the Flower Queen, Regalia of Petals+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9th+6+6+3+6Blooming Profusion (Animate Plants)+1 level of existing spellcasting class
10th+7+7+3+7Floral Transcendence, Regalia of Petals+1 level of existing spellcasting class

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Thousand Petal Initiates gain proficiency with the club, greatclub quarterstaff and whips. They are proficient with light and medium armor, but are prohibited from wearing metal armor. They are proficient with shields, but cannot use metal shields. The Thousand Petal Initiate loses access to her class features while willingly using a prohibited armor or shield.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each level besides 1st and 5th, a Thousand Petal Initiate gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. If she is not of the Fey type, it must be a class that allows her to cast entangle or plant growth. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (such as the bonus feat sometimes gained by a wizard). If she had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Thousand Petal Initiate, she must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known.

Blooming Profusion (Ex): A Thousand Petal Initiate can carpet the world with flowers. If a spell cast with this class feature or an ability augmenting spells cast with it allows a save, calculate the DC as if it were a spell of the same level as the sacrificed spell or spell slot.
At 1st level, the thousand petal initiate may sacrifice a prepared spell or a spell slot of 1st level or higher to cast an entangle spell. When cast this way, the radius of the spell's area increases by 20ft per level of the spell slot sacrificed.
At 3rd level, an entangle spell cast with Blooming Profusion works as long as there is so much as a single living, flowering plant within the affected area. Any plants in the area rapidly bloom, seed and sprout until they cover every surface within the radius of the spell's area. At the end of the duration, new plants in terrain that cannot sustain them (e.g. solid rock or dry sand) crumble into a cascade of petals. Plants that spread to terrain that can support them continue to grow even after the spell ends.
At 5th level, the thousand petal initiate can sacrifice a prepared spell or a spell slot of at least 3rd level to cast a plant growth (Overgrowth only) or diminish plants (Prune Growth only) spell. This spell only functions with flowering plants in the area, but does not require the presence of brush and trees. The radius of the spell's area doubles for every two spell levels above 3 of the sacrificed spell, e.g. a 5th-level spell slot will create a 200ft radius circle, while a 7th-level spell slot will create a 400ft radius circle. Plant growth causes affected plants to explode into a frenzy of growth and blooming, while diminish plants cause them to rapidly bloom before wilting to seeds. The diminish plants spell does not benefit from class features that improve Blooming Profusion, even when cast with it.
At 7th level, when casting plant growth through Blooming Profusion, the spell may also create one 10-foot cube of dense blossoms per caster level. Each cube must be in contact with vegetation or another cube, but may be created in the same space as a creature, in which case the creature is embedded in the cube until it makes a strength check to break free as a full-round action. Each 10-foot cube has 20 hit points and hardness 5, with a break DC of (10 + your class level). A creature being embedded in a cube or surrounded by cubes may attempt a reflex save to avoid being trapped. An embedded creature is immobilized unless it is wearing a Favor, in which case it acts normally. Embedded creatures have total cover against creatures outside their cube and vice versa, though creatures with a Favor may choose to have lesser degrees of cover instead.
At 9th level, the thousand petal initiate can sacrifice an additional prepared spell or spell slot of 4th level as a swift action when casting plant growth through Blooming Profusion in order to animate the flowering plants in the area as per animate plants. A large mass of blossoms (such as the cubes created by the 7th-level option) counts as a single plant for the purpose of this effect. Any creatures embedded in the animated plants move with them if they fall within the construct's carrying capacity. The animated plants are treated as if they were wearing a Favor.
A spell cast in this manner causes all the plants affected to instantly bloom, regardless of whether they normally have flowers. The flowers remain even after the spell's duration ends, though plants normally incapable of sustaining blossoms have the flowers wilt within a day.

Flower Queen's Favor (Su): At 1st level, Thousand Petal Initiates can prepare tokens of their favor to protect people from the debilitating effects of their blossoms. Once per day as a part of preparing or readying new spells, the Thousand Petal Initiate may choose to sacrifice any number of spell slots to create one Favor, a sprig of living flowers, per spell level sacrificed in this way. The Thousand Petal Initiate automatically gains the benefit of a token without any need to wear one. A Favor lasts for one day. Alternatively, instead of creating a new Favor, the character may elect to maintain an extant one with a sacrificed spell level.
The Thousand Petal Initiate can withdraw a Favor, even another initiate's, from any creature within line of sight as a swift action, causing the sprig to wilt. However, unless she created the Favor, she must succeed on modified Charisma check (1d20 + her class level + her Cha modifier) against a DC of (10 + creator's class level + creator's Cha modifier).
A creature wearing this sprig openly on their person gains the benefits of Woodland Stride as per the Druid class feature, except it functions only for plants in bloom and works even on magically manipulated plants.

Verdant Power (Ex): At 1st level, the Thousand Petal Initiate gains a +2 to their caster level for purposes of spells that create, manipulate or affect plants. This bonus increases to +4 at level 5.

Mantle of Four Seasons(Su): At 2nd level, the Thousand Petal Initiate causes even dead plants to bloom.
Adrmor and clothing made primarily of plant materials blooms to life while she wears it, granting her a Sacred bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier. Qualifying armor types are Padded armor, Leafweave, Thistledown, Wildwood and Ironwood armor.
At 6th level, weapons made primarily of plant matter, such as clubs, greatclubs, quarterstaves, and woven whips, add the Thousand Petal Initiate's Charisma modifier to attack and damage rolls. In addition, if she wears only plant based clothing and no armor, the clothing grants a +6 armor bonus to AC and may be enchanted as if it were armor.

Raiment of Blossoms (Ex): At every even class level, the Thousand Petal Initiate learns an effect she can add to spells cast through Blooming Profusion, called a Raiment. She may add the effect of one Raiment she knows to a given spell cast through Blooming Profusion. At 6th level, the number of Raiments she may apply to a spell increases to two. At 10th level, it increases to three. If casting Plant Growth and Animate Plants together in the same turn, the chosen Raiments apply to both spells' effects. These options are chosen from the list below: See here for list

Floret Weaver (Su): At 3rd level, the Thousand Petal Initiate adds her class level plus her Charisma modifier to Craft checks involving plant materials. She adds wood shape to her class spell list and list of known spells or spellbook as a second level spell. She may affect living plant materials other than wood with wood shape and create fine detail with a successful Craft check with wood shape.

Regalia of Petals (Ex): Starting at 6th level, whenever the Thousand Petal Initiate would learn a new Raiment, she may choose to learn a more powerful effect called a Regalia instead. Regalias follow the same rules as Raiments, except that they count as two Raiments for purposes of how many she may apply to any one spell.
These options are chosen from the list below: See here for list

Crown of the Flower Queen (Ex): At 8th level, the Thousand Petal Initiate gains a unique connection to the blossoms of her affinity. She chooses one of the following affinity.
See here for list

Floral Transcendence (Ex): At 10th level, the Thousand Petal Initiate finally blossoms into her full potential, becoming an everlasting bloom. She is treated as the more favorable of her original type or the Plant type for the purpose of spells and effects. She no longer needs to eat or sleep, but may do so if she wishes.  She is immune to critical hits, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph and stunning. These immunities can be suppressed and resumed as a free action.
Finally, if killed, the Thousand Petal Initiate automatically reincarnates (as per the spell) at the next sunrise from a Favor she has created, over the course of an hour. She does not lose any hit dice, levels or constitution from this process. This ability only functions once a week.
 Thousand Petal initiates are overwhelmingly focused upon one thing, the use and abuse of spells that manipulate and accelerate plant growth. While they remain primarily spellcasters of their original nature, Thousand Petal Initiates tend to have higher proficiency with social skills and higher charisma than their druidic brethren. They are flamboyant, and seem driven to redecorate the world with flowers.
 Combat: Thousand Petal Initiates fight firstly, by not letting their enemies get anything done. Foes are quite literally tied up in enormous spreads of floral magic, and subject to debilitating conditions that wear them down to be finished. Blooming Profusion provides absolutely ridiculous areas of impeded movement, which are asymmetrical, with allies being able to move freely through the mass and engage on their terms. While other plant-magi may be limited by the availability of natural plantlife, the Thousand Petal Initiate sends their allies in each with at least one potential origin to carpet the field with flowers regardless of time and place.
 Beyond this restricting role, the Thousand Petal Initiate can choose to engage in a controlled melee using augmented wooden weapons, or long range spells to take advantage of immobile foes. Senior Thousand Petal Initiates tend to prefer riskier and more flamboyant combat styles, having a way out of being dead likely has something to do with it.
 Advancement: Thousand Petal Initiates almost universally return to their primary spellcasting class or a full progression spellcasting prestige class, as their class features function off having high level spell slots and they already lost a spell level in the course of pursuing the class.
Resources: Thousand Petal Initiates tend to be subcults within druidic orders rather than their own establishment, they can generally expect provision of information, magical and healing support from their order when in dire straits. Outside of their orders however, they remain well recieved in almost all rural societies and generally get the best hospitality available in exchange for a little demonstration of their power over the fields.

"They're some kind of bloomin maniacs! Who in their right mind turns perfectly fine microcline architecture pink with freakin flowers?!"
-Hengort, Dwarf Merchant
Thousand Petal Initiates are highly respected, if sometimes excessively flower obsessed, amongst agricultural societies. They quite easily carpet miles of land with lush plantings, something every farmer appreciates, and often spend their idle time performing or beautifying the landscape with their abilities. They are considered somewhat demented among urbanites, with their determination to find a way to turn every building into a splash of color, but a significant step above militant druid factions. Of course, few actually want to annoy them to their face, as most Thousand Petal Inititates are accomplished druidic spellcasters and could always use some earth magic to demolish buildings rather than beautifying them, though the final outcome of growing kudzu vines on brick can be rather similar.
 These are outgoing plant-magi, and they are sometimes employed to arrange for peace talks, chiefly by means of making sure neither party can get anywhere before they settle things. In particular, their elder adepts are functionally immortal, being able to attain rebirth into a younger, if unpredictable body, and senior council meetings are a sight to see, as they debate interventions and declines in natural beauty. The solution is always more flowers.
 However, not all is fun and games. The art of flower-magic is filled with poison and thorns as much as beauty and growth, and some find it aesthetically pleasing to incorporate life and death into the same piece of artwork. These deadly beauties publically enjoy the popularity of their art, while in secret performing it upon the 'deserving'.
 Daily Life: Thousand Petal Initiates rarely want for food or lodging with their abilities, so they tend to focus upon the pursuit of their art, creating new flowering hybrids, performing art or meddling in social affairs. Many could achieve small fortunes if they saw wealth as anything but a means to an end. Beauty is fleeting, and thus all the more precious than dull unchanging gold. Few tend to settle long in one place, unless it is to claim a large area of territory. In such cases the gardens they tend may span miles of riotious colors.
 Lician Ageandottr, LN Elf Clr/TPI, is very old for an elf. She has largely left her more excitable days behind her, in exchange for keeping an eye on the boundaries of nature and civilisation, providing advice and much needed magic to those who seek it.
 Evans Shtrin, NE Gnome Drd/TPI, considers himself an artist, and flowers his canvas. Around his grove is a jungle of blossoms, artistically arranged into landscapes...and deadly toxic, watered with the blood of travelers.
 Lily-of-the-Valley, CG Blodeuwedd Sor/TPI, is an energetic and helpful young faerie. Her abode is entirely overgrown with healing and charming blossoms, bringing a sort of compulsory rest and recovery to travelers. Unfortunately she gets rather clingy with her favorites and they find it difficult to want to leave.
 Organizations: The Colors of Nature are a collection of Thousand Petal Initiates who seek to bring their art to cities and towns. While well intentioned, the antics of their more excitable members result in large scale vandalism, and they face a mixed reception. They also have a thriving slum rejuvenation project ongoing, where they make the poor of the city more self sufficient, supplying forage within their areas.
 The Blooming Border meanwhile are a coalition of druids and nature priests taking care of frontier areas, where settlements seek to extend into the wild. By their efforts, fewer fields are necessary to feed everyone, while clearing new ground also becomes significantly more difficult with the flower-garnished wild lands.

NPC Reaction
 Generally the Thousand Petal Initiate is considered a useful if eccentric member of society. Their better artists are celebrated and the rest tolerated. They are easy to recognize, few others have the inclination to wear outfits comprised entirely of blooms, and when they are known, it is common to ask them for a demonstration of their powers over areas like fields and farms, in the hopes of getting something out of the act, or at least tiring them out so they do not go about redecorating houses.

 Thousand Petal Initiates bring a sizable amount of battlefield control to the game. Melee oriented opponents will find it extremely difficult to get anywhere against their wishes, pinned down and exposed to hostile magic. They however, operate particularly well with melee party members, allowing them to pick and choose their targets with impunity. Lower optimization games may find the extensive use of movement limitation particularly frustrating, but at lower levels alternate movement modes and ranged combat ability would limit the degree to which it alters the game without removing their iconic features entire.
 Adaptation: Almost any setting with nature oriented deities, fey or organizations will have little difficulty establishing Thousand Petal Initiates as a sub cult. Particular organizations may restrict or gain particular Raiments, Regalia or Crowns based on their sponsors preferences.
 Encounters: Players may come into conflict with Thousand Petal Initiates who are denying them access to particular areas, such as sacred groves or simply blocking access to would be frontiersmen. Alternatively, they may come across Thousand Petal Initiates spreading their preferences with excessive vigor, who need to be persuaded otherwise.

Sample Encounter
Vandals have been redecorating the more unsightly city districts with bursts of flowering vines, costing the building owners to hire the PCs to end the trouble.
EL 12:  The culprit is Cherrywood, a Warforged Cleric 5/TPI 3/Landforged Walker 3, and he brings a pair of Fighter 10 hired thugs with him, each bearing a Favor. To stop him they'd have to wade through the hopelessly entangled slums of the city.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed   ()
hp  ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will
Speed   ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


Hit Die: d8
Skills Points at Each  Level : 4 + int
Class Ability
Class Ability.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Class Name gains a Bonus Feat every x levels higher than 10th
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 04:48:23 PM by veekie »
Everything is edible. Just that there are things only edible once per lifetime.
It's a god-eat-god world.

Procrastination is the thief of time; Year after year it steals, till all are fled,
And to the mercies of a moment leaves; The vast concerns of an eternal scene.

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2012, 04:36:18 PM »
Lists for Raiments of Blossoms.
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List for Regalia of Petals
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List for Crown of the Flower Queen
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« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 05:21:08 PM by veekie »
Everything is edible. Just that there are things only edible once per lifetime.
It's a god-eat-god world.

Procrastination is the thief of time; Year after year it steals, till all are fled,
And to the mercies of a moment leaves; The vast concerns of an eternal scene.

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2012, 11:02:36 AM »

”I’ll stop him with a snap of my fingers!”
- Roscoe Needleman, Pinger Sorcerer/Monk and Captain of the Town Guard

Some people just want to watch the world burn. Some people want to rule all of space and time. Some people just want to make it home from work alive at the end of the shift. These are the sorcerers who become Pingers.

A pinger is a specialist that is unlikely to ever become an adventurer. He’s unlikely to ever advance beyond 5th.  He does one thing and he does it very well. He pings targets with unavoidable damage that carry with it conditions and other effects that are “piggy backed” so as to drop people that otherwise would normally shrug off such attacks.

Abilities: A pinger’s primary stat is charisma. They are devoted souls and quite social, fitting in with polite society. They are not outcasts and endeavor to be part of the grand community at large.
Adaptation: A pinger is useful in any campaign where you want the small town sheriff to actually have a little bite without going overboard.
Advancement: Advancement is done by improving one’s skill at casting sonic snap. It is possible to qualify without taking a level of monk, but many pinger’s do, simply for the extra stunning fists uses per day.
Adventures: Pingers are not adventurers and are usually NPCs who protect a small town. Pingers who want to make a go of being more then just small town heroes often pick up the Ascetic Mage feat from Complete Adventures so they can advance as both a sorcerer and a monk as needed.
Alignment: Note, there is no alignment restriction on becoming a pinger, although they do tend towards lawful and good. Evil pingers are possible, but unlikely. A ruthless LE town sherrif who has become corrupt is an interesting plotline, but is unlikely to be fun to play as a PC.
Background: Almost all Pingers are small town heroes who has won the hearts of their communities. Some pingers wander about when they get older and seek out other people who have “the knack” as they put it. Usually mentorship is a short month and then the mentor moves on. The class needs little training and is almost entirely self-taught.
Combat: A pinger hits his enemy with a sonic snap and tacks on a surprise. The surprise is often what drops the target. Stunning fist is a popular choice.
Daily Life: A pinger is a small town sheriff. He gets up, walks about the town, and tries to maintain law and order. He likes it boring and quiet, just like most people in town.
Encounters: A pinger is easy to encounter. Just walk into town like you own the place and start beating up on the locals.
In The World: It’s not that pingers are a secretive lot, it’s that nobody cares. They are a minor prestige class favored by NPCs who try to stay out of the limelight.
Notables: The first pinger was a sorcerer named Porter who had a shocker lizard familiar. He spent time examining his lizard as well as studying various metamagic feats. After years of adventuring, he returned home to discover his hometown had come under the control of a corrupt town sheriff. Furious at how his relatives had been treated, he got rid of the town's sheriff then took the time to help his nephews. He taught them how to do easy and simply spells. They are the ones who added monk levels to the mix and with the resulting combo, a prestige class was born.
NPC Reactions: They love these guys. Pingers are local heroes to NPC commoners. True, they are big fish in a small pond, but that’s incidental. Pingers are also fairly low level because of the lax requirements. That low level makes then still seem “mortal” to most NPCs.
Organization: Pingers tend to be town law enforcement, so they tend to keep in contact with other pingers. They exchange information on outlaws, but have no formal organization beyond that. Loyalty to one’s local community usually is more important then loyalty to one’s prestige class.
Playing: You’re the top sharpshooter who never misses and drops the bad guys with a snap of your fingers. You take prisoners and rarely kill. You tend to be lawful and keep your word so people trust you, friend and foe alike. You are respected, because you respect everyone else. Speaking slowly with a mid-western drawl and wearing a ten gallon hat is optional.
Races: Human, mostly. Most other races don’t want or need pingers, but anyone who can impress a pinger and has “the knack” can become one.
Role: A pinger is a good low level foil for a party, or a local town hero who has gone off to save the day. They don’t often join adventuring parties, but when they do, they are a one trick blaster.

 - Spontaneous Arcane spellcaster
 - Able to cast Sonic Snap
 - Stunning Fist as a feat or a class ability.

Class Skills
A Pinger’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha) Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skills Points at Each  Level : 2 + int

Hit Dice: d4





Stunning Snap
Lingering Snap
Born of the Three Snaps
Entangling Snap
Draining Snap

+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class
+1 of arcane spellcasting class

Weapon Proficiencies: Pingers do not gain proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: Except at the first and fourth level, a pinger gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in an arcane class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning or destroying undead, a bonus feat, and so on). If she had more than one arcane class before becoming a pinger, she must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known.

Stunning Snap: At first level, when using sonic snap on someone, the pinger can channel his stunning fist to effect any target that he damages. The target gets a saving throw as per normal and the effect costs only one stunning fist use per day. If the pinger is a monk, he adds his pinger levels to his monk levels for determining number of stunning fists uses per day, and only for purposes of calculating stunning fist uses.

Lingering Snap: At second level, the pinger learns the Lingering spell feat. When using it on sonic snap, the spell caster does not have to take a full round to cast the spell spontaneously and it has no level adjustment. When the feat is used with other spells, the normal +1 applies.

Born of the Three Snaps: by third level a pinger can channel the metamagic feat Born of the Three Thunders. When using it with Sonic snap, it does not take a full round action. When using it with sonic snap, the caster is not dazed. You can be dazed by other means. Typically it is combined with lingering so that the target takes one sonic, one electrical, then 1d6 sonic and 1d6 electrical.

Entangling Snap: At fourth level, a pinger gains the metamagic feat Entangling Spell. When using it with sonic snap, it does not take a full round to cast and is only a +1 level adjustment. It is a +2 level adjustment for any other spell. When used on a target adjacent to an object that is of equal mass, the target is immobilized. If the target is not near any other objects, he is considered entangled and suffers typical entanglement penalties. If this feat is used with born of the three thunders, and the target takes damage from both sonic and electrical damage, the target is considered entangled twice. The only effect is that movement is reduced to a fourth, instead of only a half (This is a special perk of the class). All other penalties are the same. If used with lingering, the entangling lasts for both rounds the target takes damage.

Draining Snap: By fifth level a pinger has achieved the power of level drain. Here he learns the metamagic feat Fell Drain. When used with sonic snap, it does not take a full-round action to cast and is only a +1 level adjustment. If the feat is used with any other spell, it is a normal +2 adjustment. Using this with lingering or born of the three thunders does not result in any additional level loss. You only drain one level per casting of sonic snap.

Game Balance Issues
The class is available at really low levels, thus breaking the almost universal prestige class “rule” of no prestige class for arcane spellcasters before 5th level. For this reason, the class loses a +1 Arcane Spellcasting Level at first level. The class is optimized for Sorcerer 1/Monk 1, but is possible with feats to qualify as just a Sorcerer 1. The class grants four Metamagic feats and a special ability. For this reason the class loses the fourth level +1 Arcane Spellcasting Level. Anyone taking this class will gain the ability to cast 2nd level spells at 6th/7th Character level, just in time to start casting sonic snap with every metamagic feat stacked on top of one another.

The purpose is to create a class that will appeal to an NPC who doesn’t want to get too complicated, but could appeal to a PC in a low level campaign. He’s basically a one spell wonder, which is exactly the point of this contest.

Sample Encounter
You walk into a bar and the locals start to give you the stink eye. Seems a bunch of con men just blew through town and pulled a con job on a few of the locals. Outsiders have a bad rep here. The sheriff comes to talk to you and put you in your place. (For 4-6 players of 2nd to 1st level).
EL 5: Everyone else in the town backs off and makes themselves scarce. The sheriff walks in and throws his weight around. Show him respect, he’ll let you off with a warning. Give him any sass, and he’ll drop you with a snap of his fingers.

Roscoe Needleman
LG Male Human: Sorcerer 1/Monk 1/Pinger: 3
Init: +3, Senses: Listen +9, Spot +3,
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
AC 13 (16 w/mage armor), touch 12 (15 w/MA), flat-footed 12 (15 w/mage armor)
hp: 23 (5 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee: 1d6+2 (Unarmed Strike)
Base Atk +4, Grp +4
Atk Options: Unarmed Strike, Spells
Combat Gear: Bracers of Defense: 1, Ring +1, Amulet of Armor +1, Cloak of Charisma +2
Spells Prepared Spontaneous spell caster (cantrips: 6, 1st level: 5)
Spells Known
Caltrops: Creates caltrops in 5-ft.-by-5-ft. sq, + 5-ft. sq/2 levels beyond 1st (max 5).
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Sonic Snap: Subject takes 1 point of sonic damage and is deafened 1 round.
Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Summon Monster I: Calls extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Unseen Servant: Invisible force obeys your commands.
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18
Feats: Born of the Three Thunders, Fell Weaken, Improved Initiative, Lingering Spell, Run.
Skills Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Jump +5, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (local) +1, Listen +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +3
Possessions Heavy Crossbow, QuarterStaff, Sling, 1,000 gp of miscellaneous items as the DM needs them.

Class Abilities
AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five monk levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.
Flurry of Blows (Ex) :  –2/–2 (1d6)
Bonus Feat: At 1st level, a monk may select either Improved Grapple or Stunning Fist as a bonus feat. (He selects Stunning Fist - Uses: 4/day)
Familiar: A sorcerer can obtain a familiar. Roscoe has selected a Toad. (he needs the +3 hit points). His toad is named Jojo and typically remains back at the jail. If Roscoe gets into trouble, he can empathically contact Jojo and Jojo will hop about wildly on top of a map indicating where Roscoe is (Jojo and Roscoe have a "system" of "pulses" worked out, sort of like primitive morse code). At any given time 1d4 2nd level human warriors are at the jail. They know what it means when Jojo starts to freak out and will rush to help, arriving in 4d10 rounds.
Jojo gets bored and sometimes goes out looking for Roscoe. When Roscoe sees Jojo he will often stab a finger at Jojo and say, “Get back, Jojo! Get back to where you belong!” Jojo typically hops back to the jail. Since the jail is in the middle of town, and town isn’t that big, Jojo and Roscoe are rarely more then a mile apart.
Stunning Snap: At first level, when using sonic snap on someone, the pinger can channel his stunning fist to effect any target that he damages. The target gets a saving throw as per normal and the effect costs only one stunning fist use per day. If the pinger is a monk, he adds his pinger levels to his monk levels for determining number of stunning fists uses per day, and only for purposes of calculating stunning fist uses.
Lingering Snap: At second level, the pinger learns the Lingering spell feat. When using it on sonic snap, the spell caster does not have to take a full round to cast the spell spontaneously and it has no level adjustment. When the feat is used with other spells, the normal +1 applies.
Born of the Three Snaps: by third level a pinger can channel the metamagic feat Born of the Three Thunders. When using it with Sonic snap, it does not take a full round action. When using it with sonic snap, the caster is not stunned. Typically it is combined with lingering so that the target takes one sonic, one electrical, then 1d6 sonic and 1d6 electrical.

Description: Roscoe is a large mammal. He's 6'6" and 260 pounds. He big and sluggish, but fortunately not slow. People have described his fists as "getting hit with a ham." He's quick on the draw, and once he gets running, he's not unlike a rock slide.

Combat: If Roscoe expects trouble, he casts mage armor. If he feels that the fight is going to be easy, he'll just open with a lingering, born of the three thunders sonic snap with a stunning fist thrown in for good measure. If he thinks he's in trouble, he'll alert Jojo to warn people at the Jail to come running, then try and talk his way out of the situation. If it comes down to it, he'll open up with a monster summoning 1, sonic snap until everyone stops moving, and if all else fails, come out swinging. Flurry of blows on low AC targets, normal shots for higher AC. If all the civilians are out of danger, he is not above running away, but won't let innocent by-standards be harmed, if he can help it. Every once in a while he will cast as a full-round action and tack on Fell Weaken, especially if he is fighting just one person.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 02:06:01 PM by Captnq »
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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2012, 02:13:22 AM »

"I've already obtained the ultimate power."
-Yata Gasaru, orbweaver flamecaster

Some seek power through the manipulation of minds.  Others seek it through the calling of mighty forces and servile beasts.  And others seek power through brute force, casting spells that fill their surroundings with flashing flames and deadly explosions.
   The orbweaver flamecasters are in this final group.  Through focus on the conjuration and commanding of flames, they weave deadly figures of fire that overlay the world around them.  Though true strands are never formed, the whirling spheres of flame are quick to punish any foolish enough to wander into an orbweaver's web.

Orbweaver flamecasters most frequently begin their careers as sorcerers or druids.  The sorcerer's spontaneity lends itself to the necessary adaptability, while the druid's awareness of the world grants her a supreme focus that proves valuable when directing the course of a battle.

   Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft (8 ranks) 
   Spellcasting: Must be able to cast flaming sphere
   Feats: Spell Focus (evocation) 
   Special: Must have spent the entire previous level using 2nd-level spell slots to exclusively cast flaming sphere 

Class Skills
 The orbweaver flamecaster's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha)
Skills Points at Each  Level : 4 + Int modifier

Hit Dice: d4

Attack Bonus
1st   +0   +0   +2   +2   Blazing spheres, extra spheres, flaming mastery +1   --
2nd   +1   +0   +3   +3   Flaming ward, will of the orbweaver   +1 of existing spellcasting class
3rd   +1   +1   +3   +3   Eyes of flame, leaping flames   +1 of existing spellcasting class
4th   +2   +1   +4   +4   Searing spheres, flaming mastery +2   --
5th   +2   +1   +4   +4   Greater blazing spheres, whirling flames   +1 of existing spellcasting class
6th   +3   +2   +5   +5   Orbstride   +1 of existing spellcasting class
7th   +3   +2   +5   +5   Greater flaming ward, flaming mastery +3   --
8th   +4   +2   +6   +6   Detonate, incinerating spheres   +1 of existing spellcasting class
9th   +4   +3   +6   +6   Burning simulacrum   +1 of existing spellcasting class
10th   +5   +3   +7   +7   Rolling devastation, undying flames, flaming mastery +4   --

   Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: As an orbweaver flamecaster, you gain no weapon or armor proficiencies.

   Spellcasting: At each level indicated on the orbweaver flamecaster table, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level.  You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.  If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an orbweaver flamecaster, you must decide which class gains each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

   Blazing Spheres (Ex): The spheres created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast deal 3d6 points of fire damage, rather than 2d6.  In addition, any creature that fails its Reflex save to avoid being damaged by one of your spheres catches on fire for 1d4 rounds.  A burning creature can take a move action to put out the flame.
   The save DC of a flaming sphere spell that you cast increases by 1/2 your orbweaver flamecaster level (rounded up).

   Extra Spheres (Ex): Your mastery of the flaming sphere spell allows you to conjure multiple spheres with a single casting.  Whenever you cast flaming sphere, you may create one additional sphere per four caster levels, to a maximum of five extra spheres at 20th level.  You may direct all of the spheres created by a single casting of flaming sphere as a standard action, or you can direct a single sphere as a move action.

   Flaming Mastery: Whenever you cast flaming sphere or use one of your related class features, you gain a +1 increase to your effective caster level (for the purpose of determining level-dependent variables and for caster level checks).  This bonus increases by +1 every three orbweaver flamecaster levels thereafter (+2 at 4th level, +3 at 7th level, and +4 at 10th level).

   Flaming Ward (Sp): At 2nd level, you gain the ability to use the flaming sphere spell to surround your allies with spheres of flame that defend them from foes.  A flaming sphere spell modified in this way uses a spell slot one level higher than normal.
   When you cast a flaming sphere spell as a flaming ward, the spell creates a sphere whose diameter is equal to its subject's space (5 feet for Small or Medium creatures, 10 feet for Large, and so on) and encapsulates the subject.  The sphere moves with its subject, but she cannot force another creature to pass through it (for eample, by attempting to grapple an enemy).  If she does force a creature to pass through, the flaming ward has no effect on that creature.  Any creature striking at the subject of a flaming ward takes damage as though hit by a flaming sphere that you created.  The flaming ward provides partial concealment to its subject, but she can see out with no hindrance.
   Flaming ward affects one subject for every sphere that you would create with a normal flaming sphere spell, each of which must be within Close range (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels) when you cast the spell.  The ward lasts for 1 round per caster level, or until dismissed (in the same way a spell is dismissed; see page 176 of the Player's Handbook).

   Will of the Orbweaver (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, when you cast a flaming sphere spell, you may choose to program the spheres that it creates, rather than actively directing them.  Programmed spheres must be given a simple program to follow, such as move straight ahead, zigzag, circle, or the like.  All of the spheres created by a flaming sphere spell modified in this way follow the same program, though you can orient each sphere differently.  For example, if you conjured three spheres and programmed them to move straight ahead, each sphere might consider "straight ahead" to be in a different direction, causing them to spread out.
   You may change the programmed movement of your spheres as a standard action.  As normal, a flaming sphere that leaves the spell's range winks out.

   Eyes of Flame (Sp): At 3rd level, you gain the ability to modify the orbs created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast, allowing you to see through them.  A flaming sphere spell modified in this way uses a spell slot two levels higher than normal and has a casting time of 10 minutes.  In addition, it is treated as if it were a divination (scrying) effect.
   When you cast a flaming sphere spell in this way, you create several floating spheres of flame that send you visual information.  You create one eye of flame for every sphere that your flaming sphere spell would normally create, which appear at any point that you can see.  After creation, your eyes of flame can travel outside your line of sight without hindrance.  An eye of flame travels at 30 feet per round (300 feet per minute) if viewing an area ahead as a human would (primarily looking at the floor) or 10 feet per round (100 feet per minute) if examining the ceiling and walls as well as the floor ahead.  You can switch back and forth between your own eyes and the viewpoints of your eyes of flame as a free action.  When viewing through your eyes of flame, you simultaneously perceive all of their viewpoints at once.
   An eye of flame has the same powers of sensory acuity that you possess.  This level of acuity includes any spells or effects that target you, but not spells or effects that emanate from you.  The eye is treated as a separate, independent sensory organ of yours, and thus it functions normally even if you have been blinded or otherwise suffered sensory impairment.  An eye of flame can see through normal smoke, fire, and fog as if they weren't there.
   Your eyes of flame last for 10 minutes per caster level.  During this time, the eyes can travel in any direction.  Solid barriers block its passage, but it can pass through a hole or space as small as 1 inch in diameter.  The eyes can't enter another plane of existence, even through a gate or similar magic portal.
   You must concentrate to use your eyes of flame.  If you do not concentrate, the eyes are inert until you again concentrate.
   An eye of flame ignites flammable substances it touches and illuminates the same area as a torch would.  The eyes are visible, but not corporeal.  Though an eye of flame is not subject to damaging effects, it can be dispelled normally.

   Leaping Flames (Ex): When you reach 3rd level, the spheres created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast can fly at their normal speeds with perfect maneuverability.

   Searing Spheres (Ex): Starting at 4th level, your conjured flames are so hot that they can damage creatures that normally have resistance or immunity to fire.  Your flaming sphere spell and related class features ignore the resistance to fire of creatures affected by them, and affected creatures with immunity to fire still take half damage.

   Greater Blazing Spheres (Ex): When you reach 5th level, the flames of your creations burn even hotter than before.  The spheres created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast deal an extra 1 point of fire damage per die.

   Whirling Flames (Ex): At 5th level, you gain greater control over your flaming spheres, allowing you to maintain control of them at greater distances and at greater speeds.  The spheres created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast can move up to 100 feet per round, rather than just 30 feet per round.  In addition, the range of a flaming sphere spell that you cast increases to Long range (400 feet + 40 ft./level).

   Orbstride (Sp): At 6th level, your increasing mastery over your creations allows you to transpose yourself with them.  Once per round, as an immediate action, you can instantly swap positions with a sphere created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast.  Objects that you carry (up to your maximum load) go with you, but other creatures do not, even if they are carried.  This movement is instantaneous and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
   You can only swap locations with a sphere that is within Close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels).  You can not use this ability to swap places with the effect of a flaming sphere spell that has been modified by your eyes of flame, flaming ward, or greater flaming ward class features.
   This is a conjuration (teleportation) effect.

   Greater Flaming Ward (Sp): At 7th level, you gain the ability to shape your flaming sphere spell into a more powerful ward that grants your allies additional capabilities.  A flaming sphere spell modified in this way uses a spell slot three levels higher than normal.
   A greater flaming ward functions in the same way as a flaming ward, except as follows.  The subject of a greater flaming ward gains total concealment, rather than just partial concealment, and gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed, with perfect maneuverability.  In addition, she deals an extra 2d6 points of fire damage with all weapons and weapon-like effects.

   Detonate (Sp): When you reach 8th level, you gain the ability to detonate your creations, causing them to explode.  Once per round, as a move action, you can detonate a sphere created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast, creating an explosion of flame that deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to every creature within a 20-ft.-radius spread, centered on the sphere.  Unattended objects also take this damage.
   Affected creatures or objects can attempt Reflex saves, with the same DC as your flaming sphere spell, for half damage.  This ability completely consumes the detonated sphere.

   Incinerating Spheres (Ex): At 8th level, you learn to create flames that burn with such fury that they can damage even the most resistant of creatures.  Your flaming sphere spell and related class features completely ignore any resistance or immunity to fire of creatures affected by them.

   Burning Simulacrum (Sp): When you reach 9th level, you learn to combine your creations into an image of yourself that can act in your place.  A flaming sphere spell modified in this way uses a spell slot four levels higher than normal.
   When you cast a flaming sphere spell in this way, you create a humanoid figure from the same material that normally forms your spheres.  The figure is your size and clearly made of fire, but it resembles you sufficiently that anyone who knows you can recognize your features in its face.  You must conjure the figure within 10 feet of yourself.  Thereafter, if you and your burning simulacrum separate by more than 1 mile per caster level, the simulacrum vanishes instantly and the effect ends.  Otherwise, the simulacrum persists for 1 hour per caster level, but can be dismissed normally.  You may only have one burning simulacrum in existence at a time.
   A burning simulacrum mimics your actions, including speech, unless you direct it to act differently as a move action.  You can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if you were standing in its location, and you can switch from using its senses to using your own, or back again, as a free action.  While you are using its senses, your own body is considered blinded and deafened.
   If you desire, any spell you cast can originate from the burning simulacrum instead of from you.  It cannot, however, cast any spells on itself.  Spells cast through the burning simulacrum function normally in all respects except for the point of origin.
   A burning simulacrum has a number of hit points equal to your character level.  If you use it to attack physically, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls, and it deals 3d6+3 points of fire damage.
   As a standard action, you can change places with your burning simulacrum.  This usage is a conjuration (teleportation) effect.  Making use of this option reduces the remaining duration of the effect by 5 hours.  If you have fewer than 5 hours of duration left, you cannot invoke this ability.

   Rolling Devastation (Ex): Starting at 10th level, when you cast a flaming sphere spell, you may choose to combine the spheres that it creates into one massive orb.  This sphere functions like the spheres normally created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast, except as follows.
   For every sphere beyond the first that would normally be created, the rolling devastation's diameter increases by 5 feet, and the damage that it deals is equal to the total damage that the spheres would normally deal.  In addition, directing the rolling devastation takes a move action (even though it is a single sphere), and it can continue moving after entering a space with a creature, so long as that creature remains within its space.  However, no matter how much it moves, a rolling devastation only deals damage to a creature once per round.  Finally, a successful Reflex save halves the damage from a rolling devastation, rather than negating it.
   If you detonate a rolling devastation, it deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level in a spread with a radius of 20 feet per caster level, with a Reflex save (same DC as your flaming sphere spell) for half damage.  After detonation, the rolling devastation splits into the spheres that you would normally create with a flaming sphere spell, which appear anywhere within the detonation's radius.  A creature within the rolling devastation's space gets no Reflex save against the detonation, and is thrown 10 feet per caster level towards the outside of the explosion's perimeter.  Any creature moved in this way also takes an additional 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet moved and is knocked prone.  If some obstacle prevents a blasted creature from being moved the full distance, the creature is stopped and takes 1d6 points of damage from striking the barrier (in addition to any damage taken from the distance moved before then).  In any event, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
   You can not use this ability in conjunction with your programmed spheres ability.  A rolling devastation must be controlled directly.

   Undying Flames (Sp): When you reach 10th level, you gain the ability to avoid death itself.  If you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points of lower, you can cast flaming sphere in order to discorporate into several spheres of flame, remaining barely alive.  A flaming sphere spell modified in this way uses a spell slot three levels higher than normal.
   When you cast a flaming sphere spell modified in this way, you attempt a Will save (DC 5 + damage dealt); if it succeeds, you break apart into several mobile flames, along with all your gear and any objects you are holding or carrying.  You break into the same number of spheres that you would normally create with a flaming sphere spell.  These spheres act like the spheres normally created by a flaming sphere spell that you cast, except that they last for one day.  In addition, these spheres can be damaged and destroyed.  Each sphere has hit points equal to your caster level, with an Armor Class of 20 + your Dexterity modifier.
   One day later, so long as at least one sphere remains, you reappear adjacent to one of the spheres.  If multiple spheres remain, you choose which sphere you appear next to.  While discorporated, you can perceive the world only through the spheres, which function in this way as if they were eyes of flame.  You cannot speak while discorporated, nor can you communicate via telepathy or other means.  You lose access to all extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like abilities while discorporated, except for the ability to reform after one day.  You also can't manipulate objects or activate items, even those carried along when you discorporated.  Continuously active items remain active, though in some cases their effects may be moot.
Your focus on a single spell gives you a more relaxed demeanor than most spellcasters.  Rather than studying heavily like a wizard, you are free to pursue whatever goals you want--after all, you already know the only spell you need.  Moreover, the exact nature of your focus gives you an energetic and sanguine outlook, and you enjoy good food, good drink, and good company.

 Combat: You possess supreme confidence in yourself and the spheres you create.  While others might fear the outcome of a battle, your abilities allow you to dictate the course of combat so easily that you see little reason for worry.  This confidence might beget arrogance, or you might be a supreme tactician.
   As you rely almost entirely on the flaming sphere spell, you do not have to worry overmuch about your spell selection.  Instead, you should protect your allies with wards, then set programmed spheres onto the battlefield, and then finally conjuring the spheres that you will control directly.  If you can anticipate the battle before it actually starts, you can ward your allies ahead of time, allowing you to enter the fray more immediately.
   Your detonation ability, while powerful, has its downsides.  You must carefully consider your allies' locations when placing a sphere to be detonated, and you would do well to communicate the danger to them in some way so that they do not move into the blast radius.  Be especially careful when detonating a rolling devastation, as the massive explosion can be larger than some battlefields.

Advancement: Your power lies entirely in your use of the flaming sphere spell, so you should focus on obtaining feats and items that can be used to enhance it.  Metamagic feats are an easy option, but--while other, more generalist spellcasters might scorn such things--you can also consider options that enhance only a single spell.
   It is most usual for an orbweaver flamecaster to complete the class entirely, gaining access to more varied uses of the flaming sphere spell all the while, but nothing stops you from merely dabbling with one or two levels.  After completing your advancement through the class, you would be best served by either returning to your original spellcasting class or taking levels in another prestige class that fully advances your spellcasting.  While you do not need to learn any new spells, higher-level spell slots are necessary for the use of powerful metamagic effects, and should not be scorned.

Resources: Most orbweaver flamecasters are mercenaries, with no real sense of organization.  Thus, the only resources readily available to you will be your own abilities.  While other orbweaver flamecasters might give you a nod of respect, there are no ties of obligation between members of the class.  However, if you choose to follow the mercenary path, your unique magic may well grant you a large number of employment offers.

"Watching that fire mage fight was so beautiful.  Deadly as all hell, yes.  Impossible to dodge, yes.  But also beautiful."
-Tom Swifty, wandering mercenary

Orbweaver flamecasters tend to enjoy life, and are more often found in big cities than in remote villages.  However, their mercenary nature means that an orbweaver can be encountered anywhere in the world, so long as someone has paid her to be there.  Orbweavers occasionally wander the world on their own, seeking either adventure or a challenge.  No matter where she goes, however, an orbweaver remains cool-headed in any circumstance, confident in her ability to control the situation if it gets out of hand.

 Daily Life: In her daily life, an orbweaver flamecaster acts fairly casually for a spellcaster.  If she studies at all, she does so only as much as is necessary to prepare her spells.  The rest of her time is spent indulging her appetites--be they for food, wine, or companionship.  Often, an orbweaver will take up a hobby to fill her spare time.  Singing is a popular pastime, as it can be continued on the battlefield once she has finished casting her spells.  Weaving and sewing are also popular, as the coordination required to produce a fine piece of work is similar to that necessary to properly take advantage of the many orbs she controls.

 Notables: Unsurprisingly, most famous orbweaver flamecasters have been mercenaries, rather than champions of a cause or ideal.  Lady Bast Firespinner, the most famous orbweaver, was so well-paid that she always dressed in high society attire, even in the midst of a battle.  It is said that the fastest way to die in battle was to ruin her dress.  Though Lady Bast usually fought for just causes, she was known to have accepted payment from dubious sources more than once.

 Organizations: Orbweaver flamecasters care little for spellcasting organizations, instead choosing their jobs on an individual basis.  Those who are inclined may join specific guilds, but they rarely join any group that does not suit their purposes.  Most often, an orbweaver will join an organization for a short time, then leave it when it no longer suits her purposes.

NPC Reaction
 Most common folk never know that an orbweaver flamecaster is any more than a normal spellcaster.  Those who flaunt their riches will be treated as any other wealthy magic-user, but only those with the right connections will know that the dainty-looking woman sipping her tea can be hired as an unmatched force of destruction.  In those cases in which an orbweaver makes her nature known, she is usually treated with a level of fearful respect.  After all, unlike generalist spellcasters, an orbweaver makes no pretense at using magic for constructive purposes--she casts only destructive spells, and such tempers should not be trifled with.

Orbweaver flamecasters can be powerful allies or party members, as their abilities grant them an unmatched presence on the battlefield.  A skilled orbweaver can assault up to twelve enemies at once, depending on how carefully she programs and controls her spheres.  As such, the presence of a member of the class can dramatically alter how combat plays out in the campaign.  Carefully consider the ramifications of an orbweaver's presence in combat when planning a battle.
   Players who enjoy controlling the battlefield will find much to enjoy in this class--though it is primarily focused on the use of a damaging spell, the sheer number of hazards that can be brought to bear can radically change the face of a battlefield.

 Adaptation: So long as magic and fire exist, orbweaver flamecasters can be fit easily into any existing campaign setting.  However, rather than simply being focused spellcasters, they could be made into members of a particular arcane tradition, drawing power from a code or course or study.  Alternatively, they could serve as the battlecasters for a religion that worships a god of fire, or even shamans that draw their strength from a totemic inferno spider.

 Encounters: If players come into conflict with an orbweaver flamecaster, the conflict is almost certainly not out of any malice on her part.  Rather, she has most likely been hired for a specific purpose that lies contrary to the party's goals.  As such, though she will bring all of her strength to bear in combat, she is unlikely to actually bear any ill-will towards the party members.  Should they defeat her, she will most likely be magnanimous in defeat--unless they have just cost her a particularly sizeable payment.  In some cases, the party might be able to convince her to consider their side of the conflict after--but never before--defeating her.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 02:48:10 PM by DonQuixote »
“Hast thou not felt in forest gloom, as gloaming falls on dark-some dells, when comes a whisper, hum and hiss; savage growling sounds a-near, dazzling flashes around thee flicker, whirring waxes and fills thine ears: has thou not felt then grisly horrors that grip thee and hold thee?”

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: Homebrew Contest I: One-Spell Wonders
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2012, 12:00:54 AM »
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Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon