Author Topic: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]  (Read 6332 times)

Offline God Imperror

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"Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:10:18 AM »
Anointed Heritor

I learned the way of the sword by listening to stories. I practice the way of the sword by being part of stories.

The anointed heritors follow a path of tradition and oral history that stretches back to ancestral heroes from the dawn of time, shrouded in mystery. Little of what knowledge remains is true; most has become twisted in rumor and myth, and everything that is left is subject to interpretation by the anointed heritors.

No one knows what kind of entities the heroes actually are. They might be lesser deities from times past, who are attracted to heritors as a means to hold on to some of their former power even after most of their followers have passed into memory. They might be myths that have gained power due to generations of hopeful believers, or perhaps they are just stories which  inspire the anointed heritors, who release their latent talents by tapping into a collective, primal unconscious.  Whatever they are, it is impossible to tell, as the few existing written documents date from several hundred years after the theoretical time of the heroes, and oral tradition focuses in their practices rather than their origin.

Adventures: Anointed heritors spend most of their time adventuring in order to come closer to their patron hero. By adventuring, they also expand the area of influence of the ancestral heroes in the world.  Some truly dedicated heritors acquire such a reputation for glory that, when they die, they ascend to join the ranks of the ancestral heroes themselves.

Characteristics: The most important aspect of anointed heritors are the heroes that they channel.  Through these spirit-resonances, the heritors gain access to a wide variety skills and abilities, as well as the guidance of the ancestral heroes, helping the anointed heritor in moments of need.

Alignment: Characters of any alignment can become anointed heritors, as there are heroes of several alignments and mentalities.

Religion: Religion is not normally an important part of anointed heritor's life, though the devout sometimes see the ancestral heroes as ancient quasi-deities and pay them some reverence. Those who choose to follow the path of a deity normally revere warrior deities, especially those with portfolios that include fate or strategy.

Background: Most anointed heritors begin their career studying the deeds of the heroes of yore, attempting to unravel the mysteries of their chosen hero's life. Soon they begin training to emulate their hero's fighting style, and in short order become experts, learning to draw upon the true essence of the ancestral hero (and becoming indistinguishable to a certain degree from their patron hero). By continuing the legend of their chosen hero, they empower both themselves and the hero's memory.  Once an anointed heritor has mastered the ability to channel the essence of their patron hero, they begin to learn new paths by following in the steps of other heroes.  Eventually, the heritor learns to combine the styles of multiple ancestral heroes to form their own unique legend.

Races: Every race has heroes; therefore, characters of any race can become anointed heritors.  Races with a strong oral history tradition tend to have more anointed heritors, as their ancestral heroes are better known.

Other Classes: Anointed heritors work well with companions of other classes and races. One might be awed at the stealth of rogues and their ability to finish enemies with a single strike, or perhaps drawn to the heroic ideals of a paladin; another might admire the ability of spellcasters to alter reality.

Role: Anointed heritors are generalists, able to assume different party roles dependent on their ancestral heroes. Their abilities are mostly mundane; they can fall in the middle ground between skillfull characters such as rogues or rangers and more martial characters such as fighters or paladins.  Choosing one hero over another might make the anointed heritor strive for a particular role; as he progresses in his career as an anointed heritor, he is able to fill more roles.  Regardless of their particular strengths and weaknesses, anointed heritors as a whole tend to have strong personalities and be good spokesmen.

Adaptation: By design, the ancestral heroes have been left relatively undefined.  Every anointed heritor can have a different view of the ancestral heroes, one that fits their backstory and personality. Some anointed heritors may start following an ancestral hero because it was a great figure in the history of their nation, or perhaps due to some resonance of personality. Depending on the campaign, the heroes might be renamed, or new heroes might be added with the collaboration of the DM.

In certain campaign settings, the ancestral heroes might not be as benevolent or as distant as the anointed heritor might believe.  Instead, they could be mysterious entities, remnants of once living beings trapped beyond life and death.  In those cases the "heroes" actively seek to be channeled by the anointed heritor, for they receive sustenance through the offerings and can once more experience a reasonable facsimile of life.

In other cases, perhaps the anointed heritors are literal descendants of the heroes, rather than descendants in spirit.  Just as sorcerers might draw their power from the blood of dragons in their veins, the anointed heritor inherits the heroic bloodlines of his past.  Or, in a more malicious setting, an anointed heritor might trap the souls of heroes of the past and use them to channel his nefarious powers.

Anointed Heritor's have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma determines most of their abilities potency and uses. Most anointed heritors are martial characters, strength, dexterity and constitution become important depending on their fighting style.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d8
Starting Age: As bard
Starting Gold: As sorcerer

Class Skills
The Anointed Heritor's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are...
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Gather information (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (oratory) (Cha), Search (Int), Spot (Wis) plus any skill that the anointed heritor receives from its known heroes, if you purchased ranks in the associated skills of a hero that you still don't know how to channel as cross-class skill, you immediately gain additional ranks in that skill as if it had always been a class skill for you once you learn to channel the hero.
Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier




1.+1+0+0+2Patron Hero, Anointed Guidance     000
3.+3+1+1+3Ancestral channeling (one hero)100
4.+4+1+1+4Favor of the Patron, Offerings220
5.+5+1+1+4Ancestral skills320
6.+6+2+2+5Anointment, Boons (one)431
7.+7+2+2+5Anointed recovery (move action)531
8.+8+2+2+6Ancestral feat (one)641
9.+9+3+3+6Ancestral tactics 1/day751
10.+10+3+3+7Ancestral channeling (two heroes), Anointment851
11.+11+3+3+7Anointed guidance (initiative)961
12.+12+4+4+8Boon mastery, Boons (two)1072
13.+13+4+4+8Anointed recovery (swift action)1182
15.+15+5+5+9Ancestral channeling (three heroes), Anointed recovery (full round)13102
16.+16+5+5+10Ancestral feat (two)14112
17.+17+5+5+10Anointed guidance (three skills)15122
18.+18+6+6+11Ancestral tactics 2/day, Anointment, Boons (three)16133
19.+19+6+6+11Anointed recovery (superior)17143
20.+20+6+6+12Ancestral channeling (four heroes), Ancestral exaltment18163

*See the patron hero ability below.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Anointed Heritor.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: An annointed heritor is proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons plus the associated weapon of its patron hero. Anointed heritors are proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Patron Hero (Ex): Through study and dedication you learn a bit of the ancestral heroes. Your study focus on one hero, perhaps it was the most interesting as a child or you have a blood connection to the chosen hero. You learn to emulate the general of its basic fighting stile and skills. At 1st level choose an ancestral hero from the lists of ancestral heroes available to the Anointed Heritor, even if you cannot fully channel it you gain its associated skill as class skill, its associated weapon proficiency and the associated good save progression (fortitude or reflex), regardless of any hero that you might channel you keep the weapon proficiency and the save progression. In addition if you are not channeling any hero you gain the first ability of your patron hero. If somehow your ancestral channeling gets suppressed you gain the benefit of this class ability.

Anointed Guidance (Ex): You have learned several facts of the lives of heroes before you, you know where they succeed and where they failed, it is harder for you to miss something for you count with the experience of heroes of ages past. Starting at 1st level at the beginning of every encounter you gain one guidance point per class level to a maximum equal to your Charisma bonus or half your anointed heritor level whichever is higher. While you have guidance points you gain a +2 bonus to Listen, Search and Spot checks. At 11th level you gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks. At 17th level while you have guidance points you gain a +2 bonus to three skills of your choosing, in which you have to have at least one rank, you can take 10 with those skills, even under conditions where taking 10 would normally be impossible (some skills, like use magic device, specifically disallow you to take 10, you cannot use this ability to take 10 with those skills). In addition if those skills are selected through your ancestral skill class feature you can take 10 with them, unless it would normally be impossible.

Anointment (Ex): Some heroes focused on precise strikes of the sword, some others were able to parry hits that would have severed their heads. Maybe they had a special technique or perhaps they were just gifted, regardless you have a special knack for following those heroic movements and using them at he right time. At second level you gain two anointed abilities selected from the list below every four levels thereafter you can choose an additional ability.

(click to show/hide)

Ancestral Channeling (Su): Anointed heritors strive to achieve perfection, soon they can not only do some simple heroic deeds but in the same manner of the ancestral heroes did before them they can realize feats of true power. This draw them closer to the heroes, and most anointed heritors believe that they are in fact channeling their souls into reality. At third level you can only channel your patron hero, but you can learn new heroes at every odd level. Once you are channeling a hero you gain its associated skill as class skill and its abilities. You can make offerings and boons with the heroes that you channel as described below. At 10th level you can channel two heroes at once, at level 15th you can channel three heroes at once and at level 20th you can channel four heroes at once. Ancestral heroes are bound to your soul and they cannot be targeted or expelled by any means except by using the ancestral repentance class ability, described below, nor can they be suppressed except by an antimagic field or similar effect.
To channel a hero you must perform a private ritual every morning, this is similar to a wizard preparing spells and you can do so only once per day after a good night's rest. You must anoint yourself with clean water and oils while meditating for an hour to be able to channel heroes.

(click to show/hide)

Favor of the patron (Su): Even if the anointed heritor will gain knowledge of other heroes its patron will always have a bigger hold on its soul. While channeling the patron hero, you can invest one more offering point in your patron's heroes abilities.

Offerings (Su): At some points annointed heroes receive a whisper of inspiration from their heroes, in those moments they are able to do feats as if they had been doing those for they whole life, through offerings from the ancestral heroes anointed heritors can reach their true potential. You gain access to a small reserve of offerings, which can be invested into individual abilities granted by your channeled ancestral heroes to increase their power. Your offerings reserve's size is shown on the table above, your offering capacity is shown on the table below. As a swift action, you can reallocate your offerings investments in any ability granted by the ancestral heroes that you are channeling every round.

Ancestral Skills (Ex): As distinctive as heroes combat capabilities their heroic deeds of skill are not far behind, soon the anointed heritors learn to tap into the memories and deeds of their forebearers to emulate them. Whenever you start channeling a hero, or more, you can designate a number of class skills (gained from levels in the anointed heritor class) or the associated skills from any hero that you are channeling equal to your charisma bonus (if any). For the duration of the channeling you can make skill checks using your anointed heritor level in place of the number of ranks you have in that skill (even if the number is 0). You can make "trained only" checks but you can't take 10 using ancestral skills (you need to use your actual ranks to take 10).

Boons (Su): Some of the abilities available to the ancestral heroes are not something that most people could dream off but the anointed heritor can reach to the heroes and access to some of their knowledge. You can get a boon from any hero that you are channeling. Unlike offerings boons are almost permanent and last for as long as you channel the ancestral hero. At 12th level and again at 18th level you gain an additional boon.

Anointed recovery (Su): As the ancestral heroes inhabit your body you become harder to stop and prone to realize heroic deeds more often. You can expend a move action to recover one guidance point. You can expend as many move actions as you have, earning an equal number of guidance points. At 13th level you can choose to expend a swift action to recover one guidance point. At 15th level you can expend a full round action to recover half your guidance points (rounded up). At 19th level you recover two guidance points per expended move action (or swift action).

Ancestral feat (Ex): Your soul infused with the essence of heroes before you is able to emulate abilities not normally accessible through the ancestral heroes abilities. You gain a bonus feat. The ancestral heroes are known for their heroic deeds, you cannot choose a feat with the following descriptors [divine], [item creation], [metamagic], [metapsionic], [psionic item creation feats] or [wild]. You must meet the prerequisites for this feat. Additionally if you choose any [heritor] feat you can use the effective ranks granted by your ancestral skills ability as if they were true ranks (only for the purpose of meeting prerequisites). Whenever you start channeling a new hero you can choose to change your bonus feat to any other feat for which you meet the prerequisites. At 16th level you gain a second bonus feat that you can also choose to change whenever you change your channeled heroes.

Ancestral tactics (Su): Your mastery of the ancestral heroes allows you to switch and channel different heroes if it would fit the situation. You can change your ancestral heroes, ancestral skills and ancestral feats picking new choices. Using ancestral repentance takes 10 minutes and provokes attacks of opportunity. You can use this ability 1/day at 9th level and 2/day at 18th level.

Boon Mastery (Su): The knowledge of yours heroes abilities, allows you to forsake some skills to excel on others. As a full round action you can stop benefiting from one of your channeled hero's abilities, if you do so you gain a Boon that you have to invest immediately in another of that hero's abilities. This ability lasts until you choose to stop it, expending a swift action.

Ancestral exaltment (Su): At the end of the journey the hero cannot only inspire itself but inspire those around himself to become heroes. With a enormous effort of will you can briefly enlighten one creature with one of the heroes that you are currently channeling so the target benefits from its effects. At 20th level as a full round action you can choose one of your ancestral heroes, you are still considered to be channeling said hero, and the effects of its abilities on you don't end when you use ancestral exaltment but you cannot use them until the end of this ability. One target, that you designate and is not further than 30 feet away, gets the benefits of channeling the hero. The target gets a WILL safe if unwilling (DC 10+1/2 anointed heritor level + CHA bonus) but otherwise can use the heroes abilities as normal during its next turn. The effects of this class ability last until the start of your next turn, and no abilities initiated by a hero while being channeled during the ancestral exaltment can last further, for example, if the hero shared is Nightthirster the creature that receives its abilities can use black candle but the darkness effect would last until the start of your next turn.


Offering points capacity: Every character who is able to channel heroes can invest offerings in their abilities, provided they have offering points. The offering point capacity of the heroes is based on HD.

Offerings capacity
HD    |Offerings capacity
1-5    |1
6-11  |2
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 11:05:13 AM by God Imperror »

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2012, 07:13:05 AM »
Ancestral Heroes

Night Thirster
(click to show/hide)

Storm Cloak
(click to show/hide)

Dancing Fire
(click to show/hide)

Wind Rider
(click to show/hide)

Moon Wolf
(click to show/hide)

Sword Master
(click to show/hide)

Laughing Fool
(click to show/hide)

Battle Lord
(click to show/hide)

God Speaker
(click to show/hide)

Swift Talon
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Truth Seeker
(click to show/hide)

Meteor Angel
(click to show/hide)

Roaring Dragon
(click to show/hide)

Rock Shield
(click to show/hide)

Magic Soul
(click to show/hide)

Legend Craft
(click to show/hide)

Ill Father
(click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 07:42:12 PM by God Imperror »

Offline God Imperror

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2012, 07:16:04 AM »
Feats for the Anointed heritor*
*some feats have associated hero skills as prerequisites, for selecting those feats a character has to have that certain number of skill ranks in the particular associated ability of the hero (for example if a character wants to get heroic master (Night Thirster) he needs to have 4 ranks in Hide)

Heritor feats
All Heritor feats have the patron hero ability as a prerequisite. Thus they are limited to characters with levels in the Anointed heritor class. Additionally high level Anointed heritors may benefit easily from [heritor] feats using its ancestral feat class ability.

Heroic Master [Heroic]
Prerequisite: ability to channel a hero, knowledge (history) 9, hero's associated skill 4
Benefit: You permanently bond yourself to a hero. You cannot stop channeling said hero, it still counts as a channeled hero. The number of offering points that you can invest on your heroic master abilities increases by one.
Special: You may take this feat a second time, you still need to meet the associated skill requirement. This feat may not be selected with the ancestral feat class feature, nor with similar abilities that grant temporary feats.

Dual patronage [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, knowledge (history) 4
Benefit: You can select another ancestral hero as a secondary patron hero, you gain its associated class skill, its associated weapon proficiency and a +2 bonus to its associated save. In addition you consider your secondary patron hero as your patron hero when qualifying for feats.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character. You can only select this feat once.

Anointment [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, anointment, knowledge (history) 6
Benefit: You gain an extra anointment, for which you meet the prerequisites.
Special: You can take this feat up to three times.

Level 1 feats

Shadow Forged [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Night Thirster as a patron hero, hide 4
Benefit: You gain the ability to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Storm Born [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Storm Cloak as a patron hero, move silently 4
Benefit: Even in a storm, the winds whipping around you seem to leave you unaffected. You ignore the penalties associated with ranged attack rolls and Listen checks due to high winds (see page 95 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). Actions that are impossible in high winds (such as using ranged attacks in winds above 50 mph) are still impossible.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Heart Fire [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Dancing Fire as a patron hero, Iaijutsu focus 4
Benefit: You can project a radiant aura. Your radiance sheds light as a common lamp: bright light to a radius of 5 feet and shadowy illumination to 10 feet. You can extinguish this radiance at will and reactivate it again as a free action. In addition whenever you make a Iajitsu focus check the enemy may become dazzled, for a round, unless it makes a WILL save (10 + 1/2 char level + cha modifier)
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Saddle Bound [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Wind Rider as a patron hero, Ride 4
Benefit: You can take 10 on ride checks, even if you are rushed or threatened. If either you or your mount fails a Reflex save while mounted, you can attempt a Ride check to succeed on the saving throw anyway. The save is successful if your Ride check result is equal to or greater than the spell’s save DC. (Essentially, you can substitute your Ride check result for your Refl ex save if the former is higher.) You can attempt this substitution once per round for either yourself or your mount. If both you and your mount fail a Reflex save against the same effect (for example, a fi reball spell or dragon breath that catches you and your mount in its area), your Ride check result applies to both your save and your mount’s save.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Feral charm [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected  Moonwolf as a patron hero, Handle animal 4
Benefit: Using your Savage ability you can befriend two wolfs. This wolfs function as followers (see Leadership feat description on DMG 106) and have a friendly actitude towards you. If given proper training, the wolf followers will willingly serve as your mount, guardian, and companion. (See the description of the Handle Animal skill on page 74 of the Player's Handbook for more details on training animals.)

You can use the Handle Animal skill on your wolf followers as a move action rather than as a standard action, and you gain a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal checks made to direct or influence your wolf followers.

Use your effective leadership score to determine the highest level of followers your wolf followers gain HD up to that number, for example an anointed heritor with an effective leadership score of 15 would have two wolf followers with 3 HD each.

If a wolf dies you can attract another one by expending two hours in any region where wolfs are found.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Sword Knack [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Sword Master as a patron hero, Martial lore  4
Benefit: You gain any first level maneuver from any discipline of your choosing. You can use this maneuver once every five rounds. In addition you gain any fist level stance of your selected  discipline.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Insidious smile [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Laughing Fool as a patron hero, bluff 4
Benefit: You can fascinate a single creature with your stories and lies. You make a Bluff check, and the target can negate the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than your check result. If the saving throw succeeds, you cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If the saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to your words for up to 1 round per level you possess. While fascinated, the target’s Spot and Listen checks suffer a –4 penalty. Any potential threat allows the fascinated creature a second saving throw against a new Bluff check result. Any obvious threat automatically breaks the effect. You must concentrate, as if casting or maintaining a spell. This is a spell-like, mind-affecting charm ability.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Battle Raised [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Battle Lord as a patron hero, Perform (weapon drill) 4
Benefit: You gain proficiency with an exotic weapon and weapon focus with that weapon..
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

God Blessed [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected God Speaker as a patron hero, Truespeak 4
Benefit: You can name the Ancestral Heroes your patron deities. In addition you can use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a cleric of one-half your anointed heritor level (at least 1st level). For the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device, if you are also a cleric, actual cleric levels and these effective cleric levels stack.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Bird Listener [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Swift Wing as a patron hero,  4
Benefit: You can make one Spot check and one Listen check each round as a free action. Listen and Spot are always class skills for you. You also gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Inner Fury [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Wrath as a patron hero, Intimidate 4
Benefit: When you charge, make a full attack, or cast a spell that either targets an enemy or includes an enemy in its area, you gain the frightful presence ability for that round. Each enemy within a 20-foot radius of you must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or be shaken for 1 minute. Regardless of its success or failure on the saving throw, any creature exposed to this effect is immune to your frightful presence for the next 24 hours. This is an extraordinary morale effect.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Dauntless [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Truth Seeker as a patron hero, Sense Motive 4
Benefit: You cannot be intimidated. (Attempts to use the Intimidate skill against you always fail.) In addition you are immune to fear effects, magical or otherwise.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Falling Star [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Meteor Angel as a patron hero, Tumble 4
Benefit: You can execute a charge by simply dropping from a height of at least 5 feet above your opponent. For example, a ledge 10 feet above the floor of a cavern would suffice for jumping on a Medium-sized creature, while a ledge 15 feet high is required for a jumping on a Large creature. You can't jump from more than 30 feet above your opponent, nor can you effectively use falling star while under the influence of a fly or levitate spell or effect, as you have to hurl yourself down on your foe. If you hit, you can choose either to deal double damage with a melee weapon or natural attack or to attempt a trip attack. You are treated as one size category larger than normal if you try to trip your opponent with the falling star. After you attack, you take falling damage as normal for the distance you jumped. You are entitled to a Tumble check (DC 15) to take less damage, as if you had fallen 10 feet less than you actually did. If you fail this Tumble check, you fall prone 5 feet from your opponent.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Dragon's Blood [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Roaring Dragon as a patron hero, Knowledge (arcana) 4
Benefit: You gain the benefits of draconic heritage as described in races of the dragon, you add the dragon's associated skill to your anointed heritor class skills. Additionally you can treat your anointed heritor level as sorcerer level for selecting [draconic] feats, and you may choose [draconic] feats as [heritor] feats.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Stone Foundation [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, must have selected Rock Shield as a patron hero, Balance 4
Benefit: As long as you stand on earth you gain a +4 bonus on checks to resist being moved from your square (such as bullrushing checks, this bonus doesn't apply to effects that comply you to move, such as a command spell).
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st level character.

Double hero feats

Darkest Storm [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, ability to channel two heroes at once, ability to channel Night Thirster and Storm Cloak, hide 9, move silently 9
Benefit: If you channel Night Thirster and Storm Cloak at the same time you gain an offering point that you can invest in either heroes' abilities. In addition any creature damage by your lightning bolt ability is considered flanked by you until the start of your next turn.

Wolf Steed [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, ability to channel two heroes at once, ability to channel Wind Rider and Moon Wolf, ride 9, handle animal 9
Benefit: If you channel Wind Rider and Moon Wolf at the same time you gain an offering point that you can invest in either heroes' abilities. In addition your Palemare ability and your Wolf spirit ability combine. You can now summon a Wolf (it becomes Large if you are medium, it gains a +2 bonus to STR but gets a penalty of -2 to DEX and the normal penalties associated to being large) that gains the benefits of both your Palemare and your Wolf spirit abilities. The resulting Wolf cannot have more HD than your anointed heritor level.

True Bearer [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, ability to channel two heroes at once, ability to channel God Speaker and Truth Seeker, truespeak 9, sense motive 9
Benefit: If you channel God Speaker and Truth Seeker at the same time you gain an offering point that you can invest in either heroes' abilities. In addition if you use utterance on any enemy that opposes your alignment, and if you beat the truespeak DC by 10 you can use the utterance as a swift action instead than a standard action.

Burning Glee [Heritor]
Prerequisite: Patron hero class feature, ability to channel two heroes at once, ability to channel Dancing Fire and Laughing Fool, Iaijutsu focus 9, Bluff 9
Benefit: If you channel Dancing Fire and Laughing Fool at the same time you gain an offering point that you can invest in either heroes' abilities. In addition once per turn, when you draw a weapon you can make a feint as a free action.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 07:35:38 PM by God Imperror »

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2012, 07:16:53 AM »
I might need this post in the future, but go ahead with the peaching, pretty please.

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2012, 08:13:27 AM »
Nice to see this over here!  I have my fluff critiques almost done... I was waiting on the mechanics stuff because every time I went back, I discovered that you'd made changes ;)
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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2012, 08:17:28 AM »
Sorry about that  :lmao (or not)

I just playtested it a couple of days ago and realized that it was quite underpowered compared to other physical characters.

I will probably not change it anymore, although I might add more feats for the double heroes options. Feel free to post the fluff critique anytime you want I'll like to read over it, I am sure that there are a lot of mistakes on the text, and changing those might make it easier to others to read it over and enjoy the class.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 08:20:20 AM by God Imperror »

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2012, 11:23:09 AM »
Binding + Incarnum? Yay! I'll try to give this a more thorough look later.

It looks like you'll have more than enough Offering points to max out every hero you have at all levels if you invest them into heroes (as the Offering ability says). However, the heroes themselves say you invest Offerings into individual abilities instead. Please clarify.

The 17th level version of Ancestral Guidance refers to choosing 10 with your skills in a few places. Should this be taking 10 instead?

Ancestral Skills says you need actual ranks to take 10. Shouldn't this be that you need to USE your actual ranks to take 10?

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2012, 01:27:58 PM »
Binding + Incarnum? Yay! I'll try to give this a more thorough look later.

It looks like you'll have more than enough Offering points to max out every hero you have at all levels if you invest them into heroes (as the Offering ability says). However, the heroes themselves say you invest Offerings into individual abilities instead. Please clarify.

The 17th level version of Ancestral Guidance refers to choosing 10 with your skills in a few places. Should this be taking 10 instead?

Ancestral Skills says you need actual ranks to take 10. Shouldn't this be that you need to USE your actual ranks to take 10?

Yes to the three of them, it is probably due to changes on the design as time went by, going to edit them right ahead.

You invest offering points in the abilities that work similarly to meldshapes and essentia, but are grouped as if they were abilities granted by vestiges, it might be a little over complicated.

Thanks for giving it a look  :)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 01:34:17 PM by God Imperror »

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2012, 02:47:26 PM »
I'd like some clarification on the Feral Charm feat since normally the HD of a wolf caps at 6HD.

Edit: Also, Burningglee has a copy-paste error. 

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2012, 06:50:23 PM »
I'd like some clarification on the Feral Charm feat since normally the HD of a wolf caps at 6HD.

Edit: Also, Burningglee has a copy-paste error.

Wow thanks for spotting those I will have to reflect on the wolf things. I am thinking on making those be bonus HD a la animal companion so they aren't capped by its HD, would that feel alright?

Actually the maximum level of a follower per the leadership feat is 6th, so it works even if the wolf caps at 6, I checked the wording to clarify it.

Saw a couple of other copy paste errors and changed that, nothing major.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 07:16:58 PM by God Imperror »

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2012, 07:29:13 PM »
I'd like some clarification on the Feral Charm feat since normally the HD of a wolf caps at 6HD.

Edit: Also, Burningglee has a copy-paste error.

Wow thanks for spotting those I will have to reflect on the wolf things. I am thinking on making those be bonus HD a la animal companion so they aren't capped by its HD, would that feel alright?

Actually the maximum level of a follower per the leadership feat is 6th, so it works even if the wolf caps at 6, I checked the wording to clarify it.

Saw a couple of other copy paste errors and changed that, nothing major.

I don't see any problems with it.

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2012, 07:45:25 PM »
I don't see any problems with it.


I also realized that since I finally gave them all martial weapon proficiency battle raised (battle lord 1st level feat) wasn't actually doing anything, so I changed it. That made me change sword master sublime sword ability, because I would like to make a conjunction feat to stack sword master and battle lord and didn't want to give redundant feats.

Overall I fear there are quite a lot of wording mistakes, mostly (I hope) on the heroes, due to English being a third language to me.

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2012, 06:56:36 PM »
I'm going to proofread & edit your wording, just for fun; feel free to use any/all/none of this.

The anointed heritors follow a path of tradition and oral history that stretches back to ancestral heroes from the dawn of time, shrouded in mystery. Little of what knowledge remains is true; most has become twisted in rumor and myth, and everything that is left is subject to interpretation by the anointed heritors.

No one knows what kind of entities the heroes actually are. They might be lesser deities from times past, who are attracted to heritors as a means to hold on to some of their former power even after most of their followers have passed into memory. They might be myths that have gained power due to generations of hopeful believers, or perhaps they are just stories which  inspire the anointed heritors, who release their latent talents by tapping into a collective, primal unconscious.  Whatever they are, it is impossible to tell, as the few existing written documents date from several hundred years after the theoretical time of the heroes, and oral tradition focuses in their practices rather than their origin.

Adventures: Anointed heritors spend most of their time adventuring in order to come closer to their patron hero. By adventuring, they also expand the area of influence of the ancestral heroes in the world.  Some truly dedicated heritors acquire such a reputation for glory that, when they die, they ascend to join the ranks of the ancestral heroes themselves.

Characteristics: The most important aspect of anointed heritors are the heroes that they channel.  Through these spirit-resonances, the heritors gain access to a wide variety skills and abilities, as well as the guidance of the ancestral heroes, helping the anointed heritor in moments of need.

Alignment: Characters of any alignment can become anointed heritors, as there are heroes of several alignments and mentalities.

Religion: Religion is not normally an important part of anointed heritor's life, though the devout sometimes see the ancestral heroes as ancient quasi-deities and pay them some reverence. Those who choose to follow the path of a deity normally revere warrior deities, especially those with portfolios that include fate or strategy.

Background: Most anointed heritors begin their career studying the deeds of the heroes of yore, attempting to unravel the mysteries of their chosen hero's life. Soon they begin training to emulate their hero's fighting style, and in short order become experts, learning to draw upon the true essence of the ancestral hero (and becoming indistinguishable to a certain degree from their patron hero). By continuing the legend of their chosen hero, they empower both themselves and the hero's memory.  Once an anointed heritor has mastered the ability to channel the essence of their patron hero, they begin to learn new paths by following in the steps of other heroes.  Eventually, the heritor learns to combine the styles of multiple ancestral heroes to form their own unique legend.

Races: Every race has heroes; therefore, characters of any race can become anointed heritors.  Races with a strong oral history tradition tend to have more anointed heritors, as their ancestral heroes are better known.

Other Classes: Anointed heritors work well with companions of other classes and races. One might be awed at the stealth of rogues and their ability to finish enemies with a single strike, or perhaps drawn to the heroic ideals of a paladin; another might admire the ability of spellcasters to alter reality.

Role: Anointed heritors are generalists, able to assume different party roles dependent on their ancestral heroes. Their abilities are mostly mundane; they can fall in the middle ground between skillfull characters such as rogues or rangers and more martial characters such as fighters or paladins.  Choosing one hero over another might make the anointed heritor strive for a particular role; as he progresses in his career as an anointed heritor, he is able to fill more roles.  Regardless of their particular strengths and weaknesses, anointed heritors as a whole tend to have strong personalities and be good spokesmen.

Adaptation: By design, the ancestral heroes have been left relatively undefined.  Every anointed heritor can have a different view of the ancestral heroes, one that fits their backstory and personality. Some anointed heritors may start following an ancestral hero because it was a great figure in the history of their nation, or perhaps due to some resonance of personality. Depending on the campaign, the heroes might be renamed, or new heroes might be added with the collaboration of the DM.

In certain campaign settings, the ancestral heroes might not be as benevolent or as distant as the anointed heritor might believe.  Instead, they could be mysterious entities, remnants of once living beings trapped beyond life and death.  In those cases the "heroes" actively seek to be channeled by the anointed heritor, for they receive sustenance through the offerings and can once more experience a reasonable facsimile of life.

In other cases, perhaps the anointed heritors are literal descendants of the heroes, rather than descendants in spirit.  Just as sorcerers might draw their power from the blood of dragons in their veins, the anointed heritor inherits the heroic bloodlines of his past.  Or, in a more malicious setting, an anointed heritor might trap the souls of heroes of the past and use them to channel his nefarious powers.
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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2012, 11:14:50 PM »
I'm going to proofread & edit your wording, just for fun; feel free to use any/all/none of this.


Wow thanks, once I am less drunk in the morning I will read over it searching for my bazillion mistakes and correcting them, probably going to trust your writing and use most of it.

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2012, 11:08:04 AM »
A mug of hot tea and a couple of aspirins latter, yeah, I still have a lot to learn on how to write in English. Thanks for the rewriting I shamelessly used it all.

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Re: "Souls come unto me" The anointed heritor [base class 3.5 PEACH]
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2012, 11:42:14 AM »
No problem at all, that's what it's there for :)
I am the assassin of productivity

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