Author Topic: [3.5, Spellshapers] Magitek Knights - What Has Science Done?  (Read 2110 times)

Offline Bauglir

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[3.5, Spellshapers] Magitek Knights - What Has Science Done?
« on: February 07, 2013, 12:54:59 AM »
For a campaign I hope to run soon. CSp is the abbreviation I've used for Codices of Spellshaping. I've not posted it there, mostly because it breaks one of the most fundamental rules of the system (shaper level advancement). I needed a partial shaper, and the damage output on this is potentially rather high, so it's been... altered for this class.

Magitek Knight
“Run! Run! Or you'll be well done!”
—Kefka Palazzo, Magitek Knight

Arguments on the proper use of magical power are among the most common debates in the multiverse. Virtually every school of thought and every organization has its own position on what is the “right” goal to seek through the phenomenal power that magic can bring to bear. Some believe that violence is to be abhorred, and magic is to be used to heal the ills of the world. Others see magic as the key to innovation and progress, allowing its wielders to project their thoughts directly into reality. And so it goes, through infinite variations on infinite philosophies. But there is one ideal that always recurs in every discussion on every plane – magic as a weapon, another tool in the warrior's arsenal for conquering those less talented at the art of battle.

A magitek knight is, first and foremost, a soldier of this mindset. Though they lack the dedication to magic as an art form that other spellshapers, even those of a martial bent, possess, they are no less dedicated to their pursuit of war as art. To them, spellshaping provides one tool among many others that any competent artist should possess some talent for.

Making a Magitek Knight
The magitek knight is most at home in a melee. While her spellshaping attacks might allow her to pick off targets at range, she cannot exercise the bulk of her special abilities at range, and she lags behind other classes in pure spellshaping ability, making her less effective in such situations. The magitek knight is a good choice for a player familiar with spellshaping, who wants a different spin on melee combat than the spellshape champion can provide, or who is interested in a powerful mount.

   Abilities: Your Strength and Intelligence scores should be as high as possible, since they're critical to melee combat and your spellshaping, respectively. Constitution will help you survive damage, and Dexterity will help you make the crucial first strikes in combat.

   Races: The combination of martial prowess and intellect that makes for an effective magitek knight is rare, but humans are fairly common members of the class, as are members of any race that grants a Strength or Intelligence bonus (especially if it does not penalize the other). Elves make terrible magitek knights, because they're too busy causing cancer to learn how to take an axe to the face. Fuck elves.
   Alignment: Magitek knights can be of any alignment, but they are typically aggressive in their beliefs and seek glory in battle. While a good magitek knight might be renowned for honor and mercy, she is first and foremost known for her righteous stands against evil. Likewise, evil magitek knights are known to slaughter even helpless civilians for sport, lawful magitek knights serve to enforce the will of the law, and chaotic magitek knights may attack an ally just to see how entertaining the fight is. Naturally, these aren't hard-and-fast rules, but they are a good way to get an idea of what positions such characters might occupy in your campaign.

   Starting Gold: 6d4x10 gp (150 gp).

   Starting Age: As paladin.

Hit Die: d10
Level   Base Attack Bonus      Fort   Ref   Will   Special
Formulae Known
Formulae Prepared
1st+1+2+0+2Mounted Combat
2nd+2+3+0+3Spellstrike Blade
3rd+3+3+1+3Bonus Feat, Practiced Shaper
4th+4+4+1+4Extra Circle
5th+5+4+1+4Favored Carrier
6th+6/+1+5+2+5Machine Mastery
7th+7/+2+5+2+5Magitek Trigger, Practiced Shaper
8th+8/+3+6+2+6Bonus Feat
9th+9/+4+6+3+6Tek Beam
10th+10/+5+7+3+7Extra Circle
11th+11/+6/+1+7+3+7Practiced Shaper
13th+13/+8/+3+8+4+8Bonus Feat
14th+14/+9/+4+9+4+9One With The Machine
15th+15/+10/+5+9+5+9Extra Circle, Practiced Shaper
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+10+5+10Tek Blast
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+11+6+11Bonus Feat
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+11+6+11Practiced Shaper
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+12+6+12Perfect Synergy

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, x4 at 1st level): Concentration (Con), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Class Features
All the following are class features of the magitek knight.

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Favored Carrier
A magitek knight's favored carrier is superior to a normal set of armor of its kind, and gains special powers as described below, through tinkering and improvement performed by the knight.

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Playing a Magitek Knight
You are a warrior before anything else. You strive to perfect your martial talents, enhancing them with magic and the highest technology of your age. This combination makes you a superb front line fighter, and allows you to survive rigors others might not. However, you are less useful in areas where a mount is impractical. If this is a regular occurrence for you, you should invest in a Blast Amplifier.

You are willing to adventure solely for the love of battle, and to advance whatever causes you put your significant zeal behind. You are unlikely to take a mission that can likely be resolved peacefully, viewing it as something between a waste of your talents and better suited to another, depending on your particular degree of hubris. If you aren't putting your skill at warfare to the test against a worthy opponent, you've wasted the training and effort that went into making you who you are today. You might not actually fight the battle yourself, but you'll ensure that whoever does is doing the best they can.

Religion is unlikely to play a large role in your life, but if it does, you almost certainly worship a deity of warfare and combat, such as Erythnul, Heironeous, Hextor, or St. Cuthbert. Should you choose to follow a god, you view your skills as an expression of your devotion, and do your best to mold your combat style to follow your deity's expectations.

Other Classes
Because of your focus on warfare, you particularly respect members of other classes devoted to the same ideals. Martial adepts, fighters, and paladins are close friends to you, and you have a special affinity for spellshape champions and duskblades. Many more traditional spellcasters, particularly those who value peace and quiet, earn your disdain, but you respect their mastery of magical energies and rarely go out of your way to insult them. You enjoy the company of Warmages most among spellcasters, even if their contributions on the battlefield are lacking. You are ambivalent about members of stealthy classes; you respect stealth as a viable tactic and an effective tool, but a part of you is likely to instinctively reject them as the tools of a coward.

As soon as you can, charge to the front lines. Attack as rapidly as you can, discharging as many formulae as you are able – you can recover them quickly, and even adapt to new situations on the fly. You are not built for long, drawn out conflicts in which your opponents can slowly build up an advantage. Take advantage of your mount's offensive capabilities, and focus fire on a single target.

You gain access to more circles as you gain levels, allowing you access to a wider variety of effects, but you should always ensure that you have a focus on damaging abilities. Even so, since you change your prepared formulae so often compared to other spellshapers, it can be worth it to pick up a few unusual formulae, even if you don't expect to use them often. Try to keep a balance of minor and major formulae available, so that you run out of both at the same time and do not have to waste a round on just one or the other.

You likely were inducted into a larger force of soldiers who teach these techniques, but it's far from impossible that you developed the necessary technical, magical, and martial skills to forge the path for yourself. Either way, you're a member of this class because you seek glory through valorous action on the battlefield. Whether you're following orders or striking out on your own, you're aiming to be the best you can. Even if you're not personally fighting the war, you'll be devising strategies and tactics to ensure it's won.

As a magitek knight, your advancement is fairly straightforward. Choose bonus feats for yourself, and upgrades for your favored carrier, that reflect your personal style of combat. If you decide to multiclass, you could do worse than to take some levels of Artificer to enhance your favored carrier more efficiently. A spellshape champion's spellshape channeling ability can function well with this class, and can allow some devastating attacks involving multiple major formulae in a single round. Remember that a prestige class counts fully toward your shaper level, and so will advance it faster than staying in this class if you are a more magically-minded soldier.

Magitek Knights in the World
“I heard she fried 50 of our best soldiers in under 3 minutes!”
—Biggs, Imperial Lieutenant

Magitek knights inspire, if nothing else, fear. Primarily, their opponents fear standing toe-to-toe with a sword-swinging knight astride a huge robot that blasts apart swathes of the battlefield with lasers that are somehow made of acid. Besides this, though, their talents, along with those of artificers, inspire fear in the well-entrenched powers of the world that change might be on the horizon, and change is the last thing that anybody wants who is comfortable, safe, and powerful. The ability to create machines that use and manipulate magical power will fundamentally change the world, and here these lunatics endeavor to find the most efficient way of using that ability to kill things. This is far from a justified stereotype - there are many members of the class who do not meet this description, and who use their power to defend those who cannot and put an end to needless destruction, but even so, they are defined by their opposition to these things.

Wherever they are found, members of this class constantly redefine conflict. Ultimately, they claim, everything comes down to it, and their solution is to end it in the most brutally efficient way available. Even if physical combat turns out to be less applicable to the situation, a magitek knight remains a clever opponent, and will try to devise less direct solutions to her problems.

Daily Life
A magitek knight typically has a strict training regimen of exercises that keep her in peak physical condition. When not maintaining her body, she is likely to spend time maintaining her machines or her mind, tinkering with her favored carrier or studying new magical techniques or battle strategies. It's rare for her to have an idle moment – the most relaxing time of day for her is when she prepares her formulae for the day, taking a few minutes to calm herself and bring forth the knowledge she needs.

Magitek knights' love of battle ensures that many find places of recognition among militaries the world over. General Celes Chere is known for her honesty and straightforward actions when it comes to dealing with enemies, but rumors are beginning to fly among the officers that she's starting to have misgivings about following orders when so many of late have led to pointless deaths. On the other hand, Kefka Palazzo is universally reviled among the common soldiers for his senseless fits of anger and his tendency to order warriors to their deaths. It's a matter of opinion whether he's just incompetent, or weakening his position on the battlefield so that his later victory seems all the more miraculous in the Imperial Court. The truth is that he just likes to watch people bleed.

Magitek knights as a whole do not always have united organizations. Rather, they tend to pledge their allegiances to wider military organizations, serving on the front line or in command positions. In any case, they typically enjoy a higher status than the common soldier, whether they have noble blood or not. In some settings, magitek knights may be essentially unique to a single nation, but even in this case they owe their allegiance to that nation, rather than to some order dedicated to warriors like themselves.

NPC Reactions
In a world that contains magitek knights, they tend to be one of the most obvious classes when encountered. A man on a shining horse might be a paladin, or just take very good care of his animal, but when somebody rides into town on a giant, steam-powered machine, it's undeniable that somebody unusual has arrived. When somebody without levels in this class purchases a set of magitek armor, other characters are likely to assume that that person actually is a magitek knight, likely in service to the local rulers.

Magitek Knight Lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can research magitek knights to learn more about them.  When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including the information from lower DCs.

   DC 10: Magitek knights are warriors who augment their attacks with magic, and ride powerful mechanical mounts.

   DC 15: Magitek knights practice magic in the form of spellshaping. However, their studies in the area are shallow compared to other spellshapers.

   DC 20: A magitek knight can use their mounts as a source for their spellshape attacks, saving them actions.

Magitek Knights in the Game
Magitek knights are best suited to heroic games in which acts of bravery and valor are reliable solutions to the problems the characters face. Their defining class feature makes them extremely ineffective at stealth, and they have no particular ability to deal with social situations. They work well in a party, and will often work hard to earn the approval of their fellow adventurers. Alternatively, they may even request the party's aid in winning some battle that they feel is beyond their ability alone.

Magitek knights are an unusually focused class as currently written. They could benefit from an adaptation that allows a wider selection of mounts, such as undead, oozes, or vermin. A more extensive adaptation could allow virtually any kind of mount, or even shift the focus onto a more nimble, self-reliant type of magical warrior.

Magitek Armor
A set of Magitek Armor is a construct powered by steam and magical energy. Despite the name, a set functions as something closer to a mount than a suit of armor – the term refers to its role on the battlefield as a type of armored cavalry. While each set is a powerful tool in its own right, when piloted by a character trained in their use, they serve as powerful amplifiers for their riders' own magical energy. Because Magitek Armor is entirely mechanical, Handle Animal and Animal Affinity provide no bonuses to Ride checks involving it.

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Magitek Items
The blend of magic and technology has far wider implications than just hulking weapons of war. Some of the most common items are listed below.

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« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 02:09:10 AM by Bauglir »

Offline Bauglir

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Re: [3.5, Spellshapers] Magitek Knights - What Has Science Done?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 12:55:11 AM »
Reserved for alternate class features.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 01:02:55 AM by Bauglir »

Offline Bauglir

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Re: [3.5, Spellshapers] Magitek Knights - What Has Science Done?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 12:55:26 AM »
So, my thoughts on this class. It's too narrow a focus - I should work on coming up with enough ACFs that you can actually adapt it to fit in other concepts, largely by replacing the mount. Right now it's like an arcane kind-of-paladin with none of the ACFs that let you fill other roles and very little dip potential (nothing like Divine Grace).

Illegal as all hell, for copyright reasons. If necessary I'll change all the "k"s to "ch"s and change the names.

I'm not sure this is the best way to handle partial spellshaping - by the nature of the system, it's really difficult to implement because a lot of stuff is hardcoded into the generic rules. My first thought was to make it so that new levels of formulae are accessible every 3 levels instead of 2, but that fucks with multiclassing and, especially, prestige classing that adds to this class. Then I thought of restricting your highest 2 levels of formulae to minor formulae only (deliberately locking you out of 9th level formulae), but the circles aren't balanced with that kind of restriction in mind. DonQuixote was pretty sure that 3/4 shaper level was the best way to do it, and I can't really prove him wrong, but it feels... unsatisfying somehow. It might just be the fact that I didn't think of it myself talking. He was also pretty sure that partial spellshaping was a bad idea in principle, and he's probably right, but it's a niche I've kind of boxed myself into needing.

This is draft 1 so balance is probably fucked. Also let me know about typos, etc.

Probably ought to pillage this for ideas.

EDIT: I think I'm gonna do different mount styles for Constructs (already represented, but I'll expand the rules), Undead, Plants, Vermin, and Oozes. Plus an ACF that changes even more things and gives you a Celes-like spelleating ability series. If I ever have time. Class and a full time job yaaaaaaaaay.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 12:30:20 AM by Bauglir »