Without raising his voice the slighest Bill answers in a voice that grows more steely as he goes. Lady, this hippo lost his biological mother recently and he has found all the love and care she could have offered him in the incarnation of goodness that is Cusic here. Until the point where he can fend for himself he is entirely dependent on her as his new mother and if you separate them I am sure both would be heartbroken, but I could only guarantee the survival of Cusic. So unless you can rewrite history by bringing back the dead and retrain the natural imprinting behaviour that has already taken its course I am going to have to ask you to calm down or leave our property.Bill takes a deep breath and in a voice that is calm once again he adds an afterthought As for the chickens you may or may not see strolling around the area, they were left here through pure chance and we will treat them nicely