Chozo Warrior"..." -Samus Aran, silent protagonist.
Chozo Warriors are suit-formers trained in the style and with the equipment of the ancient Chozo race. Although the Chozo as a civilization may be long gone, their teachings live on.
Making a Chozo Warrior As a Chozo Warrior, you have access to a wide variety of abilities from your suit-forming. Your modules primarily serve to give you new capabilities in combat, mostly enhancements to your Energy Beam attacks. Several modules increase your defenses and a few improve your melee attacks, but in general you belong away from the front lines of combat, shooting your opponents with Energy Beam blasts tuned to their weaknesses.
Abilities: Like all suit-formers, your Constitution score determines how many modules you can activate at once; it also sets the saving throw DC for your modules that allow saves. A high Constitution score also increases your hit points, which is important in combat. Since you are likely to engage your enemies at range with your Energy Beam, a high Dexterity score is important to improve your attacks and increase your Armor Class.
Races: Although the Chozo Warrior traditions originated amongst the Chozo, they are now few and far between in the galaxy. As a result, most Chozo Warriors are of the other races in the galaxy.
Alignment: Chozo Warriors can be of any alignment. Many gravitate towards good alignments in following with the remnants of the teachings of the Chozo society.
Starting Gold: 3d4x10 (75 gp)
Starting Age: As ranger.
Table: The Chozo Warrior Hit Die: d8
Base Light -------Suit-Forming------
Attack Fort Ref Will Energy Suit Active Hard-point
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Beam Armor Modules Energy Attachments
1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Power Suit (Light armor), Energy Beam 1d6 +2 2 1 0
2 +1 +3 +3 +0 Beam Cannon Hard-point (+1 capacity) 1d6 +2 3 2 1
3 +2 +3 +3 +1 Fast Suit Forming (1 hour) 1d6 +3 3 2 1
4 +3 +4 +4 +1 Protected Modules 1d6 +3 4 3 1
5 +3 +4 +4 +1 Hard-points (Feet, Utility, Visor) 2d6 +3 4 3 1
6 +4 +5 +5 +2 Beam Cannon Hard-point (+1 save DC) 2d6 +4 4 4 2
7 +5 +5 +5 +2 Fast Suit Forming (10 minutes) 2d6 +4 5 5 2
8 +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Multi-weapon Beam Cannon (2) 2d6 +4 5 5 2
9 +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Hard-points (Hands, Helmet, Shielding) 2d6 +5 5 6 2
10 +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Fast Suit Forming (1 minute) 3d6 +5 6 7 3
11 +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 Beam Cannon Combo (1/day) 3d6 +5 6 8 3
12 +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Multi-weapon Beam Cannon (3) 3d6 +6 6 9 3
13 +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Beam Cannon Combo (2/day) 3d6 +6 7 10 3
14 +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Hard-points (Arms, Support) 3d6 +6 7 11 4
15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 Beam Cannon Hard-point (+2 capacity), 4d6 +7 7 12 4
Beam Cannon Combo (3/day)
16 +12/+7/+1 +10 +10 +5 Multi-weapon Beam Cannon (4) 4d6 +7 8 13 4
17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Hard-points (Core), 4d6 +7 8 14 4
Beam Cannon Combo (4/day)
18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Fast Suit Forming (1 full-round action) 4d6 +8 8 16 5
19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Beam Cannon Combo (5/day) 4d6 +8 9 18 5
20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Hyper Beam 5d6 +8 9 20 5
Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Climb, Computer Use, Concentration, Craft, Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (the planes), Listen, Profession, Ride, Spot, Survival, Swim
Class FeaturesYour primary class abilities are suit-forming and your Energy Beam. You have your own distinct module list, and the ability to attach modules to a unique hard-point - your beam cannon hard-point. Attaching modules to this hard-point can grant exceptional power to your Energy Beam attacks and infuse them with special effects and damage types. You also gain special abilities related to your beam cannon hard-point, particularly the ability to rapidly switch amongst available attached modules as the situation demands.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Chozo Warriors are proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor.
Suit-forming: A Chozo Warrior's primary ability is activating modules, which are drawn from the Chozo Warrior module list. You know and can activate any module from this list. Your suit-former level is equal to your Chozo Warrior level.
A Chozo Warrior can activate only a certain number of modules at once. Your base concurrent allotment is given on Table 2.1.1. The maximum number of modules that you can have active from this class is equal to your Constitution score minus 10, or the number on the table, whichever is lower.
At 1st level, you gain access to your suit's pool of energy, which can be invested into your active modules to increase their effects. If you already have a pool of energy, combine the two to determine the total amount of energy available. Your suit-former level determines the maximum amount of energy that can be assigned to any given module at one time, as indicated on table 3.1.1.
As a swift action, you may reallocate your energy investments amongst your active modules once each round.
Power Suit (Light armor) (Ex): At 1st level, a Chozo Warrior gains the ability to form a Power Suit and activate modules within it. This process takes 8 hours to complete, plus another 1 hour to attach any activated modules to available hard-points. Since this process is mostly automated, the Chozo Warrior can move about 1 round after beginning the process. As long as the Chozo Warrior is not involved in combat or other stressful conditions (basically anything that would interrupt a Wizard preparing spells for the day), this process continues as normal. The Chozo Warrior need not even be conscious during this time, and may sleep, eat, and walk around as normal. Each significant interruption adds one hour to the time remaining to form the suit, to a maximum of the process's normal time.
While fully formed, your Power Suit grants you an armor bonus, as indicated on table 2.1.1. It is considered light armor with an unlimited Max Dex bonus and no Armor Check Penalty. The suit is made to support itself, and does not count towards your encumbrance, although it does weigh 25 lb.
Energy Beam (Su): While her Power Suit is formed, a Chozo Warrior can choose to form a beam cannon over her one of her hands. This allows her to fire blasts of energy at her enemies, but prevents the use of her hand for other purposes. This does not interfere with the Hand hard-point, should it be available. The beam cannon can be formed or unformed as a full-round action. If you have access to the Beam Cannon hard-point, you can still attach modules to it and gain their benefits even if your beam cannon is unformed. You can only form your beam cannon while using the Power Suit you gain from Chozo Warrior levels, although some effects can alter or remove this restriction.
While the beam cannon is formed, the Chozo Warrior can fire blasts of energy as normal ranged attacks with a manufactured weapon with a 100 foot range increment, to a maximum of 5 range increments. The beam deals 1d6 damage at 1st level, plus another 1d6 every 5 Chozo Warrior levels you possess. It deals untyped damage that is affected by damage reduction. The damage dealt by the Energy Beam is considered to be from a magic weapon, and can consequently damage incorporeal creatures and bypass damage reduction appropriately.
You can have your beam cannon enchanted as though it was a masterwork ranged weapon. You must be present for the entire time it takes to enchant it.
Hard-point Attachments: Beginning at 2nd level, you can attach active modules to the hard-points that your suit has available. You cannot attach modules to hard-points with integrated equipment.
The number of hard-point attachments that you can have active at any one time depends on your level (see the Hard-point Attachments column is table 2.1.1). At 2nd level, you can attach modules to your Beam Cannon hard-point (see below). Beginning at 5th level, you can attach modules to your Feet, Utility, and Visor hard-points. At 9th level, you can attach modules to your Hands, Helmet, and Shielding hard-points. At 14th level, you can attach modules to your Arms and Support hard-points. At 17th level, you can attach modules to your Core hard-point.
Beam Cannon Hard-point: At 2nd level, you gain access to a unique hard-point: the Beam Cannon hard-point. This hard-point is not directly associated with any location on your body, although it has a strong connection to the beam cannon that you form with your Energy Beam ability.
Any module attached to your Beam Cannon hard-point has a energy capacity 1 higher than normal. At 15th level, any module attached to your Beam Cannon hard-point instead has a capacity 2 higher than normal.
At 6th level, the save DC of any module attached to your Beam Cannon hard-point is increased by 1.
Unlike normal for modules and hard-points, you can suppress the effects of attaching any of your modules to your Beam Cannon hard-point as a move action. The module is still attached to the hard-point, it just provides no extra benefits for doing so and receives none of the benefits of being attached to your Beam Cannon hard-point. You can resume its effects as a move action. This ability is primarily used when a module alters the damage type of your Energy Beam ability to something unfavorable for the current encounter, such as fire damage against a red dragon. The basic Energy Beam, while never ideal, is effective against most opponents.
Fast Suit Forming (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, the time it takes you to form your Power Suit and activate your modules is reduced to 1 hour. When you form your suit this way, any attached modules are unattached, and it still takes the normal 1 hour to attach them to your suit's hard-points. You can only do this once every 8 hours.
At 7th level, forming your Power Suit only takes 10 minutes. At 10th level, it only takes 1 minute. At 18th level, you can form your Power Suit as a single full-round action.
Protected Modules (Ex): A Chozo Warrior's Power Suit provides resistance against supernatural effects that would disrupt its function. At 4th level, a Chozo Warrior's modules gain a +2 bonus to their suit-former level to resist being suppressed. In addition, a Chozo Warrior can attempt a DC 15 Will save each round to maintain the function of her active modules inside and anti-magic field. The save DC increases by +2 each round, and the Chozo Warrior may not make subsequent Will saves if she fails until her modules have been reactivated by leaving the field. Note that other magic items and supernatural abilities (such as the Energy Beam ability) are still suppressed as normal.
Multi-Weapon Beam Cannon (Ex): Starting at 8th level, you can attach additional modules to your Beam Cannon hard-point. You can only choose to have one such module benefitting from the attachment at one time, but you can switch between them as a move action. Modules beyond the first attached this way to your Beam Cannon and only to your Beam Cannon do not count against your limit of hard-point attachments.
At 8th level, you can have up to 2 modules attached to your Beam Cannon hard-point this way. At 12th level, you can have up to 3 modules attached this way. At 16th level, you can have up to 4 modules attached this way.
Beam Cannon Combo (Su): Starting at 11th level, you can gain the benefits of all of your modules attached to your Beam Cannon with your Multi-Weapon Beam Cannon ability at once. This effect lasts for 1 round and is activated as a swift action. You can use this ability once each day at 11th level, and one additional time per day every 2 levels thereafter.
Hyper Beam (Su): At 20th level, you gain the ability to channel great reserves of power and energy into your Beam Cannon. For the duration of this ability, the energy capacity of any module attached to your Beam Cannon hard-point is doubled. Every point of energy invested in a module attached to your Beam Cannon hard-point counts as 2 points. In addition, you can activate your Beam Cannon Combo ability and switch between modules with your Multi-Weapon Beam Cannon ability each as a free action once per round while this ability is in effect.
Activating this ability is a free action and can be used once per day. It lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1).