I want to play a Goblin Wog rider. Limited to Pathfinder Core only, this limits my options. Looking around, I thought of the following build:
Dragoon Fighter 1/Boar Shaman Druid 2/Beast Rider Gendarme Cavalier 1/Boar Shaman Druid 4+
1 - Mounted Combat, Skill Focus (Ride), Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush
2 - Nature Bond (Boar), Nature Sense, Orison, Wild Empathy (porcine)
3 - Woodland Stride, Totem Transformation, Trample
4 - Exotic Mount, Ride-By Attack
5 - Trackless Step, Spirited Charge
6 - Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape 1/day
7 - Unseat
8 - Wild Shape 2/day
+ - ?
Perhaps it is overkill, but it feels like I could get a lotta gish packed in for those few levels. My DM will not allow me to change or adapt the classes or archetypes. I am limited to what is printed.
Are there better options then the ones I've chosen?