Prelude: This is just ranting to get it off my chest. No doubt there were other things I could have done in the situation.
I'm taking a freshman-level class in one of the Earth Sciences at college as I continue the world's slowest march toward an undergraduate degree. We just got back the most annoying take-home exam I can recall seeing or hearing about. Highlights include:
1. Professor expresses an expectation of 9 hours plus spent on the exam - over the course of one weekend, for a freshman-level test. I've had junior-level courses that didn't expect that long an investment of time, over a longer turn-around on the assignment.
2. A literal, pedantic reading of the "academic honesty agreement" we were required to sign means that telling another student, or my parents, or another professor WHAT I GOT ON THE EXAM puts me in violation of terms, and subject to disciplinary action.
3. Please identify the hardness of this specific mineral which is not listed on any of the allowed sources from which you may draw. Leaving it blank, saying "unknown" or "Not listed in allowed sources" gets listed as a wrong answer, while giving the right answer gets marked wrong if no source for the information is given. Giving a source that's not on the allowed list as the origin for your answer both gets marked wrong AND gets you reported to the Dean for academic dishonesty.
4. Given a scale of [for example] 1: 20000 and a river that takes up [for example] 21 inches in length on the map, how big is the map?